
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Acts 2:42

2024 Sermons

21-July-2024: "Exercising Radical Neighbourliness" - by Pastor Ferdie Umali


As we continue our series on “Sowing Seeds of Radical Compassion,” this Sunday’s message focuses on how “Radical Neighborliness” can be applied in the communities that we influence. In the story that Jesus told the lawyer, He presents the importance of showing mercy to those who are ignored and marginalized.

I. CONTEXT: The Test of Love (vv.25-29). “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

II. CONTENT: The Parable of Compassion (vv.30-35). “Who is my neighbor?”

1.Dangerous Place: “from Jerusalem to Jericho” (v.30a)

2. Difficult People: “a priest… a Levite… passed by on the other side” (vv.31-32)

3. Delightful Portrait: “But a Samaritan…” (vv.33-35)
  a. Head with Concern
  b. Heart with Charity
  c. Hands with Care

III. COMMAND: “Go and Do Likewise” (vv.36-37)

14-July-2024: "Exercising Radical Forgiveness" - by Pastor Narry Santos


Having learned how to exercise radical love (6:27-36), non-judgment (6:37-42), discipleship (9:23-26) in our earlier sermons, we now continue our series on “Sowing Seeds of Radical Compassion” (Studies from the Gospel of Luke) by seeing how we can experience radical forgiveness (7:36-50). Being forgiven does not only lead us to showing forgiveness but also to loving others more & showing our faith. Using Luke 7:36-50 (a story of contrasts between Simon the Pharisee & the unnamed sinful woman), what truths help us exercise radical forgiveness as a way of life?


Luke presents a story of contrasts between Simon the Pharisee (7:36a, 44a) who invited Jesus for dinner at Simon’s house (7:36b) & judged Jesus & the unnamed sinful woman (7:39), & the sinful woman who brought the alabaster jar of perfume, wept, wiped, & kissed Jesus’ feet & put perfume on them (7:37-38). Jesus shared a parable of 2 debtors (7:40-42) & applies it to the woman’s great love because of how she was forgiven much (7:47a). Simon loved little (7:47b) because he did not understand that he needed much forgiving as well. How does God’s forgiveness of us show in the way we love God & others?


Luke quotes 3 clauses of Jesus to show how freeing God’s forgiveness is & how faith is needed as God forgives & saves: “Your sins are forgiven (7:48; see 5:20-26); “Your faith has saved you” (7:50a); and “go in peace” (7:50b). We sense that Jesus had already forgiven the woman before the story in Luke 7, but He makes this forgiveness known to Simon & those who were in the house. In this context, faith—which is a key theme in Luke (8:48; 17:19; 18:42)—refers to believing that Jesus could forgive sins. God’s forgiveness not only frees us & leads us to faith, but it also humbles us (like Paul felt humbled over time by God’s forgiveness [1 Cor. 15:9; Eph. 3:8; 1 Tim. 1:15]). How does God’s forgiveness of us show in our life of faith?

7-July-2024: "Know and Change" - by Pastor James Diolanda

KNOW AND CHANGE  (Luke 9:23-26 NKJV)

Our sermon series, “Sowing Seeds of Radical Compassion,” encourages us to embrace change. To exercise extreme discipline, we must realize the need for a complete turnaround. Today, we will explore the standard Jesus has set in becoming a follower. By understanding His call, we will discover what it takes to fully understand discipleship. May our knowledge lead us to transformation as we embrace radical discipleship.

1. Knowing the Commitment must Change our Purpose.

v 23 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross [b]daily, and follow Me

2. Knowing the Cost must Change our Priorities.

v 24 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 25 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?

3. Knowing the Consequence must Change our Passion.

v 26 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.

30-June-2024: "Exercising Radical Non-Judgment" - by Pastor Narry Santos

(Luke 6:37-42)

Happy Canada Day long weekend! Canada is a country of diversity with varying backgrounds & beliefs. Diversity is its strength, but it can be challenging. In this context, we can become better citizens & residents of Canada when we are “Sowing Seeds of Radical Compassion” (Studies from the Gospel of Luke). Today, we will learn how to exercise radical non-judgment, along with learning what it is and what it is not. Using Luke 6:37-42, what truths help us exercise radical non-judgment as a way of life?


Non-judgment is clearly taught by Jesus: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged” (6:37a). In the previous context, we can see that being merciful (6:36) is evident in being non-judgmental. To not judge does not mean forgetting right & wrong (6:43-45) nor ignoring a life of holiness (17:3), but it means not condemning others from a judgmental heart. We are called to even make right & wise judgments (Jn. 7:24; 1 Jn. 4:1a; Jam. 2:12). Four statements follow the “sow & reap” principle related to judging, condemning (6:37b), forgiving, (6:37c), & giving (6:38a). This principle is summarized in these words: “For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (6:38c). This principle is even extended to generosity that yields great fruit (6:38b). Let’s not engage in being judgmental.


Non-judgment is compared to the point of an exaggerated story of looking “at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye” (6:41a) & paying “no attention to the plank in your own eye” (6:41b). The 2 rhetorical questions (6:41-42a) show the absurdity of judging others when we ourselves have larger issues we need to deal with. Jesus calls the one who judges as hypocrites (one who wears a mask); who can become self-righteous [18:9-14]) & urges this person to “first take the plank out of your eye, & then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (6:42b). We are also told not to judge one another (Rom. 14:10, 13). Let’s not fall in the trap of living hypocritically.

24-June-2024: "Exercising Radical Love" - by Pastor Freddie Umali

(Luke 6:27-36)

Today we will start our new series of study on the gospel of Luke that will extend until the fall season: Sowing Seeds of Radical Compassion. Where else could we find seemingly irrational ways to live in this world but from Jesus’ words. And what a privilege for me to open the series up with the topic on Christian love – which is the Savior’s secret weapon.

There are three ways to live within the world: (1) to respond to good with evil; (2) to retaliate evil with evil; and (3) to repay evil with good. The last one is Jesus’ gold standard. This is radical love – tough and gracious love.

In our text we see three ways to express this:

  1. Do goodto those who hate you (vv.27b, 29, 33).
  2. Blessthose who curse you (v.28a).
  3. Prayfor those who mistreat you (v.28b).

How can we achieve this seemingly impossible attitude toward the hostile world? It is only by the grace of God and through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we can follow the words and examples of Jesus Christ.

16-June-2024: "Learning from a loving Father"

(Luke 15:11-24)

On our GCF York 2024 family camp (with the theme “Doxology: Giving God Glory”), we are celebrating Fathers’ Day. We give God glory when we remember God as our Heavenly Father. In our time together at the camp, we have seen how we can express our doxology in Romans 15 & Galatians 6. Today, we will give God glory through the famous & well-loved parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24), which captures the fullness of God’s “prodigal” (or extravagant) love through the father of the Prodigal Son. What can we learn from the love of our heavenly Father?


            Even though the Prodigal Son wounded his father’s heart (15:11-12), even though the son went away to waste his resources in wild & wanton living (15:13-16), & even though it took time for him to come to his senses (15:17-19), the father was waiting patiently for his son’s return (15:20a). What moved him to wait patiently? It’s the father’s compassion (15:20b). When his son came back, he threw his arms around the son & kissed him (15:20c). Receive God’s compassion for you today!


Even though the son did not deserve to be received back (15:19, 21), even though the son’s actions angered his brother intensely (15:28a, 30), the father welcomed his son unconditionally (15:22) with a robe (reserved for a guest of honor), ring (signifying authority), & sandals (used by a free man). The father’s passionate love for his son led him to throw a grand party (15:23) with a fattened calf (fit for a special occasion). May we celebrate the Father’s love by sharing it with others!

9-June-2024: "Worshiping Christ, our Alpha & Omega" - by Bro. Therren

Revelation 22:12-16, 20-21

  1. These are the last words of Jesus to the world.
  2. Everyone does everything for a reward, the only difference is if we are working for a worldly or heavenly reward.
  3. Judgment shall be according to men’s works; works are according to men’s faithfulness or faithlessness.
  4. V. 14: This Beatitude, like every other, is a mark of all the children of God.
  5. V. 15: All sinners shall eternally be severed from the children of God and His presence forever.
  6. V. 20: Again the Lord says He comes quickly, to the intent that we would not delay our preparation for Him and the end of the world.
2-June-2024: "Worshiping our Lord God Almighty" - by Pastor Narry Santos

Revelation 19:1-8

We are now at the 2nd to the last sermon in our 2-month series on “Sowing Seeds of Hallelujah Love to God” (Worship through Doxologies in Revelation). Hallelujah love to our God is expressed with much joy & celebration, like what happens in winning a championship or in having a wedding. In our passage, giving hallelujah to our Lord God Almighty occurs in 4 occasions (19:1, 3, 4, 6), the only instances found in the N.T. (though it was a common term in the O.T.). Using Rev. 19:1-8, what truths help us worship our Lord God Almighty?


The 1st 3 “hallelujahs” occur in vv. 1, 3, 4, are all introduced by loud enthusiastic words that anticipate great praise (leading to 3 words of “wow”): (1) “I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: Hallelujah!” (19:1a); (2) “And again they shouted: Hallelujah!” (19:3a); & (3) “And they cried: ‘Amen, Hallelujah!’” (19:4b). The reason for such jubilation is God’s vindication (19:2b) from the corrupt world system (17:5; 18:2a) & the Antichrist (17:8a), leading to 3 words of “woe” (18:10, 16, 19). With woe leading to wow, God’s people are called to more worship (18: 20; 19:5). The content of the “hallelujah” is focused on “salvation & glory & power” that belong to God (19:1b) & on the true & just judgments of God (19:2a, 3b). For us who fear the Lord & serve God, let’s praise the Lord now & look forward to full triumph later!


The 4th “hallelujah” shifts the attention from full triumph (woe that leads to wow) to festive wedding: “for the wedding of the Lamb has come” (19:7b). The same loud excitement of praise is evident in this “hallelujah”: “Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters & like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah!’” (19:6a). The reason for this celebration is that the groom (“Lamb”; cf. Jn. 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Hos. 2:19-20; Isa. 54:5) has finally come & the bride (God’s people) is ready for the celebration (Rev. 19:7c; Eph. 5:25-27). There is another call to worship God here: “Let us rejoice & be glad & give him glory!” (19:7a). Aside from the wedding with a festive feast (19:9a), another reason for “hallelujah” is this: “For our Lord God Almighty reigns” (19:6b) as king. Though our holiness is not yet realized fully here & now in practical ways), we will be made full there & later (wholly holy, faithful, & loyal). As God’s holy people, let live righteously with great praise!

19-May-2024: "Worshiping our Just Lord & Righteous King" - by Pastor Narry Santos

Revelation 15:1-4

On this Victoria Day weekend, we resume our series on “Sowing Seeds of Love to God (Worship through Doxologies in Revelation).” So far, we have seen 5 doxologies from this book. Today, we will give glory to God by worshiping Him for being our just Lord & righteous King. Using Revelation 15:1-4, what can we learn about God’s justice & righteousness?


One of the themes in Revelation is the reality of God’s wrath (6:17; 14:10; 16:1), as an expression of His vengeance (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19). Vengeance is God’s, not ours, because we can confuse vengeance with our anger, God’s vengeance is redemptive & does not come from a place of revenge but justice. Rev. 15:1, 2a (“with fire” which is symbolic of judgment to be completed) & 15:5-8 authorize the angels to fulfill God’s final series of judgments (16:1-21). This passage teaches us that God will take up our case & see to it that justice is done. We see this reality in God’s people who will refuse to worship the beast & who will ultimately become victorious (prevailing or conquering) over the beast (15:2). Let’s not take matters into our own hands, knowing that God’s vengeance leads to our victory.


The vindicated people of God will be moved to worship God in their doxology (15:3a). The words of praise by God’s people will highlight the greatness of the “Lord Almighty God” to be seen in the following: (1) God’s works (“Great & marvelous are your deeds” [15:3b; cf. Pss. 10:24; 111:2]); (2) God’s ways (“Just & true are your ways” [15:3c; cf. Psa. 145:17]); (3) God’s worthiness (15:4a; cf. “holy” [Psa. 86:10; 99:3, 5, 9]); & (4) God’s worship (15:4b). As “King of the nations” (cf. Jer. 10:7) God will be worshiped by “all nations” (cf. Ps. 86:9) The basis for this lifting of God’s value is the revelation of God’s righteous acts (15:4c). Let’s rest on God, who is worthy of all our glorious praise, even if we have to go through tests & tribulations in life.

12-May-2024: "Mother’s Day Message" - by Pastor Narry Santos

1 Thessalonians 2:6b-9

Today, we celebrate moms (& other special women) for their ministry to us. Celebrating moms, special women & their ministry is a “double” blessing & doubly meaningful, because both mothers & ministry have similar characteristics & have twin lessons to teach us personally, as a family & as a church family. In fact, motherhood is a ministry & ministry must be like motherhood. Using 1 Thessalonians 2:6b-9, what 2 lessons can we learn from Paul about moms & ministry?


Paul sees his ministry (with Silas & Timothy) of being a blessing (not being a burden [2:6]) to people as similar to the ministry of a “mother caring for her little children” (2:7b). This care of a nursing mother (cf. Num.11:12) involves showing gentleness (2:7a) & unselfish love (2:8a). Such love does not only relate to the opening of the gospel (2:8a), but also to the opening of their lives (2:8b) to them. The motivation of love is this: “you have become so dear to us” (2:8c). Since moms (& special women) share love & gentleness, let’s commit to show love in gentle ways to one another & to those around us.


Paul also shows his ministry (with Silas & Timothy) of being a blessing (not being a burden [2:9]) to people (whom he addresses as “brothers and sisters” 12x [2:9a; cf. 1:4; 2:1, 14, 17; 3:7; 4:1, 13; 5:1, 4, 12, 25]) through their “toil and hardship” (2:9a). Their willingness to sacrifice & suffer leads them to work day and night (2:9b; cf. 2 Thes. 3:8; Acts 18:3), as they also preach the “gospel of God” (2:9c). Ministry & moms both seek to meet the holistic (both physical & spiritual) needs of those under their care. Since ministry & moms serve amid labour & hardship, let’s commit to serve one another those around us to the point of suffering & sacrifice.

5-May-2024: "Worshiping our Wise & Powerful God" - by Pastor James Diolanda

Revelation 7:9-12

As we continue our study of the Book of Revelation, we’ll explore how we can play a role in the events leading up to the end. While our contribution to this significant celebration may not be immediately evident, there are actions we can take in the present. Let’s actively engage in partnering with God as we lead lives devoted to worshipping Him.

1. Let’s be bold in sharing the Gospel

The vast multitude adorned in white robes represents those who emerge from the great tribulation, their number too vast to quantify, all united in praising the living God. Our mission on Earth is to continually contribute to this multitude by boldly and fearlessly spreading the Good News to others.

2. Let’s build up our faith in God

Our duty extends beyond merely directing others to God’s salvation; we’re also entrusted with nurturing their faith. It’s our responsibility to uplift and support each other, fostering encouragement as we collectively grow in our journey of salvation.

 3. Let’s bring glory to God

Our Earthly purpose is to honor God wholeheartedly, engaging our minds, hearts, and souls. Even the angels and all creation understand the purpose for their existence. Our duty is to worship our wise and mighty God with genuine humility and sincerity.

28-Apr-2024: "Worshiping the Lamb Who was Slain" - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

Revelation 5:11-14

Last Sunday we have studied about Jesus and His claims regarding His divinity. We were encouraged to center our worship on Him who is worthy of our praise. He deserves “to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise (v.12)! But how can we express this out with practical steps?

Today, we will study the substance of our faith and the response to such promises. Are we ready to worship the Lamb Who Was Slain?

1) PRAY: Forgiveness; Favor; Friends

2) PROCLAIM: Word; Wealth; Witness

3) PRAISE: Converted; Committed; Commanded

21-Apr-2024: "Worshiping the Savior of All Nations - by Pastor Ferdie Umali, Our Faithful Witness" - Pastor Narry Santos

Worshiping the SAVIOR of All Nations

Revelation 5:1-10

The “doxologies” in the book of Revelation that we are focusing on in our sermon series this spring season is about expressing worship to God who deserves our praise. In some of the selected passages, we learn that Jesus Christ is the object of such adoration. Is he God? In today’s message, we will be looking at the claims of the Messiah with regards to His deity as recorded in the Gospels. If His claims are true, the worship that is given to Jesus in every generation is praiseworthy. And if, like the Father, He deserves to be worshiped, the right question could be, “How should we worship Him?”

In Revelation 5 we will be looking at 2 messages (to be preached on 2 Sundays) on how we can express our worship to Jesus (the Savior of all nations and the Lamb who was slain) the way the personalities in heaven are pictured to worship Him:

A. The POSTURE that We Take. “…fell down before the Lamb” (v.8a)

B. The POSSESSIONS that We Have. “Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense” (v.8b)

C. The PRAISE That We Give. “You are worthy… because you were slain… you have made them to be a kingdom…” (vv. 9-10)

14-Apr-2024: "Worshiping Jesus, Our Faithful Witness" - Pastor Narry Santos


(Revelation 1:4-8)

Today, we continue our new two-month series on “Sowing Seeds of Hallelujah Love to God” (Worship through Doxologies in Revelation). “Hallelujah” (19:1, 6) is the Hebrew term for “praise the Lord.” Hallelujah love means that the love we show to God leads us to praise Him. As a church, we seek to learn how to worship God together (19:10; 22:9) using the 8 doxologies (i.e., words of giving glory to God) in the Book of Revelation. In the context of this book, there was much suffering (1:9; 12:11), yet there was faithful witness & worship despite the suffering of God’s people. Based on Rev. 1:4-8, how do we worship Jesus, our faithful witness in the midst of pain?


At the greeting of the book, we see God the Father described as “who is, & who was, & is to come” (1:4b, 8; see 4:8; 11:17)—Yahweh, the fuller expression of Exod. 3:14, the Eternal God. Jesus is also described similarly as the “Alpha & Omega” (1:8a, 17b; 21:6; 22:13)—showing eternal & total sovereignty over history—& “who is, & who was, & who is to come, the Almighty” (1:8; “almighty” [all-powerful One] occurs 9x in the book, showing absolute power & control). This framing shows the importance of this quality of God. The expression “from the 7 spirits before the throne” may refer to the Holy Spirit (as seen in the 7-fold Spirit of Isa. 11:2). Let’s focus our mind on our eternal God, despite our temporal existence.


In the middle of the bracket of God’s eternal nature is the doxology centered on Jesus, “the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, & the ruler of the kings of the earth” (1:5, 18; 2:8). Jesus is the perfect witness (Jn. 18:37; 1 Tim. 6:13), the powerful & resurrected Lord & supreme ruler worthy of worship & allegiance (not Caesar). Yet, the doxology emphasizes that this supreme ruler “loves us” & “freed us from our sins by his blood” & “made us to be a kingdom & priests to serve his God & Father” (1:5b-6a), God’s royal priesthood. To Jesus we give “glory & power for ever & ever!” (1:6b). To Jesus we give full allegiance & witness, just as John (1:2, 9), Antipas (2:13b), & other followers of the Lamb (6:9; 12:11; 14:4) did. When Jesus comes back in glory, nations would mourn in sorrowful repentance from sins (Zech. 12:10) or lament over divine judgment (Rev. 18:9). Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, our faithful witness!

7-Apr-2024: "Worthy of Worship" - Pastor James Diolanda

(Revelations 4:8-11)

Today, we will begin our sermon series on the Apocalypse of John, also known as the Book of Revelation. This letter contains two types of prophecy: foretelling, which predicts the future, and forthtelling, which speaks truth into the present. Our passage for today offers both types. The image of the four living creatures worshipping God is something that will be known when Christ returns. However, it also teaches us the value of worship for all believers in the present. Today, we will explore three attributes of worship that we must understand so we can give glory to the holy and worthy God.

1. Worship belongs to God.

All living creatures should bow down before the Creator. As proclaimed in Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” No one is worthy of worship except God. His goodness and grace surpass our needs and fill us with abundance.

2. Worship brings honour to God.

In verse 9, it describes worship as giving glory, honor, and thanks to God who is seated on the throne. Our primary purpose on Earth is to praise Him. The Bible does not specify how the four living creatures praised; it simply states that they did. There is no formula for worship; it’s about honoring Him from our hearts.

3. Worship binds followers together.

Worship can be done individually, but the Bible encourages us to gather and connect with one another in worship. It brings believers together to show reverence to the living God. When we come together as a body to worship God, we should do so with unity and love, reflecting the love that comes from God’s throne towards us.

31-Mar-2024: "Finding Hope in Christ's Resurrection - Ptr Narry Santos

(1 Corinthians 15:12-28)

On this Easter Sunday, we take a series break in order to discuss about hope that comes from Jesus’ resurrection. This topic is relevant in light of the reality & fear related to death & dying. We have hope because Jesus did not just rise from the dead, but He also stays alive. This hope assures us of our future resurrection & God’s full supreme authority over all the universe. Based on 1 Cor. 15:12-28, what truths can help us overcome the fear of death & find hope in God?


The Corinthian Christians believed that Christ rose from the dead, as taught by Paul & the apostles (15:1-11), but some of them did not believe in the resurrection of the dead (15:12; see Acts 17:18, 31-32)—believing instead that the spirit lives forever but not in resurrected bodies (15:13a). But Paul contests his wrong teaching: if there is no resurrection from the dead, then Christ has not been raised (15:13b, 15b, 16); our preaching & faith are useless (15:14) & futile (15:17b), & we are false witnesses (15:15a), are still in our sins (15:17b) & most pitiable (15:19), & that those who died are forever lost or experiencing total ruin (15:18). In order words, to get the resurrection wrong has grave & gross consequence (i.e., it’s useless to serve God [15:32a] & it’s better to enjoy life without God [15:32b]). Let’s not fall into this false teaching!


However, since Christ was raised from the dead (15:20a), He has become our first fruits (15:20b, 23)—the promise of a full harvest yet to be (see Rev. 1:5, 18; Rom. 6:9). Just as we were identified with Adam in death, we are also identified with Christ (the Second Adam) in His being made alive (15:21-22). This identification with Christ assures us of this resurrection order: Christ 1st, then us (15:23). Later, after Christ destroys all enemies (15:24)—including death as the last enemy (15:26)—& after He puts them under his feet (15:25, 27a; see Eph. 1:10, 22), He will be made subject to the Father (15:28a), with the result that “God may be all in all,” referring to God’s full, rightful, unchallenged supreme authority over all the universe. Let’s live the reality of this true teaching (i.e., living holy lives [15:34a] & standing firm, knowing that our labour in the Lord is not in vain [15:58])!

24-Mar-2024: "Finding Hope in our Joy and Sorrow - Ptr Therren Shelton-Szmidt

Hebrews 11:1, 32-40

1. Faith is the reception and possession of the promises in the heart before it is held in the hand and seen with the eye.

2. Faith is better demonstrated than articulated, as this chapter of faith shows. Faith is a verb (what one does), not just a noun (what one has). James 2:18

3. Modern vs. Biblical Christianity:

4. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world, even as Christ overcame and lives in us, empowering us to do the same and greater works and Himself declares. (John 16: 33)

5. Faith makes this world unworthy of us, and us worthy of another better world (v.38).

6. All these Old Testament Saints had not the light, encouragement, and hope that we New Testament Saints have been given in our glorious day of the Gospel. Therefore, we ought to take courage, for greater is our gain or loss.

7. Our Lord suffered more than all combined, so that all our suffering can be blessed instead of cursed, and we can triumph over all, knowing all wrath has been taken away by the cross.

17-Mar-2024: "Finding Hope as Anchor for our Soul - Ptr Ferdie Umali

Finding Hope as Anchor for our Soul (Certainty of God’s Salvation)

Hebrews 6:13-20

As we continue our study on selected passages in Hebrews, we see all the more how important assurance of salvation is. Fully receiving this “hope,” we have the encouragement and capacity to grow towards maturity. And now God provides a means for us to reap the benefits of such spiritual redemption. But how did this happen?

1. God establishes a COVENANT with a PROMISE (vv. 13-15) – COMMAND was Involved

2. God provides a CONFIRMATION with an OATH (vv. 16-18) – COMFORT was Insured

. God makes a CONNECTION though His SON (vv.19-20) – CONTACT was Introduced

10-Mar-2024: "Finding Hope as We Draw Near to God" - by Pastor Narry Santos

(Hebrews 10:19-25)

Today, we continue with the 3rd in our 5-part series on “Finding Unwavering Hope (Studies on Passages Containing ‘Hope’ from Hebrews).” In the context of the 1st century Christians & in our current century, discouragements occur & continue to come to Christians. Based on Heb. 10:19-25, how can we keep finding hope & not be overwhelmed with discouragement?


Discouragements can make us forget what Christ has done, lose focus on who He is, & eventually fearful & doubtful. So, after the writer to the Hebrews emphasized what Christ did (10:11-12), he highlights 2 benefits for us: (1) having full & open access to God (10:19-20)—in approaching God, we have “confidence” (10:19; see 3:6; 4:16; 10:35), meaning boldness, freedom from all fear, doubt, & inhibition. Through the “blood” & “body” (see 2:14) of Jesus, every barrier to the presence of God has been torn down. We’re also given a “new & living way” (as if it happened just now) to worship; & (2) having Christ as our high priest (10:21; see 2:17)—Christ in the heavenly courts facilitates total access as intercessor (see 7:25; Rom. 8:34) & mediator (Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24) for us. These 2 blessings wipe our discouragements away. Let’s remember Christ as our great high priest & ultimate sacrifice so we can have full access to God.


Because of who Christ is & what He has done, we are called to respond in 3 ways: (1) draw near to God with faith (10:22)—we can come to God because we’re already made free from guilt & made holy (see 10:10, 15), with Christ cleansing us & putting away our inward shame & outward impurity; (2) hold fast unswervingly to hope (10:23)—to hold fast is to be rooted, grounded, confirmed, & established in truth (see 3:1; 4:14); unswervingly is without wavering; standing firm with hope; & (3) spur one another toward love (10:24)—to spur is to stir or incite vigorously toward love & good deeds (see 6:10). The 2 ways to do these 3 responses (esp. the 3rd) are: (1) “not giving up meeting together” (10:25a), as others are already doing as a habit (due to problems & discouragements); & (2) “encouraging one another” (10:25b), especially because the end is just beyond the horizon. These 3 responses keep discouragements away. Let’s respond with faith, hope, & love in unswerving ways!

3-Mar-2024: "Jesus Our Living Hope" - by Pastor James Diolanda


(Hebrews 3:1-6)

Last Sunday, we commenced our five-part sermon series delving into the book of Hebrews. Throughout this series, our emphasis will be on discovering hope in our faithful Jesus. The foundation of Christian faith rests upon the life, teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His immense sacrifice provides us with something to anticipate and look forward to. Let us entrust ourselves entirely to Jesus, who embodies our enduring hope.


1. He is the Symbol for Holiness

Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.

2. He is the Standard for Obedience

Verse 2: He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house.

3. He is the Saviour of Mankind

Verse 6: But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.

25-Feb-2024: "Finding Hope as We Persevere" by Pastor Narry Santos

(Hebrews 6:9-12)

Today, we start our 5-part series on “Finding Unwavering Hope (Studies on Passages Containing ‘Hope’ from Hebrews).” This is in alignment to our 2024 theme, “Harvest of Hope: Sowing Seeds of Love & Compassion.” We need to have the posture of seeking & searching for hope, so that we find it in our perseverance, despite continuing discouragements. Based on Heb. 6:9-12, what can we do to find hope as we persevere?


In the context of spiritual complacency (2:1-3; 5:11-12) & severe warning from such spiritual dangers (6:4-8, 9a), the writer to the Hebrews gives warm encouragement: “we are convinced of better things in your case—the things that have to do with salvation” (6:10b). The better things relate to salvation, which includes experiencing genuine Christian life, of overcoming spiritual dangers & of sensing God’s glory that persevering believers inherit & enjoy. We are assured of better things because of God’s attribute: “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work & the love you have shown him as you have helped his people & continue to help them” (6:10).

Two authentic Christian evidences of transformation are “work” & “love” for people. The basis of our enduring faith is God’s authentic, reliable, & ongoing work in us until the end (3:6, 14; 7:25; 10:23). Let’s persevere with hope through work & love for others.


In the context of encouragement & assurance of better things (6:9-10), the writer to the Hebrews appeal to his “dear friends”: “We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized” (6:11; cf. 10:36).

Hope that is sure perseveres, & faith that is true endures. The writer continues with his appeal this way: “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith & patience inherit what has been promised” (6:12). They are to revive their spiritual energy (& not be spiritually lethargic, sluggish, or lazy [“slow to learn” in 5:11]) & to continue their obedient loyalty to God, like Abraham did (6:15) & those who entered God’s rest in the Hall of Faith (chapter 12). Hope waits with patience & works with perseverance. Let’s put on hope with diligence & patience, for “we have this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm & secure” (6:19a).

18-Feb-2024: "Hope Helps Us See as in a Mirror" by Pastor Ferdie Umali

Hope Helps Us See as in a Mirror
1 Corinthians 13:8b-13

Today, we will conclude our mini-series on “Hope and Love: Twin Values for Daily Living” based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. As the series title suggests, we as Christ-followers ought to apply or express hope and love “daily.” If love fuels our relationship with God and others, hope fixes our motivation to love.
A child of God must focus on heaven to live a life of faith, hope, and love. In verses 8-13, the apostle Paul reminds us that we act like an adult if we have future heaven in mind and warns that we act childish if eternal perspectives are done away with.
With selected biblical passages, we will learn three things that a mature Christian can look forward to:




11-Feb-2024: "Love Always Hopes" - by Pastor James Diolanda


(I Cor. 13:1-8)

February is known as love month, so for the next two Sundays we will have a short sermon series entitled, “Hope and Love: twin values for daily living”. For Christians, love holds significant importance in our lives. In 1 John 4:19, it says that “we are able to love because God first loved us”. Unfortunately, the concept of love has been watered down to a mere word in sermons. We must rediscover the fundamental essence of love, and it begins with comprehending God’s unconditional love for us. My prayer is that we will persist in living lives that resound with the love of our Heavenly Father.

1. Actions without love produce meaninglessness.

Apostle Paul urged the church in Corinth to prioritize love above all else. According to him, any accomplishments are worthless if they are not motivated by love. In the same way, we need to use it as an anchor in our daily living. With God’s help, let’s continue to live life rooted in His love.

2. The Attributes of love prompt us to move.

Apostle Paul encouraged individuals to embody God’s love by listing its characteristics. Patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not proud, etc. These attributes hold significant power and are achievable only with the assistance of God. Let us recognize the transformative power of love and be inspired to put it into action.

4-Feb-2024: "Putting our Hope in our Unchanging God - Pastor Narry Santos

(Psa. 130:1-8)

Today, we conclude our 3-part series on “Flourishing with Hope in the Lord (Studies on ‘Hope’ in Select Psalms).” Having seen the value of hoping in God’s unfailing love (Psa. 33) & God’s undying Word (Psa. 119), we now focus on putting our hope in our unchanging God Himself (Psa. 130). Psalm 130 is both: (1) a song of ascents (Psa. 120-134), a pilgrimage song for Israel as it celebrates one of its festivals & as it journeys together to go up to Jerusalem; & (2) a song of penitence (or song of repentance; Pss. 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, & 143), a song of sorrow for one’s sin. In light of our sins, what can we do as we put our hope in our unchanging God (Psa. 130:7a)?


The psalmist recognizes his own sin & its consequences (“out of the depths” [v. 1a] of spiritual danger & helplessness), cries out with despair to God (v. 1b-2a), & asks for His mercy (v. 2b). Repentance happens when we are aware of our own sin, acknowledge the spiritual dangers it brings, affirm our helplessness to overcome it & its dangers, & appeal for God’s mercy. We can appeal for mercy because God does not keep a record of sins (v. 3a), meaning to take account of sins in order to punish. If God kept such record, “who could stand?” (v. 3b), a rhetorical question expecting the answer that no one can be acquitted. But God is forgiving (v. 4a, which involves a cutting of, like a spiritual surgery that takes out a cancerous tumor from the soul), leading us to fear the Lord (reverence & gratitude). Putting our hope in God enables us to experience His mercy & forgiveness.


The psalmist continues his posture of repentance with an attitude & action of waiting for the Lord (vv. 5a [Yahweh], 6a [Adonai]). His waiting (patient anticipation) shows more eagerness than that of the watchmen (v. 6b), who await the coming of the 1st sign of dawn after waiting long in the darkness). Then the psalmist shifts from his personal sin to Israel’s national sin, asking God’s people to put their hope in the Lord (v. 7a) just as he has done (v. 5b), knowing that the Lord will bring “full redemption” (v. 7c) & will rescue or “redeem Israel from their sins” (v. 8b). Why? Because “with the Lord is unfailing love” (v. 7b). Though such unfailing love & redemption were evident in the O.T. (Psa. 111:9; 2 Sam. 7:23), they are fully fulfilled in Christ Jesus unto salvation (Eph. 1:7) & sanctification (1 Jn. 1:8-2:2). Putting our corporate hope in God makes us experience God’s love together & demonstrate our redemption through our pursuit of holy lives.

28-Jan-2024: "Putting our Hope in God's Unfailing Love" - Pastor Narry Santos

(Psa. 33:12-22)

Today, we continue our 3-part series on “Flourishing with Hope in the Lord (Studies on ‘Hope’ in Select Psalms).” Last week, we discussed the need to sow seeds of hope in a world that is increasing in hopelessness. Today, we will focus on the value of putting our hope in God & His unfailing love: “But the eyes of the Lord are… on those whose hope is in his unfailing love” (Psa. 33:18). Based on Psa. 33:12-22, we see a 3-step progression: (1) not this: “vain hope” (33:16-12); (2) but this: real hope (33:18-19); & (3) therefore, we do this: 3 deeds of hope (33:21-22). What does this 3-step progression teach us, so that we can put our hope in God & His unfailing love in 2024?



Hope comes from the vantage point of God, who forms, sees, & knows all of our hearts (33:12-15). God informs us about the vanity of putting our hope in what does not deliver us from all our mess & misery: “No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save” (33:16-17). Let’s not put our hope in vain human, natural, & material sources of help.



Hope happens when we cling to the God who protects (“the eyes of the Lord” [God’s watchful eyes signify His protection for His people; see Psa. 32:8; 34:15]) & who shows “unfailing love” (or covenant loyalty, steadfast love & faithfulness; 33:18). The warrior of God’s people is God Himself, who fights for us (Exod. 14:14; Deut. 1:30; 3:22; 20:4), so that we are truly delivered in life (33:19). Let’s put our hope in God, who loves us & fights for us.



Hope in God is evident in deeds or habits of life: (1) we wait on the Lord who helps & protects us (33:20); (2) we rejoice in the God whom we trust (33:21); & (3) we pray for God’s unfailing love (see 33:5b) to be with us as we hope in God (33:22). These deeds are the results of hope that overflows from the heart. Let us nurture these 3 habits of hope in our God of hope.

21-Jan-2024: "Putting our Hope in God's Undying Word" - Pastor Ferdie Umali

Putting our Hope in God’s Undying Word
Psalm 119:81-88

We do believe as a church that the Holy Bible is our standard of faith and practice. But what does this entail? Why is this so? What hope does it give to people? As we start a new series entitled “Flourishing with Hope in the Lord” with the studies on Hope in Select Psalms, we will focus today on the role of God’s Undying Word in circumstances that may be difficult to bear.

1. FAINTING but LONGING (v.81): “My soul faints.” (v.81a)

2. QUESTIONING but WAITING (v.82-84): “When will you comfort me?” (v.82b) “How long must your servant wait? When will you punish my persecutors?” (v.84)

3. TRUSTING and OBEYING (vv. 85-88): “All your commands are trustworthy.” (v.86a)

14-Jan-2024: "Sowing The Seeds Of Hope In a World Rooted In Hopelessness" - Pastor Narry Santos

(Jer. 29:10-14)

Today, we continue the introduction of our 2024 theme, “Harvest of Hope: Sowing Seeds of Love & Compassion,” using an O.T. passage that brings hope in a time of hopelessness. As we begin this year, we need to hang on more to the Lord, our God of hope, as we navigate a season that needs a lot of hope. Hope was what Judah (Israel’s southern kingdom) needed during its exile in Babylon for 70 years. Based on Jer. 29:10-14, what 2 truths can help us sow seeds of hope in 2024, even if we continue to live in a world rooted in hopelessness?


Despite Judah’s sense of hopelessness in its 70-year exile in Babylon (29:10a; see 25:11), God is committed to give hope. He does this by affirming His desire to fulfill His gracious will & plan for the people (29:10b, 14b), which is not for their harm but for their good future (29:11a). This truth surely brings hope. In fact, even in exile, they can prosper by building (settling down [29:5a]), blooming (being fruitful & productive through starting families [29:6] & providing sustenance [29:5b]), & blessing (seeking peace & prosperity in exile [29:7a] & praying for the city [29:7b]). Even during trials, God wants us to experience hope by living with hope now. Then in the future, God will also bring about the fulfillment of our hope (29:11b). He will orchestrate things to happen for our future best (see Deut. 30:3-5). In 2024, let’s live with hope.


Despite the difficulty to seeing the full reality of God’s plan to bring hope, God told the Jews in exile to come to Him, pray to Him (29:12a) & seek Him (29:13a), assuring them that He would listen (29:12a) & be found by them (29:13b, 14a) when they seek Him fully (29:13c). This year, there may be times when we would feel like God is allowing us to be in exile-like circumstances. What do we do in such situations? Like the Jews in exile, we need to seek Him (see Acts 17:26-27), so we may find Him in the midst of a world rooted in hopelessness. To know the reality & experience of hope now, we need to seek Him first (see Matt. 6:33). In 2024, let’s always seek the Lord, our God of hope.

7-Jan-2024: "Let's Go on a D. I. E. T." - Pastor James Diolanda

LET’S Go on a D. I. E. T.

Welcome to 2024! As we dive into this New Year may we continue to work on our faith. As we encounter trials and experience triumphs, let’s grow in our salvation and trust in the Lord always. Today, we will reap the harvest of love and compassion based on Galatians 6:7-10. As we do so, we will go on a special D.I.E.T. that will allow us to mature as followers of Christ.

Let’s make a conscientious effort this
year to cultivate and strengthen our relationship with our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Are you ready to go on a D.I.E.T.?

1. Let’s Deceive No One
   Verse 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

2. Let’s Invest Eternally
   Verse 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to
please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

3. Let’s Edify Others
   Verse 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do
not give up.

4. Let’s Treat All with Grace
   Verse 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

2023 Sermons

17-Dec-2023: "Humility of God during Christmas" - Pastor Ferdie Umali


(Luke 2:8-20)

Themes and virtues that we often hear about and during Christmas include hope, peace, joy, love, gifts, giving, kindness, forgiveness, and many more. But humility seems to be at a distance, more so when it pertains about the humility of God expressed during the advent season – the good news about Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem.

Interestingly, this good news was first heard not by the religious leaders but by the shepherds who were tending their sheep at night (Luke 2:8). An angel of the Lord told them not to be afraid because a Savior is born that will bring great joy to all the people (Luke 2:10-11) and peace on earth (Luke 2:14). Thus, the humble and hardworking shepherds became one of the main characters of the First Christmas. And in today’s message, we will learn why they were that privileged.

I. The SHEPHERDS were the FIRST to RECEIVE the GOOD NEWS of JESUS’ BIRTH (vv.8-14).

II. The SHEPHERDS were the FIRST to PROCLAIM the GOOD NEWS about CHRISTMAS (v.15-17).

III. The SHEPHERDS were the FIRST to EXPERIENCE REVIVAL in their TIME (vv. 18-20).

10-Dec-2023: "Miracle of God during Christmas" - Dr. Narry Santos


(Luke 1:26-38)

Today, we continue our new Christmas series this December, “Experiencing God during Christmas” (Studies in Luke 1-2). Though the Christmas season is not new, we can experience God in a new way this Christmas by focusing on 4 things: the blessedness, miracle, humility, & gift of God this season. We now focus on the miracle of God: “For nothing is impossible with God” (Lk. 1:37). Through the Christmas story segment in Luke 1:26-38, what do we need to know about the miracle of God during Christmas?



The context of God’s miracle is the announcement of Jesus’ birth, when God supernaturally intervened by sending angel Gabriel (1:26) with a message of God’s favour & presence, leading Mary to be troubled & fearful (1:29-30), & prompting the angel to allay her fear with God’s favour (1:30). What can fully take away her fear is knowing the content of the miracle, Jesus (1:30): “He will be great & will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord will give him the throne of his father David, & he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end” (1:32-33). Let’s enjoy more the miracle of God in Christ during Christmas.



When Mary asked how the miracle of God would occur (1:34), the angel replied by saying that the means is through the Holy Spirit’s coming upon Mary & through God’s power to “overshadow” (or show God’s powerful presence to) Mary (1:35). The validity of this means is verified when the angel informed that the “barren” Elizabeth is pregnant (1:36), & stated that “nothing is impossible with God” (1:37). Let’s remember God’s miraculous work during Christmas.

3-Dec-2023: "Christmas is all about God" - Ptr. James Diolanda


(Luke 1:39-56)

And just like that, it’s already December! This is the most wonderful time of the year for a lot of people with parties, gifts, and feasts. But as followers of Christ, we need to see the bigger picture of Christmas. On that silent night, God revealed His character to us. With the birth of Jesus Christ, He has made away to bridge the gap between His holiness and our sinfulness.  Mary, upon hearing the good news from angel Gabriel, burst out in praise. She couldn’t contain her excitement and disbelief that she expressed her emotions through a song. This Christmas, may we also sing a song of adoration to our Heavenly Father.


  1. Christmas shows us that God is Mindful of Us.

Due to the fall of man, we are destined for eternal condemnation for the consequences of sin. God couldn’t leave His creation to suffer so He sent His son, Jesus, to redeem us. This Christmas, remember that God cares for everyone.


  1. Christmas shines the light that God is Mighty to Save.

Mary couldn’t help but to sing of God’s mighty deeds for Israel. God saves those who are weak and vulnerable. He will bring down the proud and lift up the humble. This Christmas, remember that God’s power and provision is enough for us.


  1. Christmas symbolizes that God is Merciful to mankind.

Despite our sinful nature, God still chose to restore us back to our pristine glory. Just as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. This Christmas, let us receive God’s forgiveness and celebrate the victory He has given us.

26-Nov-2023: "Praising the God who Protects" - Dr. Narry Santos


( Jude 17-25)

            Today, we conclude a our 4-part series on “Keeping the Faith in the Face of Dangerous Days” (Studies in the NT Letter of Jude). Having instructed the believers to contend for the faith (vv. 1-4), to beware of dangerous living (vv. 5-16), to thrive (not just survive) in following Jesus (vv. 17-23), Jude ends his brief letter with a doxology (literally, “words of praise”). According to Jude 24-25, what does our praise of God do?


            Jude presents his doxology with the capability & capacity of God to: (1) protect us (“To him who is able to keep you from falling”)—God has the ability to protect us from harm, danger, or disaster (to watch, guard, look out for), keeping us in His grip (see Jn. 10:28-29; Phil. 1:6), so that we do not fall away like the false teachers; & (2) preserve us (“& to present you before his presence without fault & with great joy”)—God has the ability to keep us until the end (see v. 1 on the God who keeps us), so that God will later present (set, place, put forward) us to Himself “without fault” (using language for pure & perfect [spotless, blameless] sacrificial system [Lev. 1:3; Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 1:19])  & “with great joy” (both for Jesus [Heb. 12:2] & for us [1Pet. 1:8]). Thus, we are to apply God’s protecting & preserving power for us by working out such worship of God (vv. 20-23).



             Jude shifts from his focus on God’s capability (what He can do) to God’s character (who He is). Jude culminates His praise of God by focusing on 4 things: (1) God’s person (“to the only God our Savior”)—it shows that God alone saves now & tomorrow in all areas of life; (2) God’s prominence (“be glory, majesty, power & authority”)—it highlights that God is full of honor, fame, greatness, & control; (3) God’s perfection (“through Jesus Christ our Lord”)—it emphasizes that God fulfills all His promises in Jesus; & (4) God’s permanence (“before all ages, now & forevermore”)—it stresses that God encompasses all of eternity (past, present, future) due to His immutability (unchanging quality). Because of these magnificent expressions of God’s character, we give God our greatest glory with our words (see 1 Tim. 1:17; 1 Pet. 4:11b; Rev. 1:6; 4:11; 5:12-13; 7:12; 19:1).


19-Nov-2023: "Praising the God who Protect Us" - Ptr. Ferdie Umali

Praising The God Who Protects Us

Jude 24-25

The concluding verses of the epistle of Jude is one of the most beautiful benedictions in the New Testament (cf. Rom 11:33-36; 16:25-27; 2Cor 13:14; Heb 13:20-21). Our Christian life may be threatened with “falling” and “fault” because of false teachers that are creeping in the churches with their doctrines and deeds. But we have a “God who is able.” He is our Keeper (v.24a), Presenter (v.24b) and Savior (v.25)!

How should we then respond?

1. ACKNOWLEDGE Christ for who He is as the Bible declares.


2. BELIEVE that He has the authority to change lives.


3. CONSECRATE ourselves until the coming of the Lord.

11-Nov-2023: "Contending for Our Faith" - Dr. Narry Santos


(Jude 1-4)

            Today, we continue our new 4-part series on “Keeping the Faith in the Face of Dangerous Days” (Studies in the NT Letter of Jude). We live in dangerous days around where we live (through growing carjacking, theft, and violence) and even across nations we know (through wars in Ukraine and Israel). In these times, it’s important to know how to keep our faith. To do this, we begin our series with the contrast of godly & godless lives that help us discern to contend for our faith. According to Jude 1-4, how do we contend for our faith?


            Jude (“servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James,” v. 1a) personally knew what it was to first live an ungodly life (see John 7:5) & then later on to live a godly one (see Acts 1:14). His letter’s introduction tells us 2 things that enable us to live godly lives: (1) the triad of being “called, loved, & kept” (v. 1b)—being called is the past blessing of God’s sovereign grace to bring us to Himself; being loved is the present blessing of God’s daily concern for us; being kept is a future blessing of God’s spiritual preservation for us; & (2) “triad of “mercy, peace, & love” (v. 2)—mercy in difficult days; peace when evil abounds; love in periods of peril. These 2 triads equip us to live in increasing & multiplying godliness.


            Jude clearly presented his purpose for writing (v.3a): since our faith is in danger (like having wolves that threaten the flock), we need to contend (“agonize earnestly”; used for wrestling matches) for the faith (whole body of gospel truths), which was “once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (v. 3b)—the handed-down non-negotiable essentials of the gospel through the apostles. The danger came through false teachers who had “secretly slipped in” (v. 4a) unnoticed (as through a side door). These dangerous people were described through a triad (v. 4b): (1) “ungodly people” (unlike God & disregarding God); (2) who “pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality” (changing the good [God’s grace] into something bad [as license for licentious & lewd living]); & (3) who “deny Jesus Christ our Sovereign & Lord” (repudiating or disowning Christ through their heretical doctrines & immoral lives). These dangerous people (with their beliefs & behavior) need to be avoided (so we don’t follow according to their words & ways).

5-Nov-2023: "But wait..." - Ptr. James Diolanda


(Jude 5-11; 16)

As we welcome the month of November, we are also diving into a new sermon series on the book of Jude. We will talking about, “Keeping the Faith in the Face of Dangerous Days”. How can we keep our faith amid wickedness around us? Can we remain strong in Christ despite the challenges the world brings? As we start our study for today, we will see God’s warnings against dangerous living and its consequence. As grim as it may be there is hope if we believe in the salvation of Jesus Christ. I pray that we will choose to follow and obey Him for the rest of our lives.


1. The Pull of Sin is Deception. But Wait, God gave us the Truth in Jesus

Satan is known as the Father of Lies. His evil scheme involves blinding people to see the truth. Verses 5 to 7 tells us the groups of people who fell from Satan’s wicked plan. We need to receive the truth God has given us through His Son, Jesus. May we live in faith to avoid falling into Satan’s traps.


 2. The Purpose of Sin is to Destroy. But Wait, God’s grace welcomes us into His Family.

Evil exists to create chaos in our lives. It breaks relationships, it wreaks havoc in all creation, and it inflicts damage to all aspects of our lives. We need to realize that God has offered us an invitation to be part of His royal family. This will grant us a new life in Christ; turn from our old ways and embrace the hope He provides.

3. The Punishment of Sin is Death. But wait, God’s gift is Eternal Life

The consequence of sin is inevitable to those who do not believe in God. Their eternal destination is condemnation in the lake of fire. We need to live a life that is pleasing to God, and it is only possible if we receive Jesus as our Saviour. May we accept His free offer of salvation.

29-Oct-2023: "It's Time to See a Bright Future" - Ptr. Therren Shelton-Szmidt

It’s Time to See a Bright Future

(Haggai 2.20-23)


  1. All shall be shaken but the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. (Heb.12.25-29)
  2. The kingdom of heaven advances on earth by the preaching of the gospel, which shakes spiritual dominions, and translates souls from the kingdom of darkness to light. (Acts 17.6)
  3. Jesus Christ is God’s ultimate Servant, Signet and Chosen.
  4. We are chosen in Christ Jesus to be His people from before the foundation of the world. (Eph.1.4)
  5. Jesus Christ is the Signet on God’s right hand, the Right arm of the Lord, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
  6. All things here are uncertain; only what’s to come hereafter is certain (death, judgment, and heaven or hell). Build your life upon and put your trust in the only Rock that cannot be shaken: the Rock of ages. (Matt.7.24-7)
22-Oct-2023: "It's time to be blessed" - Dr. Narry Santos


(Haggai 2:10-19)


            Today, we turn to the 4th of our 5-part series on “It’s about Time: Rebuilding Together in Broken Times” (Studies in The Book of Haggai). We are used to times of brokenness & burden; we long for times that mend our brokenness & shift our burden to blessing. In other words, it’s time to turn “life from before” to “life from now on.” According to Hag. 2:10-19, how do we do that?


            God teaches His people through Haggai (2:10; see 1:15; 21:1) about the folly of disobedience & uncleanness (as the consequence of unholiness), using the rituals of holiness (2:11-12) & of defilement (2:13). These rituals visualize for God’s people how holiness is hard to transmit and how uncleanness is easy to transfer (even contagious to spread). In their case, disobedience (i.e., not rebuilding the broken temple) brought economic disasters (2:16-17a; see 1:9-11) & unacceptable sacrifice to God. The purpose of all these consequences is for God’s people to return to God (2:17b; see Amos 4:9). Let’s break free from brokenness by returning to the Lord!



            God reminds His people thrice to “give careful thought” (2:15, 18a, 18b) not just about their past disobedience & its consequences (2:15) but also about their present (2:18) & its potential different trajectory for the future. The words “from this day on” (2:18a, 19b) offer hope of how brokenness can turn to blessedness (2:19b), how the new beginning of laying the foundation of the Lord’s temple can reverse the empty barn with future fruitfulness (2:19a) that leads to peace, prosperity, & blessing. Let’s break through toward blessedness by obedience, holiness, & reconstructing what’s broken.


15-Oct-2023: "It's time to take courage" - Ptr. Ferdie Umali


Bible Text: Haggai 2:1-9

Today we will continue our series on “Rebuilding Together in Broken Times: Studies from the Book of Haggai.” In chapter 1 of the book, we saw the importance of building the temple of God, which the Israelites didn’t recognize at first. (The First Temple was constructed during the reign of King Solomon and was completed in 957BC. It was destroyed in 586BC by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon when he conquered Jerusalem.) When they began to build the foundation, the work stalled for 16 years. Their priorities were checked by God through the prophet Haggai and they were exhorted to put valued time and efforts to build God’s temple. In chapter 2, Haggai delivered 3 more brief messages to encourage the workers to complete their assignments. In the first message in this chapter (vv. 1-9), we will rediscover the impact of God’s promises to the temple builders – promises that we could cling on to in our daily life as well, especially when we feel discouraged:

  1. COMFORTof GOD’S PRESENCE: “I am with you” (v.4b). “My Spirit remains among you” (v.5b).


  1. CONTINUITYof GOD’S PROVISION: “I will shake” (vv.6-7a). “I will fill this house with glory” (v.7b).


  1. CONFIRMATIONof GOD’S POWER: “The glory of this present house will be greater… and in this place I will grant peace” (v.9).



8-Oct-2023: "It's time to give thanks no matter what" - Dr. Narry Santos


(Psalm 100:1-5)

            On this Thanksgiving weekend, we take a break from our sermon series & focus on this singular thought: “It’s Time to Give Thanks No Matter What,” based on Psalm 100. Given our challenging & changing conditions, we need to be reminded again & again: “There is always so much more to thank God for.” According to Psalm 100, what can keep us always thankful?


            The 1st 3-fold call to praise is for all creation (“all the earth,” 100:1b). The 2-fold emphasis of worship is: (1) focused on God; & (2) filled with joy (“shout for joy to the Lord” [100:1a]—response to victory [Psa. 10:8b] & celebration of God’s rule; “worship the Lord with gladness” [100:2a]—response of intentionality; “come before him with joyful songs”—response from the heart [100:2b]). The reason for this 3-fold call comes from the knowledge & appreciation of our covenant relationship with the Lord (Yahweh [the proper name of the one true God, the “existing One”], to whom we give renewed allegiance & because of whom we renounce other gods): “know that the Lord is God” (100:3a). Our being has meaning because we belong to God who made us family: “we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture” (100:3b). Let’s praise God with great joy!



            The 2nd 4-fold call to praise is for all His children (cf. v. 3). The 2-fold emphasis of worship is: (2) focused on corporate praise of God; & (2) filled with thanksgiving (“enter his gates with thanksgiving & his courts with praise; give thanks to him & praise his name” [100:4]). The reason for this 4-fold call comes from the 3-fold nature of God (His “goodness,” “love,” & “faithfulness” [100:5]). These 3 qualities show God’s careful & personal care for His people & God’s mutual & reciprocal nature: God’s goodness shows His love; God’s love shows His faithfulness; God’s faithfulness shows His goodness. These 3 qualities will also remain to be true & unchanging (“his love endures forever” & “his faithfulness continues through all generations”). Let’s praise God with great gratitude!

1-Oct-2023: "Live Carefully" - Ptr. James Diolanda


(Haggai 1:1-11)

We will continue our sermon series entitled, “It’s About Time: Rebuilding Together in Broken Times” based on the book of Haggai. After 16 years of stagnation, God finally had enough and commanded Haggai to encourage the people to finish the temple. Our lifestyle could get in the way of serving the Lord. We must understand that we are called to obey Him. It may be challenging and inconvenient, but the reward is fulfilling. May we live a life that glorifies our Heavenly Father.

  1. Rebuild our Personal Time with God

Do we spend enough time with our Heavenly Father? Reading His Holy Word, praying to Him and acknowledging all His blessings. God is giving us a nudge to spend quality moments with Him. May we see the value in connecting with God even more.

  1. Re-prioritize What Matters to Us.

What does our priority list look like? Do we organize them based on worldly standards or God’s calling? I pray that as followers, we will put importance to the things that give honour to the Lord.

  1. Realize the Fullness of God

We know about the goodness of God, we know about God being our friend, we know about God being so loving and caring, but do we know that God is jealous, fair and He is able to express wrath? May we see the overall nature of our Heavenly Father and serve Him for who He is.

24-Sep-2023: "It's Time to Obey Always" - Ptr. Narry Santos


(Haggai 1:12-15)

             Today, we start our 5-part series on “It’s about Time: Rebuilding Together in Broken Times” (Study Series from the OT Prophet Haggai). For 16 years, the people of Judah stopped rebuilding the Temple (after doing it in the 1st 2 years upon their return from exile). So, it was time for them to rebuild & reprioritize God again. According to Haggai 1:12-15, how do we respond when God captures our attention to do His will?


            After Judah’s return from exile, the people rebuilt their houses with paneled walls but left God’s house in ruins (1:2, 4). Through Haggai, God challenged them to “give careful thought to your ways” (“to set your hearts,” see 1:5, 7; 2:15, 18, [2x]) & reset their misplaced priorities (1:8-9). Zerubbabel (Judah’s leader), Joshua (high priest), & the remnant (who survived the exile & emerged as purified & faithful) of the people “obeyed the voice of the Lord their God & the message of the prophet Haggai” (1:12a), because they saw Haggai as sent by God (1:12b) & as the Lord’s messenger (1:13a). As a result, “the people feared the Lord” (1:12c). Let’s obey God & fear Him always.


             To motivate the remnants of Judah to fulfill their decision to obey, God assured them of His presence (“I am with you” [1:13], see Isa. 10:21; 41:10; 43:5; Jer. 30:10-11). God showed His presence by stirring (or energizing, inspiring, sparkling enthusiasm of) the spirit of Zerubbabel, Joshua, & the remnant (1:14a) to work on the house of the Lord (1:14b). It took 23 days to restart the rebuilding (1:1, 15) because it was the time to harvest figs, grapes, & pomegranates (6th month) & to plan for the rebuilding & to gather the materials for it (1:8a). God’s presence moves us to work on God’s will for us. Let God inspire us to do His work.





17-Sep-2023: "Shepherding God's People" - Ptr. Narry Santos


(1 Peter 5:1-4)


            Today, we have come to the last sermon in our 13-part series on “Breaking down Barriers Despite our Sufferings” (Study Series on 1 Peter). In this last major part of Peter’s 1st letter, we see the significant role of God’s leaders in caring for or shepherding God’s people. Care for others is the mark of relationships that attracts people to God’s love. According to 1 Peter 5:1-4, how do we care for people?


            Peter clearly exhorts his fellow-elders (who are to share in Christ’s present suffering & future glory): “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them” (5:2a). This command of care is the same mandate Jesus gave thrice times to Peter at Christ’s post-resurrection appearance: “feed my lambs” (Jn. 21:15b); “take care of my sheep” (21:16b); & “feed my sheep” (21:17b), requiring the tasks of providing & protecting the flock. The context of Peter’s reinstatement to Christ’s mission is his denial of Jesus thrice (yet Christ cared for him in Lk. 21:31-32 & Mk. 10:42-43 [“not so with you”]; the context of the elders is their suffering for Christ). The best way to feed & protect the spiritual flock of God is to always return to “the Shepherd & Overseer of your souls” (2:25), to look forward to the glorious return of our “Chief Shepherd” (5:4a), & to remember that we will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away (5:4b).


            Peter presents 3 pairs of negative & positive exhortations in how to shepherd others: (1) “not because you must, but because you are willing” (5:2b)—Jesus modeled laying down even his own life & not having it taken away from it (Jn. 10:17-18); (2) “not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve” (5:2c)—Jesus modeled what it means not to be served but to serve (Mk. 10:44-45); & (3) “not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock” (5:3a)—Jesus did not lord it over the disciples (not force rule over others nor threaten them) but he served him, telling his disciples to do the same (Mk. 10:42-43). Doing these 3 pairs is valuable in developing Christlike values in our lives, relationships, & ministry).




3-Sep-2023: "Humility during sufferings" - Ptr. James Diolanda


(1 Peter 5:5-11 NLT)

 As we continue our lengthy sermon series based on 1 Peter entitled, Break Down Barriers Despite our Sufferings, we will learn how to be humble and be gentle in spirit. When trials come our way, we tend to do things our way. God is encouraging us to seek help and ask for guidance for He opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. We need to exercise humility as we deal with all the tests that come at us. With our kind attitude, may we see the goodness of God even in our sufferings.


  1. Humility that Seeks help from others.

5 In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. And all of you, dress yourselves in humility as you relate to one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”


  1. Humility that Surrenders to God’s sovereignty

 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.


  1. Humility that Stays vigilant against the enemy

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.


  1. Humility that Shines God’s glory

10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. 11 All power to him forever! Amen.

    27-Aug-2023: "No Shame in Suffering for our Savior" - by Dr. Narry Santos

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    (1 Peter 4 :12-19)

                With the anticipation of more suffering & pain (1 Pet. 4:12a) comes more blessing in seeing how God is more at work. Better perspectives in handling suffering are built in our inner being & behavior, including the perspective that it is no shame to suffer for our Savior (4:16). According to 1 Peter 4:12–19, what are enriching perspectives on suffering that bring more honor to God?


                 Peter anticipates more suffering as “fiery ordeal” (painful trial like burning fire; 4:12a). A helpful perspective here is not to be surprised by it (4:12b), but to see it as sharing in Christ’s suffering (4:13a), so that we can also share in the joy of His coming glory (4:13b) & be blessed with the Spirit’s presence (4:14b), despite being insulted for Christ (4:14a; see Matt. 5:11).


                Peter also gives us perspective on distinguishing suffering for wrongdoing (4:15) (which one deserves as a needless suffering & brings shame to the name of Christ) & suffering as a Christian (4:16a; see Acts 11:16, 26b). Suffering as a Christian (member of Christ’s party or partisan follower who goes through needful suffering) is an honor (not a shame) & leads to praise to God (4:16b)


                 Peter adds the perspective of differentiating the purpose & outcome for a Christian & non-Christian: judgment that leads to being purified is for a Christian (4:17a, 18a) who goes through fiery ordeal now (like fire that purifies gold), & judgment that leads to punishment is for a non-Christian (4:17b, 18b) who will experience fire in the future (like wildfire that consumes). So, the Christian who suffers according to God’s will needs to exercise faith (“commit” oneself = to deposit for safekeeping) in our “faithful Creator” & to continue doing good (4:19).

      20-Aug-2023: "Harmony Essentials" - by Ptr. Ferdie Umali

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      1 Peter 3:8-12

      As children in the same spiritual (church) family we need to learn how to get along with others. Although we are uniquely created by God and different from each other, we have overwhelming points of unity to live in harmony. Through the apostle Peter’s letter, we have learned that we belong to the same family (1 Pet 1:3). We are like living stones in the same spiritual building (1 Pet 2:5a), priests in the same holy temple (1 Pet 2:5b), fellow citizens in the kingdom of heaven (1 Pet 2:10), and co-servants of the same God (1 Pet 2:16). Thus, we are exhorted to live as such. Today we are going to learn three essentials to achieve and maintain harmony in the church:

       1. UNITYin faith and purpose: “all of you be of one mind” (v.8a, NKJV) (cf. Ephesians 4:4-6; Matthew 28:18-20)

       2. HUMILITY in the exercise of skills and spiritual talents: “be humble” (v.8c) (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:20-25; Ephesians 4:11-13)

       3. CONSISTENCYin our walk in Christ: “love one another” (v.8b) “repay evil with blessing” (v.9b) (cf. 1 Peter 4:8; John 13:34-35)

        13-Aug-2023: "Self-Control & Service in Suffering" - by Narry Santos

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        (1 Peter 4 :1-11)

        Knowing our new identity in Christ (1:1–2:10), we can now think & live differently (2:11–3:22) in the midst of suffering. In our passage today, we will see how suffering leads us to a new way of thinking & living (4:1-6), & how we can develop internally & externally (4:7-11). According to 1 Peter 4:1–11, what does suffering do for us in light of our new identity in Christ?


        Peter presents Christ’s own suffering (2:15; 3:17; 4:1, 19) as the basis for the believers to think & live differently. Just as Christ was determined to do God’s will & obey God, so the believers are to “arm themselves with the same attitude” (4:4b)—depicting the picture of a soldier putting on an armor (see Eph. 6:13)—of radical resolve to obey God & His will. This radical resolve of Christ’s followers is to be seen in their being done with sin (4:1b) & in their contrasting life before Christ & their present countercultural lifestyle (4:2-3; see Rom. 6:6-7), knowing that God will vindicate them later from an unbelieving world (4:5-6). Through God’s transforming work, we (like the audience of Peter) can face our suffering (like Christ did) & live differently (as Christ desires for us to do so).


         Peter also presents the perspective on & practice of suffering in the context of the end of all things being near (4:7a). In light of the believers’ definitive break from the past & its old habits, we are to live differently in light of the future return of Christ. Thus, we are to be alert & be of sober mind (i.e., be self-controlled) to aid in our prayer life (4:7b), to be deep in loving others (4:8a), to offer hospitality without grumbling (4:9), & to speak & serve as God’s stewards (4:10-11). We are to speak the very words of God & to serve with God’s strength. The result of such stewardship & service in suffering is that “in all things, God may be praised through Christ” (4:11a) & that we in doxology give God glory & declare His power forever (4:11b). We are called to do the same.


          6-Aug-2023: "Answering the Marriage Call" - by Ptr. James Diolanda

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          (1 Peter 3:1-7)

          As we continue our lengthy sermon series, we will dive in to world of Marriage. God has created a wonderful concept of 2 people becoming one in Genesis 2:24. Once together, He gave instructions on how the relationship should be. Wives must submit to their husbands and husbands must love and respect their wives. May we keep these commandments in our hearts so we could improve our connection and communication with our spouse.

          God’s instructions for the wives:

          A. Submission in Reverence to the Lord
          B. Show it, Don’t Say it!
          C. Spend More in Beauty from Within

          These are the commandments given to the wives by God. You must always seek to glorify Him as you connect and communicate with your spouse.

          God’s instructions for the husbands:

          A. Respect Her in Obedience to the Lord
          B. Realize that you are Married to God’s Daughter

          Husbands must express complete love to their wives for this is God’s call for us. We need to treat them accordingly for this is right in God’s sight.

          God’s instructions for anyone in a relationship:

          A. Honour them as you honour God

          As we relate well with others we must obey and revere God’s
          commandments. For the married couples, may we make every effort to
          answer the call of Marriage designed by our Heavenly Father. For all
          the believers, let’s work on our relationship with others for it pleases
          the Lord, our God.

            30-July-2023: "Submission to the Shepherd of our Souls" - by Ptr. Ferdie Umali

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            (1 Pet. 2:21-25)

            Last Sunday, we started to hear about the importance of submission to authorities as practically expressed in the society we live in. Today we will particularly be dealing with submission to Jesus Christ being the Saviour of our souls. Who is Jesus? What are the things that He did that established His authority? How are we going to respond?

            1.  Christ SUFFERED for us unselfishly (vv.21a,22)
              1. He was sinless in His life: “He committed no sin” (v.22a).
              2. He was sinless with His lips: “No deceit was found in his mouth” (v.22b).
            2. Christ SET a good example for us to follow (vv.21b,23)
              1. He was calm: “He did not retaliate” (v.23a).
              2. He was compassionate: “He made no threats” (v.23b).
              3. He was committed to God: “He entrusted himself to him who judges justly” (v.23c).
            3. Christ SAVED us (vv.24-25)
              1. Substitution: “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross (v.24a).
              2. Sanctification: “by his wounds you have been healed” (v.24b).
              3. Security: “you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls” (v.25).
              23-July-2023: "Submission to Authorities" - by Ptr. Therren Szmidt

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              (1 Peter 2:13-20)


              1. All superiority and authorities are ordained of God, and ought to be obeyed from conscience toward God.
              2. Is it lawful to ever disobey our superiors?
              3. We may put to silence the railings of foolish men by living opposite lives of what they falsely accuse us of, as Paul did. 2 Cor. 6.3-10
              4. What is true and false Christian freedom?
              5. An early church creed that is ever relevant for how we should live amongst our neighbors, church and state.
              6. How should we read scriptures on slavery?
              7. Endure hardships by keeping God always in view.
              8. The glory of suffering patiently, and the vindication that is to come for all of God’s saints.
              9. This sermon (especially the beginning) is relevant for everyone, because of the times that we are hastily heading into. We will only be able to stand then if we prepare now.
                16-July-2023: “Living Stones in God's Spiritual House" - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (1 Peter 2:4-10)

                Today, we continue with the 4th part of our new 12-part series on “Breaking down Barriers Despite our Sufferings” (Study Series on 1 Peter). One of the possible consequences of intense suffering & pain is that they may tempt us to feel that we are inferior or insignificant. But Peter assures the suffering believers that God sees them as precious & usable for God. According to 1 Peter 1:13-25, what is our new identity in Christ?

                I. WE ARE PRECIOUS AS LIVING STONES (2:4-8)

                Peter argues that as living stones, we are precious to God, based on how precious Jesus Christ is as the “living Stone” (2:4) to the Father. Christ is the “chosen by God & precious to him” (1:5), the “chosen & precious cornerstone” (2:6; the most important stone in any building), & to believers (1:8b, 21; 2:7) who obey Christ (1:2, 14, 22), He is also precious (“this stone is precious” [2:7]). Because Christ is the “living Stone,” we are “like living stones” (2:5a), “being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (2:5b). Our new identity in Christ makes us serve God as holy priests in God’s family.

                II. WE BELONG TO GOD AS HIS PEOPLE (2:9-10)

                Peter also presents how precious we are to God by describing our new identity in Christ: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (2:9a). The purpose of our new identity in Christ is so that we “may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (2:9b). To declare the praises of God means to express the manifestation of God’s divine power, eminent qualities, excellencies, & virtues. Though we were not God’s people before, we now are; though we did not receive mercy before; now we have received it (2:10). In other words, in Christ, we will never be put to shame (literally, a double negative that implies “never indeed”) (2:6c). Our honorable new identity in Christ leads us to declare further God’s praises among the people.

                9-July-2023: First Standard of Scriptures: Holiness - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (1 Peter 1:13-25)

                Today, we continue with the 3rd part of our new 12-part series on “Breaking down Barriers Despite our Sufferings” (Study Series on 1 Peter). Scriptures (1:23-25) instruct us to live holy lives (1:15) in the midst of our suffering. Last week, we looked at how Scriptures serve as the spiritual milk in our salvation (2:1-3). Later in our series, we will see that Scriptures exhort us to also live in harmony with others (3:8-22) & in humility with them (5:5-11). According to 1 Peter 1:13-25, how can we live a life of godliness?

                I. HAVE HOPE & BE HOLY (1:13-21)

                Scriptures admonishes us: (1) to have full hope (set with complete & unchangeable determination) by having our “minds that are alert” (prepared for action; tough-minded in thinking differently) & “fully sober” (self-controlled, free from mental or spiritual “drunkenness” or excesses) (1:13); & (2) to be holy “in all you do” (1:15a) as God’s children & in view of God’s holiness (1:15b), by “not conforming” to our evil desires before (1:14). The motivations to be holy are as follows: (1) our knowledge of God as our impartial Father (1:17); & (2) our knowledge of Jesus Christ & His costly sacrifice (1:18-21). So, in light of all these, let’s think & live differently than we used to do: in holiness with reverent fear (tender conscience; watchfulness against temptation; avoidance of what displeases God).

                II. LOVE ONE ANOTHER DEEPLY (1:22-25)

                Scriptures admonishes us to “love one another deeply, from the heart” (1:22b), on the basis of our having purified ourselves by obeying the truth so that we have sincere love for each other (1:22a). The word “deeply” means “at full stretch, all-out manner with intense strain” (cf. 4:8) or earnestly (cf. Ac. 12:5; Lk. 22:44). We are to love one another earnestly from the heart, with a changed heart that acts with pure motives & that seeks to give more to others than to receive for ourselves. Thus, our faith (1:5, 7, 9) & hope (1:3, 13) in God results in our loving God by loving others.

                2-July-2023: Grow and Go - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                GROW AND GO
                (1 Peter 2-1-3)

                As we dive into the 2nd part of the 12-part Sermon Series, we will look at the benefits of drinking pure spiritual milk. We all know that milk is essential for infants to take in nutrients in order for them to grow. Peter is encouraging the Christians to mature in faith by relying on the goodness of God. As believers of Christ, we need to hold on to His teachings and eventually apply them in our daily lives. We need to be able to grow and go for God despite of the hurdles along the way. I pray that this sermon will inspire us to mature in faith knowing that in every trial He will be with us. Let’s break down the barriers that are preventing us from growing in Christ.

                1. Clean Up Our Unholy Acts
                Peter was emphasizing the importance of being holy in the eyes of God. We need to get rid of our evil behaviour that keeps us from experiencing the full goodness of the Lord. Let’s surrender all our sin and allow Him to change us from the inside out.

                2. Crave for God’s Goodness
                For us to grow in faith, we need to long for God’s grace. We need to make an effort to live for Him and make sure that everything we do is pleasing in His sight. As followers, let’s yearn for the goodness of God in our lives and may we spread His love to those around us.

                3. Consistently Practice Godliness
                For us to spiritually mature, we need to constantly practice the teachings of Christ. God has given us everything we need to develop a strong faith in Him, so we just need to put them into action. May we continue to trust in the Lord despite of the many trials in our lives.

                25-June-2023: Strengthened, Shielded, Saved and Secure in Suffering - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (1 Peter 1:1-9)

                Today, we start with the first part of our new 12-part series on “Breaking down Barriers Despite our Sufferings” (Study Series on 1 Peter). Strangers who are scattered in the world (1:1) have many barriers & sufferings. In our introductory sermon, we will talk about the supply of spiritual strength from God in our suffering (1:1-2), & will discuss that we are shielded, saved, & secure despite our suffering for Christ (1:3-9). What can we learn from God in our time of suffering?


                Peter highlights our new identity in Christ by presenting the Father’s choice of us, the Spirit’s sanctifying work, & our obedience through Christ’s blood (1:2) & God’s mercy in giving us new birth into a living hope (1:3b) & permanent inheritance (1:4). This “living” (1:3, 23; 2:4-5; 4:5-6) hope is sure, certain, & real. The permanent inheritance (“that can never perish, spoil or fade,” refers to the “salvation of our souls” [1:9b]) is both “kept” (perfect tense shows a past act with abiding results) & “ready” to be revealed in the last day. Our new identity in Christ (based on His death, resurrection, & ascension) enables us to experience that God shields us (present tense shows continuing process) by His power until the end (1:5). As a result of our salvation (with past, present, & future components), we can praise the “God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1:3a). Let’s remember who we are in Christ & respond with praise to God!


                Because of our new identity in Christ, we suffer for Christ (1:6b). Our suffering is brief (1:6b; 5:10) & within God’s will (4:19). It yields 2 benefits: (1) refines or purifies our faith (as dross is removed from gold) (1:7a); & (2) proves (or tests for approval) the genuineness of our faith (1:7b). As a result, our suffering can lead to great rejoicing (1:6a; cf. 4:13) & praise to God (1:7b; 4:16). Loving Christ (1:8a) & believing in Him (1:8b) also lead us to inexpressible & glorious joy” (1:8b). Let’s rejoice with great joy, when we suffer for Christ!

                18-June-2023: A Father's Faith - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                A FATHER’S FAITH
                (Luke 8:40-42; 49-56)

                As we celebrate the dads around the world, we will look at a story in the bible when a father’s faith resulted in a complete healing of his daughter. This beautiful story encapsulates a father’s love and the healing of power of Jesus Christ. His desperation and determination were evident in asking Jesus for help. Ultimately, it was Jesus’ power that was in full display. As we dig deeper into this moment, may we also exercise the kind of faith that is pleasing in God’s eyes.

                1. Faith That Purposefully Seeks Jesus.

                Jairus badly wanted Jesus to see and heal his daughter. He pursued Him with passion, invited Him to his house and believed in His ability to make his daughter better. Despite of what others might say, he earnestly looked for Jesus and pleaded with Him. May we also have the kind of faith that chases Jesus with all our hearts.

                2. Faith that is Sensitive to People’s Need of Jesus

                While Jesus was on his way to Jairus’ house, a woman bleeding for 12 years interrupted their travel. This disruption was enough to make anyone lose their patience. However, Jairus remained calmed and watched until the woman was healed. His willingness to wait was rewarded with a full healing of his daughter. May we also share Jesus to others so they too will experience His presence and power.

                3. Faith that Paves the way to Salvation for Others

                When Jesus raised the daughter to life, everyone was astonished. In fact, despite of Jesus’ warning of not telling anyone about this miracle, the story spread throughout the region. This whole chain reaction started because of Jairus’ faith in Jesus. He believed in Him, invited Him to his house and allowed Him to show His power. May we also show faith that leads others to the saving grace of Christ.

                11-June-2023: Give Thanks to the Lord - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD
                (Psalm 107:1-9)

                Having concluded our series in John’s Gospel on Jesus as our Light and before we take on a new series in 1 Peter on breaking down barriers despite our sufferings, we will take a series break to talk about giving thanks today and about honouring fathers next Sunday. Using Psa. 107:1-9 (which is a psalm of thanksgiving), what can we learn about giving thanks?

                I. WE CAN GIVE THANKS TO GOD DESPITE OUR SUFFERING (107:1-5, 8-9)

                We’re called to be filled with gratitude (Psa. 107:1, 8, 15, 21, 31), despite our suffering (107:4-5, 10, 12, 18, 27, 39)—especially when we are lost (as in a desert; vv. 4-5), guilty (as a prisoner; vv. 10-12), sick (as in a bed due to sin; vv. 17-18), or storm-tossed (as in a battered boat; vv. 23-27). The reason to give thanks is because the Lord is good & His love endures forever (107:1, 8; see vv. 15, 21, 31, 43). Let’s choose to always give thanks to God!

                II. WHEN WE ASK GOD’S HELP, HE DELIVERS US (107:6-7)

                We’re called to cry out to the Lord in prayer, when we suffer—as shown by those who suffered (107:6a; 13a; 19a; 28a). Then the Lord shows up: He delivers, rescues, or redeems them from their suffering (107:6b-7; 13b-14; 19b-20; 28b-30). God is able to reverse what seems impossible for humans (107: 4 & 7, 5 & 9; 10 & 14; 17-18 & 20; 25-27 & 29-30). Even in the course of nature (107:33-38) & in the conditions of humans (107:39-42), God does turn things around to make people wiser (to affirm the upright & to wake up the wicked) & consider His great love (107:43). Let’s pray & be wiser!

                4-June-2023: Jesus is the Light We Trust - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

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                John 12:27-36

                This Sunday’s message marks the conclusion of our mini-series on “Burning Brighter with Jesus as our Light” from selected passages in John’s Gospel. Where else could we go to shine brighter and be fruitful but to Jesus, the Light of the world (cf. John 8:12). But how can we have Jesus if we don’t believe (cf. Acts 16:31: John 1:12)? How can we believe if we haven’t heard (Rom 10:17)? And how can we hear if no one goes out to proclaim the Light of the Good News (cf. Rom 10:14)?

                Today we will learn a simple guide to share the Light with others and how to maintain that light to shine for Jesus.

                1. The Great DIVIDE: God is holy (Ps 99; Rev 4:8). Man is sinful (Rom 3:10-18,23).

                2. The Greater LOVE: God showed His love towards us (Rom 5:8; John 3:16). Jesus died for our sins (John 1:129).

                3. The Greatest GIFT: God has given us eternal life and this life is in His son (1John 5:11-12).

                Our RESPONSE:

                1. RECEIVE the Light: “Have the Light” (John 12:35a). “Believe in the Light” (John 12:36).

                2. REFLECT the Light: “Walk while you have the light” (John 12:35b).

                2a. Deny self (John 12:25).

                2b. Overcome temptation (John 12:27).

                2c. Follow Jesus (John 12:26).

                28-May-2023: Jesus is the Light of the World - by Bro Therren Shelton-Szmidt

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                John 9:1-12

                1. Are all our maladies and infirmities due to sin? Yes and No.

                2. The light of the world is Jesus: through His word and in His body the church does HE continue to shine in the world.

                3. Consider the hopelessness of those without these lights, that is, with no bible and no church to show them the way of salvation.

                4. Why did Jesus have to make clay of His spittle to open this man’s eyes? God is Sovereign in how He pleases to work in peoples lives.

                5. The means is not what effected the cure, it was his faith and obedience that that allowed for the power of God to work in his life. Consider Naaman in 2 Kings 5:10-14.

                6. He went in obedience, he washed in faith, and came again restored.

                7. How should we share our testimonies? God ought to be the author and finisher of our faith and salvation, to whom be all the glory.

                8. Yet it should never end with just us and what God did for us, but they should inquire and we must direct where they too can find Christ and so have their blindness remedied as well. Song of Solomon 5:9-6:3. Christ may be found in His church, in His sacraments, amongst His people that seek Him and honor Him. Whoever believes shall be saved.

                21-May-2023: Jesus is our Love, Life and Light - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                JESUS is our LOVE, LIFE, and LIGHT
                John 3:16-21

                Today, we will continue the series of messages on “Burning Brighter with Jesus as Light.” God has expressed His love for the world by giving His Son to suffer and die at the cross for us to have the hope of eternal life (John 3:16). This is the Good News and the whole world should hear it. Despite the negative but natural attitude of people toward God, the Almighty does not stop to show His love and compassion for us. What people need to understand and do in appreciation of the love, life, and light that God brings in Christ is to “believe in Him.” This “believing” is a process that results to receiving Christ into our lives to become God’s children (John 1:12) and being reconciled back to God (Rom 5:10) to become His friends (John 15:15).

                The process of “believing” entails:

                1. CONVICTION. We all are sinners (Rom 3:23).

                2. CONDEMNATION. We will all die (Rom 6:23a; Rev 20:14; 21:18).

                3. CONFESSION. We can have eternal life (John 3:16).

                Only when we go through this process of believing that we can respond well to God’s expression of His grace through Jesus Christ in loving us, giving us life, and showing us the light.

                1. Jesus is our Love: We love Him back (1 John 4:19): by obeying Him (John 14:23-24)

                2. Jesus is our Life: We live for Him (Galatians 2:20).

                3. Jesus is our Light: We shine His light with others (Matt 5:14-16).

                14-May-2023: Jesus is Our Light Despite the Darkness - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (John 1:1-9, 14)

                On this Mother’s Day, we start a new series on “Burning Brighter with Jesus as our Light” (Short Study on Jesus as Light in John’s Gospel), which will look at 4 episodes in the Gospel when Jesus is referred to as light. In the 1st episode, we will see that Jesus, the Word (“logos”), is the light that “shines in the darkness” (John 1:4b) & “the true light that gives light to everyone” (1:9a). What does this truth (i.e., Jesus is our light) brings for us?

                I. AS LIGHT, JESUS GIVES US LIFE (John 1:1-9)

                Jesus is introduced at the beginning of the Gospel as the Word (literally “message, speaking, words,” God’s ultimate self-disclosure), who was with God & who is God (1:1) & through whom all things were made (1:2). Jesus is the light (see 8:12; 9:5) of all humankind (1:4b), the light that shines in the darkness (1:5a), & the light that gives light to everyone (1:9a). As light, Jesus reveals God & illumines our mind & heart that leads to believing in Jesus. Jesus also gives life (1:4a; see 11:25; 14:6), which brings newness, abundance, & eternity. Despite the darkness (1:5b) & the world not recognizing & receiving Him, Jesus light still shines brightly & in life-giving ways.

                II. AS LIGHT, JESUS SHOWS US GOD’S GLORY & GRACE (John 1:14)

                The Word, who was self-existing in eternity, “became flesh & made his dwelling among us” (1:14a). Jesus was incarnated (“tabernacled” or “pitched a tent”), revealing the divine shekinah glory visible in the tabernacle of the Old Testament. John the Beloved and the disciples of Jesus “beheld” (studied carefully, not just see or look at) the glory of God in Christ. The glory of God is fully revealed in Jesus, who is full of grace & truth. Jesus continues to reveal the fullness of God’s glory.


                7-May-2023: Celebrating God's Greatness - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                Celebrating God’s Greatness
                (1 Chronicles 29:10-20)

                After a lengthy sermon series, we are closing the book on First Chronicles. We have seen David’s growth from a shepherd to a king; from guiding sheep to leading a nation. We’ve seen the ups and downs of his life and how God has been in the midst of everything. Today, we will end by celebrating God’s greatness and goodness. How do we celebrate the victories God has allowed us to have? How can we show our gratefulness for all the blessings He has provided us. Let’s dig in on how we can celebrate our success that is pleasing in God’s sight.

                1. With our Success, Let’s Practice Humility

                David didn’t boast about his accomplishment but rather he acknowledged the Great Helper in all his successes. In this world, it’s easy to be proud with all we’ve achieved but we must not forget to stay humble. Let’s always remember the Giver of all good things for He is faithful and His goodness lasts forever.

                 2. With our Success, Let’s Point to His Majesty
                David always gave God the glory He deserves. During His many victories, He never failed to proclaim the power of the Almighty God. We must also remember to do the same whenever we’ve experienced a breakthrough in our lives. Let’s put the spotlight on our Heavenly Father for He is great and worthy to be praised.

                3. With our Success, Let’s Pass it to the Next Generation.

                David made sure the following generation would know of God’s greatness. He publicly praised Him so the people will know who delivered them from their enemies. He even asked God to guide and lead his son, Solomon, as he becomes the next King. In this world, we must pass the faith to the younger generation so they too will know the magnificence of God and His everlasting love.

                30-Apr-2023: Providing Generously for God's Work - by Bro. Therren Shelton-Szmidt

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                (1 Chronicles 29.1-9)

                1. God chose you for some work in His kingdom just as He chose Solomon to build the Temple.

                Consider how great the work of the kingdom of heaven truly is.

                Who do we work, care, live for more? Things below or above?

                2. David was more concerned for the house of God than his own. Are we? Haggai 1.2-9

                3. David led by example as every true prophet must, and not as the false.

                4. What was it that brought naturally selfish people (as we all are) to give so willingly?

                The true secret to success, is sacrifice. If we seek to keep and find our lives, we shall lose it and all, but if we lose our lives in a willing surrender to the Lord and His will, He shall save it for life eternal and give us all things freely.

                23-Apr-2023: Preparing Well for God's Plan - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (1 Chronicles 28:9-21)

                Today, we resume our series on “What Real Success Means in God’s Sight” (Study on David’s Life in Select Passages from 1 Chronicles). This episode relates to David’s succession plan or passing of the torch to his son Solomon as instructed by God, especially as it relates to the building of God’s temple (1 Chron. 22:6-10; 28:2-3). God in His providence is making His plan happen (28:4-6, 10a). To make this baton transfer & plan successful, we need to understand how the divine & human partnership works. What is God’s part & our portion in this partnership?

                I. SEEK GOD & PERSEVERE WITH GOD’S PRESENCE (1 Chron. 28:9-10, 20-21)

                David exhorted Solomon to know & serve God with all his heart & mind (28:9a), to seek God (28:9b), to be strong & to do the work of the temple (28:10b, 20a; see 22:13b) because of God’s presence & His faithfulness until the temple is completed (28:20b; see 22:11; Phil. 1:6), along with the people’s presence to help & obey Solomon (28:21; see 22:18-19a). The foundation of such knowing, seeking, & persevering is consistent obedience of God’s word (28:8b; see 22:12-13a). We can be strong & courageous & do God’s work because He is with us. Note the similarity of the charge of Moses to Joshua (Deut. 3, 6; Josh. 1:5) with the charge of David to Solomon (28:10b, 20a). So, we seek God & persevere with God’s presence.

                II. SEE GOD PROVIDE AS WE PREPARE WITH GOD’S PLAN (1 Chron. 28:11-19)

                David explained to Solomon the detailed plan for the temple & all the meticulous instructions for its construction (28:11-19). Why did David take extensive time, energy, & resources in preparing & planning for the temple? Because he wanted for the Lord to be “of great magnificence, fame, & splendor in the sight of all nations” (22:5) & because “this palatial structure is not for man; this house but for the Lord God” (29:1b). Note that these detailed instructions came from the Lord: “plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind” (28:12a) & “All this I have in writing as a result of the Lord’s hand on me, & he enabled me to understand all the details of the plan” (28:19). So, we do our best to prepare for God’s work because He provides His plan for us.

                16-Apr-2023: Prayer of Praise to the Promise Keeper - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                (Enjoying God’s Promises: Part 2)

                1 Chronicles 17:16-27 (NIV)

                After two Sundays of studying the passion of Jesus Christ when we celebrated the Lenten season, we are now going to resume our series on “What Real Success Means in God’s Sight: Study on David’s Life from Select Passages in 1 Chronicles.”

                1 Chronicles 17 can be divided into two parts: (1) God’s Promise to David – presenting a REVELATION (vv.1-15); and (2) David’s Prayer to God – which is a godly RESPONSE (vv.16-27). David’s reaction to God’s promises exposes his beautiful inward character and full trust in God. David had a remarkable plan for God, i.e., to build His temple. But God had a better plan and the effect of it extends to all generations.

                The Bible contains more than 7000 promises and many of these stems out from the covenant that God has made with David. Reflecting on the Davidic covenant, which is now a fulfilled promise, can cause us to thank and praise God even more. Today, we will study the magnitude of this covenant that can move us to praise like David praised.


                The PROMISE

                1. EXPLAINED – What it meant to David (vv.7-8).

                2. EXTENDED – How it affected Israel (vv.9-13).

                3. EXPRESSED – What it means to us now (v.14).


                The PRAYER

                1. PRESENT – David’s character of humility and submission (vv.16,18-20)

                2. PAST – Israel’s redemption and protection (vv.21-22).

                3. FUTURE – The world’s spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ, the Messiah (vv.17,23-27).

                9-Apr-2023: Resurrection Reflections on the Road of Difficult Discipleship - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (John 21:1-17)

                Today, as we celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday, we take time to reflect on the resurrection. To do this, we will focus on Peter’s road of difficult discipleship after he denied Jesus thrice & when Jesus showed up in His third post-resurrection appearance to the disciples (John 21:1-17). The message of Easter brings hope to those who find little hope, brings healing to those who feel hated, & brings health to those who feel hurt. What lessons do we learn from Peter’s episode of difficult discipleship found in the epilogue of John’s Gospel?

                I. APART FROM JESUS WE CAN DO NOTHING (John 21:1-14)

                In the context of Peter’s three-time denial of Jesus (18:15-18, 25-27) & despite the 2 post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to the disciples (20:19-31), Peter told 6 other disciples, “I’m going out to fish” (21:3a)—implying a return to his former occupation. He influenced the disciples to go fishing with him (21:3b), but they caught nothing (21:3c). It was only when Jesus showed up that they had a “large number of fish” (21:6b) & “large fish, 153” (21:11). This episode in the epilogue of John’s Gospel (which resembles the miracle of the large catch of fish in Luke 5:1-11) shows the reality of Jesus’ words: “apart from me you can do nothing” (15:5b).

                II. JESUS IS THE GOD OF SECOND CHANCES (John 21:15-17)

                Despite Peter’s earlier denial of Jesus, we see Jesus give Peter a second chance. He restored, reinstated, & recommissioned Peter in fulfilling the call of God for him. Just as Peter denied Jesus 3 times, Jesus asked Peter 3 times & gave him his renewed mandate 3 times (21:15-17). We also see in this refreshed responsibility for Peter a shift from becoming a fisher of people to becoming a shepherd of people. Just as Jesus was his personal pastor (Luke 22:31), Peter was now commanded to be a pastor to those who were given under his care (people who also fall short, mess up, & fail Jesus). Peter learned this lesson so well that he told other pastors later in his life & ministry to also do the same (1 Peter 5:1-4).

                2-Apr-2023: Triumphal Entry: The Way to Victory - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                (John 12:12-19)

                As we start the Holy Week or Passion Week, we will look into this grand entrance of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem. This is a glorious event and a momentous occasion for Jesus. Today, we will look deeper into the significance of Palm Sunday and how it could help us with our relationship with Jesus Christ. We will turn back the hands of time and return to the Triumphal Entry and see what we can learn from this event. May this serve as a pathway towards a victorious life in Jesus Christ.

                1. Jesus’ Entry filters the Crowd

                With a large crowd cheering and celebrating Jesus, it was indeed a great welcome party. However, as we look closely to this moment we will see the real motivations of the crowd. What made them shout and praise Jesus? Were their actions genuine or misguided? As we look at the crowd’s reactions, may we check our faith and realize the seriousness of having a personal relationship with Jesus.

                2. Jesus’ Entry fulfills His Calling

                This event was predicted many years ago in the Old Testament. The Triumphal Entry is another fulfillment of prophecy that highlights the glory and sovereignty of God. He knows what the future brings, and everything will happen within His grand plan. May we surrender to God’s will and allow Him to direct our lives according to the purpose He has for us.

                3. Jesus’ Entry features the Cross

                This moment paved the way for the inevitable display of His love on the cross. At that moment, no one knew what was about happen, except for Jesus. The crowd, the disciples, the Pharisees, Pilate, and others had no idea what was about to transpire. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, He carried the weight and sin of the world. May we remember His great sacrifice for us which gave us ultimately victory over death.

                26-Mar-2023: Worshipping God for His Blessings - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (1 Chronicles 16:23-29, 34-36)

                Today, we focus on the God whose nature is to bless (1 Chron. 23:13; Num. 6:24-26). When we see God as the God of blessings, we worship God (1 Chron. 16:29b). When we worship, we praise God, thank God, & pray to God (1 Chron. 16:4, 35). The context of our passage shows the blessing of having the ark of God (showing God’s presence) finally brought to Jerusalem (1 Chron 15:1-16:6). With joy, David gives a psalm of thanksgiving (1 Chron. 16:7-36), which is a combination of selected segments in 3 psalms (Psa. 105:1-5 [for vv. 8-22], Pa. 96:1-13 [for vv. 23-33], & Psa. 106:1, 47-48 [for vv. 34-36]). In the hymn of David, we will see what is included in true worship.


                I. WORSHIP INVOLVES PRAISE (1 Chron. 16:23-29, 36)

                The call to praise is repeated emphatically (16:23-24, 28-29). The reason for the call to praise is because of God’s greatness, worth, & being above all (16:25-26), splendor, majesty, strength, & joy (16:27), & glory (16:10, 24, 28, 35). How do we praise God? It is by telling & testifying of His great acts (16:8b, 9b, 23b, 24). Worship unashamedly & relentlessly declares what God has done.


                II. WORSHIP INCLUDES THANKSGIVING (1 Chron. 16:34)

                The hymn is called a psalm of thanksgiving (16:7), with clear calls to “give thanks to the Lord” (16:8, 34). How do we thank God? We do this by remembering God & His wondrous works: “remember the wonders he has done” (16:12). The basis of our remembering is because God always remembers His covenant with us (16:15-18). Worship keeps recalling, remembering, & reviewing what God has done.


                III. WORSHIP INSPIRES PRAYER (1 Chron. 16:35)

                The appeal to call on God in prayer is evident in the hymn: “call on his name” (16:8). The nation was in trouble because of its unfaithfulness & disobedience to God. But the hymn calls on the people to corporately come to God in desperate prayer: “Cry out, ‘Save us, O God out Savior; gather us & deliver us from the nations’” (16:35a). It is a cry for help, mercy, & compassion from the God whom the people has forgotten & forsaken. Worship never tires of asking God for help in prayer, we so can again thank God & praise His name (16:35b).

                19-Mar-2023: Saying “Yes” to God’s “No!” - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                Enjoying God’s Promises: Part 1

                Bible Text: 1 Chronicles 17:1-15 (NIV)

                Sermon Summary:

                Today we are going to continue what P.Narry has started to share with us last Sunday on the series “What Real Success Means in God’s Sight” – a study of David’s life in selected passages from 1 Chronicles.

                David’s life is very important. More has been written about him in the Bible than any other character. In the context of our passage today, David had just won important battles and had become king over Israel after more than 20 years of waiting. He conquered Jerusalem from the Jebusites and had built his home there – he was “settled in his palace” as our text has indicated in the beginning verse (1Chr 17:1). This is when he thought of the disparity between his own “house of cedar” and the ark of the LORD “under a tent.” David’s desire to build the temple was good but God was not determined to build His house under David’s reign.

                Interestingly, the man after God’s own heart responded well when God presented through Nathan His plan. How are we to respond when God says, “No,” to our godly desires?

                1. PURPOSE: Focus on God’s purpose on You. David was the “shepherd-ruler of God’s people.” (vv.6-7)

                2. PROMISE: Remember the victories that God has Done For You. David powerfully defeated his enemies because God was with him. (v.8a)

                3. PREPARATION: Welcome God’s plan for the Next Generation. David’s son, Solomon, will “build a house” for God. vv.11-14

                12-Mar-2023: Caring for People in God's Presence - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (1 Chronicles 11:1-9)

                Today, we continue our new 5-part series on “What Real Success Means in God’ Sight (Study on David’s Life in Select Passages from 1 Chronicles).” This series aligns with the “Burning Brighter in our Lives” 2023 main theme, realizing that those whose lives burn brighter are ones who are really successful in God’s sight. Like David, we are truly successful when we inquire from the Lord of power, when we care for people with God’s presence, when we praise God for His blessings & enjoy His promises, & when we are humbled by God’s honour. Using 1 Chron. 11:1-9, what do we need to learn about caring for God’s people?


                I. GOD CALLS US TO CARE ALL THE TIME (1 Chron. 11:1-3)

                The people of Israel (v. 1) affirmed God’s call for David to care for God’s flock: “You will shepherd my people Israel, & you will become their ruler” (v. 2b). Though they recognized David as king over Israel, ratified with a covenant (v. 3a), it took 15 years before David became king in Hebron (after Samuel anointed him, 1 Sam. 16:13 & 1 Chron. 11:3b), & another 7.5 years before he became king over all Israel (see 2 Sam. 5:4-5). David waited for more than 20 years in the midst of troubling times (like being hunted by Saul) & served as a faithful soldier to care for God’s people (v. 2a). Even if it takes time amidst troubles, let’s care for people.


                II. GOD GIVES US POWER IN HIS PRESENCE (1 Chron. 11:4-9)

                God’s power was evident in David’s leadership when he conquered Jerusalem against the Jebusites (vv. 4-5) & with the help of Joab (v. 3). This power was already evident from the time of David’s anointing as king (1 Sam. 16:13). When he finally became king, his power expanded (v. 7): “And David became more & more powerful” (v. 9a). The reason for his power is the presence of God with him: “because the Lord Almighty was with him” (v. 9b). Let’s rely on the power of God as experienced through His presence, as we care for others.

                5-Mar-2023: Rich and Famous in God's Eyes - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                Rich and Famous in God’s Eyes

                I Chronicles 14:8-17

                Sermon Summary:

                As we start our new sermon series on, “What Real Success means in God’s Sight” we will study the life of King David in 1 Chronicles. King David is one of the most successful kings in Israel. His impressive resume involves numerous victories, expanding land, and establishing the culture of his people. We must keep in mind that behind his fame, God was there. His constant guidance and power were evident in King David’s life. I pray that we will strive to live a life that is pleasing to God. Let’s be Rich and Famous in God’s Eyes.


                1. Finding Him in Fierce Situations

                With the Philistines marching forward and threatening his kingdom, David inquired of God. He consulted the Lord for his next actions for he knows He is the Deliverer. May we also seek God even before trouble comes and be confident in His ability to give us the victory.


                2. Following His Firm Instructions

                When God commands, it is clear and certain. As a result, we must obey wholeheartedly without hesitation. When we follow Him; He will direct us to His will and help us conquer the enemy so He will be lifted high. May we have an obedient heart as we allow Him to direct our lives.


                3. Focusing on Fame that Fears Him

                We must aim to live a life that gives Him honour. King David was a flawed individual but his heart to follow God was inspiring. In all his victories, he made sure to give all glory to the Lord. As a result, other nations respected him and feared the Lord. In this world, may we focus on living a life that seeks to praise Him.


                26-Feb-2023: Friend, Follow Me As I Follow Christ - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                Friend, Follow Me As I Follow Christ

                Friends Imitate What Is Good

                (3 John 11-12)

                Sermon Summary:

                Today, we will be concluding our sermon series on Friends: Experiencing Love that Breaks Down Barriers based on the shortest book of the Bible – 3 John.

                Three characters are studied in this series: Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius.

                We are encouraged to imitate two (Gaius and Demetrius) and are warned not to be like Diotrephes who was selfish, gossipy, and harsh.

                The Bible says, “No one is good except God alone” (Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19; Matt 19:17; Rom 3:12; cf. Ps 14:3; 53:3).

                But a person naturally looks at people (1Sam 16:7b) and imitates those that impress him.

                If we imitate God, we will be in the right path and will influence others to do what is good (1 Cor 11:1).

                Demetrius in our passage, is one of those who modeled godly living and is worthy of being imitated (3John 11). Why? Because…

                (1) He is COMMENDED by the people (v.12a)

                (2) He is COMMITTED to the truth (v.12b)

                (3) He is COMMISSIONED to protect righteous conduct (v.12c)

                APPLY: We are to imitate people as they imitate Jesus Christ. (cf. Phil 3:17; 1Cor 11:1)

                19-Feb-2023: Good Friends Walk in the Truth - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (3 John 9-10)

                Today, we continue with the 3rd segment of our 4-part series on “Friends: Experiencing Love that Breaks Down Barriers (A Brief Book Study on 3 John).” Aside from walking in the truth (3 Jn. 1-4, 13-14), good friends are faithful & welcoming (3 Jn. 5-8). Today, we will look at what good friends take pains to avoid. Using 3 Jn. 9-10, what do friends in Christ avoid?


                I. GOOD FRIENDS AVOID BEING SELFISH (3 Jn. 9)

                The elder John the Beloved describes Diotrephes as an unloving leader of the church (the very opposite of the beloved Gaius): “who loves to be first” (v. 9a). Diotrephes loves himself the most & loves preeminence & authority in the church (see Mk. 10:35-37) to the point of being disrespectful & unwelcoming to John & others (v. 9b). Selfishness is evident in pride (regarding oneself as superior over others; see Rom. 12:3; Phil. 2:3-4). Let’s avoid selfishness!


                II. GOOD FRIENDS AVOID BEING GOSSIPY (3 Jn. 10a)

                The elder John shows how Diotrephes’ attitude of haughtiness leads to words that hurt: “spreading malicious nonsense about us” (v. 10a) (the “us” refers to John & the itinerant preachers & missionaries). Gossip is the spreading of malicious nonsense to others (literally, the action of water boiling up & throwing off bubbles, showing empty & useless indulgence in useless talk) in order to slander & shame them (bringing false charges with evil words & intent). Let’s avoid gossip!


                III. GOOD FRIENDS AVOID BEING HARSH (3 Jn. 10b)

                The elder John expresses the cruelty of Diotrephes, who did 2 horrible acts: (1) “he even refuses to welcome other believers” (v. 10b)—being harsh toward the guests; & (2) “He also stops those who want to do so & puts them out of the church” (v. 10c))—being harsh to those who are hospitable to the guests. Note how Diotrephes’ attitude of hubris escalates into words that hurt & finally culminates in harsh actions. Let’s avoid meanness & harshness toward others!

                12-Feb-2023: Good Friends Walk in the Truth - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (3 John 1-4, 13-14)

                Today, we continue with our new series on “Friends: Experiencing Love that Breaks Down Barriers (A Brief Book Study on 3 John).” This series coincides with the “love” month of February (especially Valentine’s Day), realizing that barriers are broken down when friends receive & give love. Friends walk in the truth (3 Jn. 1-4, 13-14), are faithful & welcoming (3 Jn. 5-8), avoid being selfish, gossipy, & harsh (3 Jn. 9-10), & imitate what is good (3 Jn. 11-12). Using 3 Jn. 1-4, 13-14, what do friends in Christ do?


                I. GOOD FRIENDS PRAY FOR US (3 Jn. 1-2, 13-14)

                The elder (literally, “old man”), whom we see as John (who also wrote 1 & 2 John, Gospel of John & Revelation), calls Gaius as his “dear friend” (vv. 1, 2, 5, 11) (or “beloved”) in this typically friendly letter (vv. 13-14). John even indirectly refers to Gaius as one of his children (v. 4), similar to the way Paul calls others his son (see 1 Tim. 4:2, 18; Philm. 10; Tit. 1:4). His friendship with Gaius is filled with love: “whom I love in the truth” (v. 1b), showing “whom I truly love,” “whom I love as one who is in the truth,” or “whom I genuinely love according to God’s truth.” Love (vv. 1, 6) & truth (vv. 1, 3 [2x], 4, 8, 12) go together. Love & truth are shown best in prayer for the physical & spiritual well-being of friends (v. 2). Let’s be prayerful for our friends & their well-being!


                II. GOOD FRIENDS FIND JOY IN US (3 Jn. 3-4)

                The elder John expresses his joy for Gaius twice: (1) “It gave me great joy” (v. 3a)—on Gaius’ “faithfulness to the truth” (i.e., commitment to the gospel & the commands of Jesus) & “continuing to walk in it” (i.e., habitually living out the truth) (v. 3b); & (2) “I have no greater joy than” (v. 4a)—on Gaius’ “walking in the truth” (i.e., putting creed & conduct together in practice). This is proof that we love God & others as friends (see 1 Jn. 5:2; Jn. 15:13-15). Let’s find joy in our friends, as we uphold the truth & walk in it together, so we can break down barriers!

                5-Feb-2023: You Got a Christian Friend - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                You Got a Christian Friend

                (3 John 5-8 NIV)

                We are diving into a new series on “Friends: Experiencing Love that Breaks Down Barriers”. This is a quick study of the Third letter of John. Have you ever wondered how other religious groups think of Christians? As followers of Christ we must live a Christlike character so others will see how amazing He is. Unfortunately, many view us differently. We need to change their negative opinion about Christians and let’s show them that it’s a great thing to have a Christian friend.


                1. We must Help without Hesitation

                Verse: 5 Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters,[a] even though they are strangers to you.

                Verse 7 It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans.

                – John 15:13
                – helping others prevents us from becoming selfish


                2. We must Honor God for Healthy Relationships

                Verse: 6 They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God.

                – Matt 7:1
                – 1 Peter 3:9


                3. We must offer Hospitality with Humility

                Verse: 8 We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth.

                29-Jan-2023: God's Word Lights Our Path - by Bro. Therren Shelton-Szmidt

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                GOD’S WORD LIGHTS OUR PATH
                (Psalm 119:105-112)

                – Here is the sum of the Christian’s journey
                – The word of God shines an internal and external light
                – We must take the lamp of God’s word in our hand and let it lead us in the narrow path

                – We should pray for God to make us willing and able before we venture to do His will
                – We ought not to live contrary to our prayers

                – 2 Corinthians 4:8-11, 16

                – Praise and thanksgiving are the free will offerings of our mouth
                – We ought to be lifetime scholars of the word

                – The greatest temptation is to save our lives using our own wisdom
                – The greatest temptation of our Lord was to come down from the cross (Luke 23:35, Matthew 27:40)

                – The holy resolution, the wisdom of the Lord, and all His faithful servants is not to err from God’s precepts

                – God’s law is a burden to the unconverted, that are under the law, but are a delight to the sanctified that are in Christ

                – We must pray for the spirit to incline our hearts when we feel disinclined, for it is the spirit that bends our will towards God
                – When we set out to seek, pray, and follow the Lord, we should always conclude with this: “even unto the end”, and not to look back ever


                22-Jan-2023: God Lights Up Our Lives - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                GOD LIGHTS UP OUR LIVES
                (Psalm 27:1, 4-5, 11, 13-14)

                Today, we continue with our new series on “Burning Brighter in a Darker World (Studies on God’s ‘Light’ in Selected Psalms).” This series helps us see God as light, what God’s light does for us, and what God’s light of the Word does to our path. Our message today highlights the truth that God lights up our lives. Using Psalm 27, how does God light up our lives?


                David describes God this way: “The Lord is light & my salvation” & “The Lord is the stronghold of my life” (27:1). Light signifies understanding, joy, life, guidance, protection, & well-being. Stronghold signifies strong, safe place, & defense. The result of God’s light as protection is this confidence (despite the attacks of David’s enemies): “whom shall I fear?” & “of whom shall I be afraid?” (27:1; see v. 13). Let’s live in confidence of God’s protection in 2023.


                David desires to be in God’s presence: “One thing I ask from the Lord, that this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life” (27:4). David uses 4 words to show God’s presence—“house,” “temple,” dwelling, & “sacred tent”—to affirm that where God is where he wants to be, to enjoy God’s beauty (graciousness) & to seek Him (inquire for divine answer). Let’s live in the comfort of God’s presence in 2023.


                David prays for God’s providential guidance & direction: “Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path” (27:11; see 25:4-5). This attitude, which desires to know God & see His face (27:8) goes with the posture of waiting: “Wait for the Lord; be strong & take heart & wait for the Lord” (27:14; see Isa. 40:31). Waiting with hope gives assurance that God’s answer will eventually come. Let’s live with the clarity of God’s providence in 2023.

                15-Jan-2023: Through God's Light We Brighten Others - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                Psalm 36:5-9 (ESV)

                The world we live in is not helpful to our spiritual growth and witness because its philosophy and lifestyle negatively influence us (Ps. 36:1-4). But we can find relief in the knowledge of the glorious character of God who brings abundant blessings to believers (Ps. 36:5-9). The Bible encourages us to continually pray and stay strong in the faith so that the light of God’s love and righteousness would extend to the world through us.

                There may be things in the world that challenge our integrity, but God’s attributes are inexhaustible resources for us as Christ followers, and because of them, we are preserved and sustained throughout our life. Two pairs of the many attributes of God will be discussed today:

                (1) LOVE that reaches the heavens and FAITHFULNESS that extends to the skies (v.5)

                (2) RIGHTEOUSNESS that is as high as the mountains and JUSTICE that is as deep as the oceans (v.6).

                Our light may lose its brightness at times, but through the light of God, we still can bring sunshine to the world around us.

                8-Jan-2023: Burning Brighter in Christ, Breaking Down Barriers Through Christ - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (Ephesians 1:17-23; 2:13-18)

                Our 2023 church theme is “Burning Brighter in Christ, Breaking Down Barriers through Christ.” Whatever may be people’s positive or negative outlook for this new year, our dreams & hopes are anchored on Christ, who is our light & the light of the world, & who broke down the barrier of hostility between God & people, & among people. This is the basis of our new (or renewed hope) & fresh (or refreshed) start this year. Using Eph. 1:17-23 & 2:13-18, how can we burn brighter in Christ & how did Jesus model being our peace?


                I. GOD HAS ALREADY ENLIGHTED US IN CHRIST (1:17-23)

                In Paul’s 1st prayer for the Ephesian believers (1:17-19a), he gives the basis for the prayer: “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened” (1:18a, ESV), because the verb is in the perfect tense (showing past action with continuing results). With this enlightenment already available to us, we can have “wisdom” (insight into the true nature of things) & “revelation” (unveiling of God Himself) (1:17a), so we can know God better (by experience) (1:17b), & know God’s hope (1:18a), rich inheritance (1:18b), & power in Christ (1:19-21). Paul’s prayer is geared toward the end of highlighting Jesus’ power in the past, present, & future (1:22-23). Since we are already enlightened in Christ, we can now know & experience God more, so that our lights can burn brighter (5:8-11) in 2023.



                From being far away from God (2:11-12), God brought Gentiles near to Him through Christ’s blood (2:13). As our peace (2:14a, 17), Christ broke down the dividing wall between Jews & Gentiles (2:14b-15), created a new humanity out of these two hostile groups (2:15), & reconciled the two groups through the cross of Christ (2:16). Because of this reconciliation, Christ gave to us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20). Since Christ is our peace, we can be peacemakers (4:1-6; Matt. 5:9), so that we can see more breaking down of barriers in 2023.

                1-Jan-2023: New Year Resurrection - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                (John 11:17-26)

                This New Year, everyone is looking for a fresh start, new attitude, and new approach. With all the uncertainty in 2023 may we find the confidence to trust in the Lord. Only He can help us in this new year, only He can provide the peace that we desperately need. This year let’s look to Jesus to renew us and to rejuvenate us. He is the resurrection; He is our Saviour. Using our passage for today, may we realize what Jesus could do for us in 2023!

                1. In Jesus, Suffering is only Temporary
                This New Year, let’s hold on to Jesus who heals us completely. May we find the strength to face all life’s challenges by relying on Jesus Christ!

                2. Jesus is our Saviour who is Trustworthy
                This New Year, let’s put our full trust in Jesus. His promises are true and assuring. May we feel secure in believing in Him.

                3. Surrender to Jesus’ Timing
                This New Year, let’s put our personal agendas aside and submit to the sovereignty of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we focus on following Him and letting Him lead our lives.

                2022 Sermons

                25-Dec-2022: What is Wise About the Wise Men? - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (Matthew 2:1-12)

                On this Christmas day, we conclude our Christmas series on “Revisiting Christmas & the Early Days of the Young Jesus” (Studies in Matthew 1-2). The Magi (magoi), traditionally viewed as wise men, were astronomers or astrologers, who served in royal courts in Persia & Arabia. These Gentile pagans were used by God to discover Jesus, “the one who has been born king of the Jews” (2:2). Using Matt. 2:1-12, what wisdom can we learn about what wise people do about Jesus, our Christmas Celebrant?


                The Magi, who were interested in dreams, magic, & the future, believed that movements of heavenly bodies & destinies of men were linked. They must have heard from Jewish scholars of Israel’s hopes (like Num. 24:17, a Messianic prediction). They went out of their way to travel to Jerusalem through a star (some call this a comet, conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, or supernova), which was a supernatural divine guidance (2:2, 9-10a). Why go at great length? To worship the one born king of the Jews (2:2b, 11a), who brought great joy (2:10b). In contrast, Herod pretended to desire worship of the child (2:7-8, 16); the religious leaders knew that Bethlehem was the location of birth for the Messiah but were not interested to worship Jesus (2:4-6). Even when Jesus was a child, His greatness as king is already recognized by Gentiles (“his star”; “born king of the Jews”). Jesus is worthy of worship, especially this Christmas season.

                II. WISE PEOPLE GIVE GIFTS FIT FOR KING JESUS (2:11b-12)

                Joyful worship leads to the giving of gifts fit for the King Jesus (2:11b). Though there is no mention of the number of Magi, the tradition understanding is 3 because of the 3 gifts of gold, frankincense (an aromatic resin), & myrrh (similar fragrant spice) — gifts that were worthy of a king (but not necessarily showing additional symbolism). These gifts were also divinely provided for cover the expenses of the family in going to Egypt & in staying there until Herod died (see 2:13-15). Even without any miracle or ministry yet, Jesus received kingly tribute & recognition as king. The Magi did not only give gifts fit for King Jesus as their expression of worship, but they also obeyed God’s divine intervention (2:12). Jesus is worthy of our gifts & obedience to Him, especially this Christmas season.

                18-Dec-2022: Immanuel: The "God With Us" Celebrant - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                Immanuel: The “God With Us” Celebrant
                (Matthew 1:18-25)

                We have come to the 2nd message of the Christmas series “Revisiting the Meaning of the First Christmas” based on Matthew’s Gospel. And today, we are going to study the significance of the Savior’s name, Immanuel, as foretold, fulfilled and which will endure forever. What does the meaning of His name entail?

                (1) God REVEALS Himself to the world – a Savior is born (v.21; cf. 1Tim 3:16a)

                (2) God RESIDES in the believers’ hearts – the Spirit dwells in us through Christ (v.23; cf. Jn 1:12; 1Jn 3:1; 1Cor 6:19)

                (3) God REFRESHES us with His strength and grace – Immanuel “God with us” (v.23; cf. Heb 13:5)

                11-Dec-2022: The Pedigree of our Christmas Celebrant - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (Matthew 1:1-17)

                We will continue our Christmas series on “Revisiting Christmas & the Early Days of the Young Jesus” (Studies in Matthew 1-2). Today, we will look at Jesus’ pedigree, which is valuable to the Jews to affirm His royal identity & kingly credential. Jesus’ lineage also shows hope & grace, which were needed in the 1st-century world & are relevant in our 21st-century reality. Using Matt. 1:1-17, what can we learn about Jesus, our Christmas Celebrant?

                I. JESUS IS OUR SOURCE OF HOPE (1:1)

                Matthew starts his gospel with a record of Jesus’ genealogy (book of genesis/origins or birth record). What is amazing about this record is the 4-fold presentation of our Christmas Celebrant as: (1) “Jesus” (1:1; see 1:16, 18, 21, 25)—meaning “savior” (from “Joshua” [Yahweh saves]) not just from physical danger or death but from sin (1:21); (2) “Christ” (1:1; see 1:16, 17. 18)—meaning “Messiah” (Anointed One) who represents God’s people & brings God’s reign; (3) “son of David” (1:1; see 9:27; 12:22-23; 15:22; 20:30-31)—meaning heir to the throne & kingdom of righteousness & justice, bringing healing & wholeness; & (4) “son of Abraham” (1:1; see 3:9; 8:11)—meaning related to God’s covenant people that blesses “all nations” (Gen. 22:18; Matt. 28:19). So, Jesus Christ, the son of David & son of Abraham, is our source of hope.


                II. JESUS BRINGS HOPE TO THE HOPELESS (1:2-17)

                Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus was traced from the line of Joseph (1:16), the foster-father of Jesus. The expression “the father of” occurs 38x in this passage, yet there were 5 unusual women who were included in the list: (1) “Tamar” (1:3)—the woman who played prostitute (Gen. 38:24); (2) “Rahab” (1:5)—the prostitute from Jericho (Josh. 2:1); (3) “Ruth” (1:5)—the outsider woman from Moab (Ruth 1:4); (4) “Solomon’s mother who had been Uriah’s wife” (1:6)—Bathsheba, the woman who committed adultery (2 Sam. 11:2-5); & (5) “Mary” (1:16)—the woman found to be with child through the Spirit (1:18-19). These women, like us, are found to be in seemingly hopeless crises. But Jesus chose to be identified with them by blood. By the blood of Jesus, He brings us hope in our times of hopelessness.

                4-Dec-2022: Where's My Present - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                WHERE’S MY PRESENT?
                (Isaiah 9:2-6 NIV)

                Hello Church! We are weeks away from celebrating Christmas. As we prepare for this wonderful celebration, may we remember the real reason why we celebrate this event. December is the busiest month of the year, with all the preparations, parties and presents. I pray that we will recognize and receive God’s wonderful gift to mankind, His Son Jesus Christ. May we unwrap His abilities to give us hope, love, and peace this Christmas! Are you ready to receive God’s present to us?

                1. He Provides us with Unending Hope
                Jesus Christ is a Wise and Wonderful Counselor who leads us and guides towards the will of the Father. In this hate-filled world, He gives us hope and joy so we may live freely. This Christmas season, may we receive His gift of sound advice and let’s drown out all the negativities in this world.

                2. He Presents us with Unconditional Love
                Our Heavenly Father knows how to give good gifts. He knows our heart’s desires and He willingly give them according to His mighty plan. May we receive His gift of love this season and let’s share it with others so they too will see His amazing love for us.

                3. He Gives us Unimaginable Peace
                During the first Christmas, we also received the gift of peace that only He can produce. It’s the kind of peace that’s full and enough. When everything around us is chaotic, He brings calm and peace to our hearts. May we accept the peace of God which passes all understanding.


                27-Nov-2022: What About Judging, Prayer and Narrow Gates? - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (Matthew 7:1-14)

                Today, we continue with the 6th in our 7-part sermon series entitled “Living Blessed Lives in a Hate-Filled World” (Insights from the Sermon on the Mount).

                In our passage, Matthew presents Jesus’ teaching on judging others (7:1-6), praying (7:7-12), & narrow gates (7:13-14) that further shows how to surpass the righteousness of the Pharisees & the teachers of the law (5:20). Using Matt. 7:1-14, how can we demonstrate righteousness that is not hypocritical?


                Jesus commands us not to judge others (7:1-2). To judge others is to habitually condemn people, to be overly critical of them, & to be quick in censuring them. Judgmental persons take upon themselves the right to judge others, assuming that they are qualified to judge & perfectly see the imperfections of others & expecting that others be like them. Jesus calls them “hypocrites,” because they could not see the “plank” (hyperbole for something big) in their own eyes but can see the “speck” (what’s too small like sawdust) in others’ eyes (7:3-5a). Not judging others does not mean that Jesus commands us to accept any teaching or approve any lifestyle. Jesus does not also say that we suspend making wise judgments (as in making reasonable assessment, right valuation, sensible analysis, & decisive discernment). But He instructs us that we can judge wisely only after we examine ourselves first (7:5b). In fact, Jesus emphasizes that we become discerning in our judgments (7:6), especially when it comes to “dogs” & “pigs,” which picture what are despised & unclean in the time of Jesus, describing people who are hostile, who mock & reject the wisdom of the gospel or Jesus’ teaching on hypocrisy & judgmental believers. Let’s avoid judging others but let’s be discerning.

                II. KEEP PRAYING & WALKING THE NARROW WAY (7:7-14)

                Earlier in the sermon on the mount, Jesus already taught His disciples how to pray, using the disciples’ prayer (6:9-13). When Jesus goes back to the topic of prayer, He emphasizes the big need for prayer & persistence in it. This need for persistence is seen in the present tense of the verbs “ask,” “seek,” & “knock.” The present tense implies that when we pray, we need to keep doing it, so that the verbs actually say, “keep on asking,” “keep on seeking,” & “keep on knocking” (7:7-8). Note also the progressive intensity in the succession of actions: from mere asking to more involved seeking to more intense knocking. Though these are to be seen as 3 steps in praying, they show the growing intensity in prayer.

                Why can we persist in prayer with intensity? Because God delights in giving us good gifts (7:11; see Jam. 1:17). Note that persistence in prayer does not seek to persuade a reluctant God to give us good gifts nor does it appease a displeased God to look beyond our wickedness. Why? Because God is more than willing to give us good gifts & to answer our prayer according to His will (7:9-10; see 6:10).

                After talking about prayer, Jesus summarizes His earlier teaching by mentioning what is commonly called the Golden Rule (7:12), implying that this rule can be done by those whose righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees & scribes. Then Jesus elaborates on the Golden Rule & presents the clear way to access this righteousness (7:13-14): not through the wide gate & broad road leading to destruction (the way of hypocrisy by the Pharisees & scribes) but through the small gate & narrow road leading to life (the way of true piety by Jesus). Let’s keep on praying & following Jesus’ way of true piety.

                20-Nov-2022: Shake Up and Stand Up - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                Matthew 5:13-16

                We are on the 5th message of the 7-part sermon series on Living Blessed Lives in a Hate-filled World. Before Jesus gave the sermon on the Mount, He set up the people by telling them about their responsibilities. The passage laid out our purpose as disciples of Christ. Remember this, we are the Salt and the Light of this World. Now, what does it truly mean? Today, we will unfold the mystery of this task that was given to us, and may we take it seriously as we continue to live for Christ. Are we ready? Will we heed His call? Brothers and Sisters in Christ let’s Shake Up & Stand Up for Him!


                1. Keep the Flavour of Godliness in our Lifestyle
                Jesus compared His followers as Salt of the World. This substance has so many uses and functions. We need to ask ourselves if we are making an impact in this world, especially to those around us. We are called to shake off the negativities and spread love and let others see the goodness of God.


                2. Keep the Flame of Good Deeds Burning
                Not only we are like salt in the world, but we are also light! We need to share God’s grace by doing good deeds. Every day let’s be active participant in expanding His kingdom. Simple act of kindness and generosity could go a long way. May we stand out as we proclaim God’s love to mankind.

                13-Nov-2022: Living for an Audience of One - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                Matthew 6:1-18

                Today, we continue our 7-part sermon series entitled “Living Blessed Lives in a Hate-Filled World” (Insights from the Sermon on the Mount). Matthew presents Jesus’ teaching on acts of righteousness (6:1-18) that need to surpass those of the Pharisees & the teachers of the law (5:20). Our acts of righteousness must not only be external (5:21-48) but also be internally evident in our attitudes & must be done for the audience of one (our heavenly Father). Using the 3 common Jewish acts of righteousness (almsgiving, prayer, fasting), what does Jesus teach about our acts of righteousness?

                I. BEWARE OF THE WAY OF HYPOCRISY (6:1-2, 5, 16))

                The way of hypocrisy refers to practicing righteousness “in front of others to be seen by them” (6:1a), announcing with trumpets (6:2a) the act of almsgiving in synagogues & streets to be honored by others (6:2b), praying by standing in synagogues & street corners to be seen by others (6:5), & looking somber & disfiguring their faces to show others they are fasting (6:16a). The result of such desire for recognition of others is being fully rewarded by people (6:2b, 5b, 16b), but not being rewarded by our heavenly Father (6:1b). Let’s beware of the way of hypocrisy (playing the role of an actor, pretending, with no sincerity & genuineness but full of arrogance & hardness of heart).

                II. BEHAVE ACCORDING TO THE WAY OF TRUE PIETY (6:3-4, 6-8, 17-18)

                The way of true piety refers to giving to the needy by not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing (secretly; 6:3), praying by closing the door of the room (secretly; 6:6a), & putting oil on the head & washing the face when fasting (secretly; 6:17-18a). The result of this true piety is being rewarded by our unseen heavenly Father, who sees what we do in secret (6:4, 6b, 18b). The reward here is the expression of God’s grace, not the mathematical relationship between works & rewards. Let’s do our acts of righteousness for the audience of One, whose praise & words of “well done” we seek to hear.

                6-Nov-2022: Wisdom About Real Wealth - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                Matthew 6:19-24

                What makes you secured in life? Where do you put your trust in? At what things do your life revolve around?

                In today’s message, we will discover where we can invest our time and energy wisely to be contented in life. The sin of covetousness is as deadly as idolatry and the Lord Jesus Christ warned us from the sad consequences of this. He challenges us, the people of the kingdom, to:

                1. CONSIDER our investments in life (v.19).

                2. CHOOSE things that have eternal value (vv.20-21).

                3. COMMIT to love God over earthly treasures (vv.22-24).

                If we heed to Christ’s call, our worries in life can be handled very well and prioritizing God and His righteousness will never be an issue.

                30-Oct-2022: What It Really Means to be Blessed - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                Matthew 5:1-12

                Today, we continue our 7-part sermon series entitled “Living Blessed Lives in a Hate-Filled World” (Insights from the Sermon on the Mount). The 8 beatitudes (makarios, meaning “happy, spiritually prosperous, to be admired”) in Matt. 5:3-12 set the stage for the whole sermon on the kingdom of heaven (5:1-7:29). These beatitudes reveal to us the qualities of kingdom citizens. In pairs, what do the 8 beatitudes teach us today?

                I. BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT & MOURNERS (5:1-4)

                The poor in spirit are people who acknowledge their spiritual bankruptcy before God & their desperate need for God, His grace, & spiritual resources. In addition, the mourners feel the emotional sorrow for their poverty of spirit, facing with grief their own evil, failings, & errors, & the failings of others. The result of poverty of spirit & mourning of sin is God’s comfort.


                The meek are people who show God’s power under control, just as Jesus exercised it (Matt. 11:28-29; 21:12-13). In addition, those who hunger & thirst for righteousness desire to consistently pursue a right relationship with God & others, demonstrating the desire to right their wrongs, live sanctified lives, & promote righteousness in the world. The result is experiencing God’s fulfilled life.


                The merciful are people who treat others better than they deserve, forgiving their offenders, helping the stranger & those they have no obligation to aid. In addition, the pure in heart (see Psa. 24:3-5) have integrity, displaying singleness of devotion & undivided loyalty. The result is receiving mercy in return & encountering God’s presence & power.


                The peacemakers are people who bring the message of peace from the God of peace, helping in the reconciliation of others to God (2 Cor. 5:18), others & themselves (Rom. 12:18). In addition, the persecuted suffer due to righteousness & for Jesus’s sake, receiving insults & malice because of their identification with Jesus. The result is future heavenly reward.


                23-Oct-2022: Live Rightly - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

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                Live Rightly – “You Have Heard That It Was Said… But I Tell You”

                Matthew 5:21-48

                The Lord Jesus Christ values the relationships we have with other people and wants us to influence others for Him. We are commanded to be salt and light of the world (Matt 5:13-16) when we started a new life in Him (2Cor 5:17). So, there is this expectation to live consistently for God and for His glory (Rom 12:1-2).

                In our passage today, as we start the new series “Living Blessed Lives in a Hate-Filled World” based on the Sermon on the Mount, we will see that Jesus alluded to issues that affect the life of a new believer and corrected the misunderstanding of the Law of God and the reason why it was given. In six subjects, He made a contrast between man-made religion as practised and promoted by the religious leaders and true genuine faith as taught by the Savior of the world.

                (1) On the subject of Murder (vv.21-26):
                – “You have heard…….. but I tell you.”

                (2) On the subject of Adultery (vv.27-30):
                – “You have heard…….. but I tell you.”

                (3) On the subject of Divorce (vv.31-32):
                – “You have heard…….. but I tell you.”

                (4) On the subject of Oaths (vv.33-37):
                – “You have heard…….. but I tell you.”

                (5) On the subject of Retaliation (vv.38-42):
                – “You have heard…….. but I tell you.”

                (6) On the subject of Love (vv.43-47):
                – “You have heard…….. but I tell you.”

                As Jesus has taught, living the faith entails transformation within and not outward showing off that the teachers of the law in Jesus’ time were trying to teach and live, thinking that it was the way God wanted them to live.

                16-Oct-2022: Nothing Can Separate Us from God's Love - Pastor Narry Santos

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                (Romans 8:31-39)

                Today, we go to the last of our 6-part sermon series entitled “Why We Always Need God” (Studies from Romans 3-8). The 6th reason why we always need God is because no one & nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. According to Romans 8:31-39, how do we know that we cannot be separated from God’s love?

                I. GOD’S LOVE OVERWHELMS US (8:31-36)

                Paul presents God’s overwhelming love by asking 7 rhetorical questions that assume how intense such love is for us: (1) “What, then, shall we say in response to these things?” (8:31a; see 4:1; 6:1; 914, 30)–we respond with awe & praise for God’s amazing works in us; (2) “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (8:31b)–God is on our side who gives full security; (3) “how will he not also… graciously give us all things?” (8:32)–biggest gift guarantees the promise of all smaller gifts; (4) “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?” (8:33)–God is our justifier; (5) “Who then is the one who condemns?” (8:34a)–no one because Jesus is our judge; (6) “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (8:35a)¬¬–no one can; & (7) “Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” (8:35b)–no obstacles can stop God’s purposes. These 7 overwhelming expressions of God’s love gives us full security.


                II. GOD’S LOVE MAKES US OVERCOME (8:37-39)

                Paul highlights God’s overcoming love by making us overcoming victors (who keep on being conquerors to great degrees) (8:37), despite 10 contrasting pairs that threaten the security of God’s love in us (8:38-39a; see the 7 things in v. 35 that seek to thwart God’s purposes; note that these are included “in all things” mentioned in v. 28). All these things can never separate us from God’s love found in Christ Jesus, assuring us again of the full security that God gives to us.

                9-Oct-2022: Being Thankful for the Unthankables - by Pastor Jonathan Bernardo

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                Help is On the Way

                (Habakkuk 3:17-19)

                It is easier to thank God for the good that comes our way, but it is harder – often unthinkable even impossible that we can be thankful for those that aren’t.

                And even when we come to appreciate the blessings that come our way, we sometimes perceive that we are entitled to those blessings. So, more often than not, we take these blessings for granted when they come. But what about the undesirable, unexpected, and unwanted circumstances that we find ourselves in?

                It is unnatural to feel grateful for these moments or even people that we want to escape from. The last thing on our mind is gratitude. Rather, we want immediate solutions and a quick way out of them. But it could very well be that our worship of God is refined from a place of hardship. So, what can even make us be thankful for these unthankables? Perhaps, the threshold of our troubles can be the turning point of true thanksgiving – that at the edge of our trials is where we can find our utmost praise to God.

                2-Oct-2022: Help is On the Way - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                Help is On the Way

                (Romans 8:26-27)

                1. He steps in when we are directionless

                In this life, there will be times when we feel clueless and aimless. It feels like we’re going in circles without a clear purpose. God has given us the Holy Spirit to steer us towards His mighty plans. He stops us from living a meaningless life and redirects us to God’s perfect plan. May we allow the Spirit to guide us towards a life that is pleasing to God.


                2. He strengthens us when we are doing God’s work

                God wants to partner with His children so others may also know His love, grace and mercy. The task could be overwhelming, but the Spirit urges us to keep going. We may feel inadequate but His provision is more than enough for us. He will equip us and encourage us to serve Him with great excitement. May we keep doing the Lord’s work with passion and perseverance.

                25-Sep-2022: Only God Changes Our Lives - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Only God Changes Our Lives

                (Romans 7:14-25)

                1. See how sin enslaves us (7:14-23)

                Paul’s detailed description of our struggles with sin shows the seriousness of sin and how we need to take sin seriously. He accurately presents our sad and sorry state in relation to sin: “unspiritual” (7:14b), “slave to sin” (7:14c), “sin living in me” (7:17b), “good does not dwell in me” (7:18a) and “prisoner of the law of sin” (7:23b). The good we wish to do we cannot do; the bad we hate, we end up doing (7:15, 17, 19 ,20). We learn a few lessons here: (1) our old self or the flesh seeks to gain control over us; (2) the law is “spiritual” (7:14), “good” (7:16), “God’s law” (7:22, 25) that we must delight in (7:22) but sin uses it against us; and (3) even if we desire to do what is right, we are unable to do it on our own. These are hard lessons to learn. Let’s not harden our heart about them.


                2. Seek the Saviour of our sins (7:24-25)

                Paul summarizes such traumatic struggle with sin this way: “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?” (7:24). Note that Paul asks, “who,” not what will rescue? Then he turns to God and finds “Jesus Christ our Lord” as the answer. Every time sin seeks to enslave us, let’s seek the Saviour. Our Saviour always stretches out His hand of help through the Holy Spirit (8:5-8). Let’s get help from the Spirit fast!


                18-Sep-2022: Self and Sin Traps and Trips Us - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

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                Romans 3:9-24

                We all are still devastated by the demise of a dear brother in the Lord. We are tremendously broken. But the event that transpired has given us a much-needed pause in our busy life to reflect on the present world around us in view of the new world before us. Because when we place everything in the light of God’s Word, we find that what we have in Christ, big or small, is much more valuable than what the world has to offer. Being assured of the beautiful future that we have in Jesus Christ, we can rest well and be at peace because of God’s manifested grace. 

                As we continue on our series on “Why We Always Need God” based on selected passages in Romans 3:8, I will be sharing with you both good and bad news. My prayer is that we will reconsider our lifestyle, reassess our priorities, and recommit to follow Jesus to the glory of His name.


                1. BAD NEWS: No One is Righteous: All Will Die. (vv 9-20; cf. 2 Corinthians 5:21)


                2. GOOD NEWS: God is Righteous: All May Live. (vv. 21-24; cf. 2 Peter 3:9)


                The bad news has become a platform for us to be ready to hear the good news. And the good news, because of the bad news, becomes the best news ever. Are you ready to listen… AGAIN?

                11-Sep-2022: Only God Declares Us Not Guilty - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Romans 4:1-5, 18-25

                Today, we go to the 2nd of our 6-part sermon series entitled “Why We Always Need God” (Studies from Romans 3-8). The second reason why we always need God is because only God declares us not guilty (or makes us right before God). According to Romans 4:1-5, 18-25, what two truths must we claim so that we can live differently as God’s new creation?


                Abraham is an excellent OT example of a person who was made right before God by faith (4:3a; see Gen. 15:6). Abraham did not work toward being declare righteous (4:2, 4-5) through the ritual of circumcision (4:9-12) or the Law (4:13-17). He was simply “credited” (an accounting term that means to put to one’s account) as righteous. Since we are made right by God, we need not live under the burden of guilt nor be overwhelmed by our unrighteousness.


                Abraham put his faith on a faithful God, who fulfills His promise (4:20-21). Despite hardships and human limits (4:19; see Gen. 17:17-18, 18:11), Abraham put his hope (4:18) and help in God. He also “faced the fact” (carefully considered the reality) of his old age and Sarah’s barrenness but did not waver in unbelief (4:20a). Instead, he was strengthened (or empowered) in faith (4:20b) and was convinced that God performs what He promises (4:21) about giving Abraham a son and making him a father of many nations. Let’s put our hope in our God who always fulfills His promise.

                4-Sep-2022: Being Justified Through Faith - Ptr Marvin Catanus

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                Being Justified Through Faith – results in benefits for believers (peace, love, hope)

                Message Outline

                (Vs. 1-2) Peace and Grace.

                Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

                Therefore, having been justified by faith:
                Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
                Into this grace in which we stand:
                Through whom also we have access by faith:
                We have access:
                Rejoice in hope of the glory of God:
                Justified by faith:

                (Vs. 3-4) The Promise of Glory.

                And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

                And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations:
                Knowing that tribulation produces perseverance:
                Perseverance, character; and character, hope:

                (V. 5) Hope: God and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

                Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

                Now hope does not disappoint:
                The love of God… poured out in our hearts:
                The Holy Spirit who was given to us:

                21-August-2022: Joining God in His Redemptive Plan - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

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                Redemption in Helpless Times

                Message Outline

                Ruth 4:1-12

                For us to appreciate the joy in our relationship with God and others through our faith in Jesus Christ, we need to understand the extent of God’s love to humanity. Are we worthy to be called into His kingdom knowing that we can’t earn God’s favor? The influence we make or the legacy we leave behind will determine how we express our love for God as we join Him in His redemptive plan.
                As we continue to study the beautiful love story of Boaz and Ruth, there are three important things that we need to consider to appreciate the grace of God in our lives that gives us the joy of living in this world.


                1. The  Meaning of Redemption.

                2. The  Means of Redemption.

                3. The  Magnitude of our Redemption (vv.13-22).

                a) Blessing to our family (vv. 13,15,16).

                b) Blessing to our community (vv.14a,17a).

                c) Blessing to our country (v.14b).

                d) Blessing to the whole world (vv.17b-22)

                14-August-2022: Refining is a Reward - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Message Outline

                Ruth 3


                Washing, anointing and wearing
                Ruth 3:3

                Ruth’s preparation

                1) Wash yourself – Eph 5:26
                2) Anoint yourself – Ephesians 5:18
                3) Put on your best clothes – Revelation 19:8

                Leaving it to God
                Ruth 3:4-5

                Ruth 3:6-7

                Our need: To rest
                Ruth 3:8

                The Lord’s response
                Ruth 3:9

                Intimate Relationship
                Ruth 3:12-14

                Rewards through Refining
                Ruth 3:15-18

                1 Peter 1:3-9

                07-August-2022: Contagious Kindness - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                Message Outline

                Ruth 2:1-16

                As we continue studying the book of Ruth, we will look into showing kindness in Tough Times. Despite of the challenges around us, can we still show kindness to others? Can we still be generous to those around us when we feel miserable? Today, we will look at three (3) characters who were in the midst of tough situations but still managed to share kindness. Brother and Sisters in Christ let’s spread a contagious kind of kindness!

                1. Kindness Produces Ripple Effect

                Despite of what Naomi’s going through, she chose to be kind to her daughter-in-law, Ruth. She took her in and showed her around the city to make sure she is comfortable to this new land. There is no small act of kindness, every act can create a chain reaction that will touch people’s hearts.

                2. Showing Kindness Is Rewarding

                Despite of being in a foreign land, Ruth made sure she could give back to Naomi by working diligently. She repaid her kindness by finding a way to provide for both. This generous gesture led her to expected blessings and opportunities. Let’s continue to show kindness for it will surely gives us fulfillment and satisfaction

                3. Kindness Reflects the Goodness of God

                Despite of being in a tricky situation, Boaz still pursued Ruth. He treated her gently and kindly even though she was a foreigner. His faith in God flowed through his actions and he was able to show compassion to Ruth. May we continue to manifest the Goodness of God in our everyday actions.

                4. Kindness was first Rendered by God

                Despite of the Three Characters’ Tough Situations, they were able to still find a way to show kindness to others. This is all possible because of God’s kindness to us. While we were still sinners, God gave His son to die for us. This ultimate display of love is what prompt us to spread contagious kindness to others!

                31-July-2022: Provision in Dry Times - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Message Outline

                Ruth 2:17-23

                As we celebrate GCF York’s 11th anniversary, we will continue our 7-part sermon series entitled “Loyal Love: From Emptiness to Fulness” (Series on the Book of Ruth) & we will look at how God provides in seemingly dry or unproductive times. Our provision (whether individually, as a family or church family) surely comes from God, who favors us, takes notice of us & our needs, & blesses us. According to Ruth 2:17-23, how does God show His favor & blessing?

                I. GOD’S PROVISION COMES TILL THE END (2:17-18, 21)

                God’s provision is evident throughout the narrative (1:6a, 22b; 2:23a; 3:1b; 4:13). In Ruth’s case, the provision for her was more than enough (2:17-18a), to the point that she was able to share it with Naomi (2:18b, see v. 14b). She had assurance that provision would come until the end of the harvest season (2:21; see 2:8a, 9b), even in ways that favored her greatly (2:6b). Whatever be our need, let’s trust God to provide for us until the end (see Phil. 4:19).


                God’s providence is evident, especially in chapter 2. The field where Ruth happened to work & glean (2:19a) belongs to Boaz (2:19b), who was not just a kind & rich landowner but was also a close kinsman-redeemer of Elimelek (2:20b; see v. 1). God’s providence is seen in 3 occasions: (1) Ruth went to Boaz’s field (“as it turned out” [2:3b]); (2) Boaz came to the field while Ruth was there (“just then” [2:4a]); & (3) Boaz heard about Ruth before he met her (“I’ve been told about what you have done” [2:11a]). Let’s trust God for His divine interventions & divine appointments, so that we can see His plan & purpose continue to prevail (Phil. 2:13).


                God’s protection is also evident in chapter 2. Boaz took intentional steps to protect Ruth from harm (2:22; see vv. 8a, 9b) & embarrassment (2:15b-16). Naomi also provided protection to Ruth through the shelter of Naomi’s home (2:23b). God provides His protection through people He sends our way to shield us from harm & embarrassment. Let’s trust God for His protection (Pss. 17:8; 36:7; 57:1; 91:1), whatever danger or harm awaits us.

                24-July-2022: Loyalty in Lonely Times - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Message Outline

                Ruth 1: 14-22

                Today, we continue our 7-part sermon series entitled, “Loyal Love: From Emptiness to Fullness” (Series on the book of Ruth). In times of loss and loneliness and in tough, dry, uncertain and helpless times, we can experience God’s hope, loyalty, kindness, provision, love and redemption. In the fullness of time, God gives us fullness of joy. According to Ruth 1:14-22, what can we do to help us experience more of God’s loyalty in lonely times?


                1. Show others our loving presence (1:14-18)

                We can boldly show the presence of God through our loving presence to others, especially in their times of need and loneliness. Ruth showed this by being loyal to Naomi (1:14b, 16-17) when the latter felt her life was empty (1:11-13). In Ruth’s loyalty (despite being told to return repeatedly to her original family and land), she invoked God, even to the point of death and burial (1:17). Though her loyalty was disadvantageous to her welfare, she still showed loyal love (chesed) to Naomi. Let’s show loyal love to each other, just as God remains loyal and loving to us (even if we don’t feel it).


                2. See God beyond our lingering pain (1:19-22)

                We can bravely see God in the midst of our lingering pain. Despite her return to Bethlehem, Naomi’s pain lingered to the point that she wanted to change her name from Naomi (meaning “pleasant”) to Mara (meaning “bitter”) (1:20) because she left “full” but returned “empty” (1:21). Though she didn’t lose faith in God (1:8-9, 13), her view of God became clouded to the point that she attributed her emptiness to the “Lord” and “Almighty” (20-21). She forgot to see clearly that God “had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them” (1:6a) and that there is hope because Ruth was with her (1:22a) and that they arrived in Bethlehem “as the barley harvest was beginning” (1:22b). Let’s all see beyond our lingering pain.

                17-July-2022: The Greatest Gift - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Message Outline

                The Greatest Gift
                1 Corinthians 13:1-13


                Love Against The Grain

                Tough Love

                Holy Spirit Poured Out Love

                Christ Love


                10-July-2022: Reformation of Spirit: Go Back! - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                Reformation of Spirit: Go Back

                (Ezra 9:1-6)

                As we finish off our mini-series on the Book of Ezra, ask this personal question to yourself: have I been glorifying God with my life? The Israelites thought that they are faithful in worshipping by giving burnt offerings and singing praises. However, God requires more than that, He wants you to live a life pleasing to Him. He is not asking for perfection but a life of obedience and faithfulness. May we go back to putting God at the center of our lives


                1. Go Back to Learning God’s Word

                Ezra 7: 10 For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.


                2. Go Back to Leaning on God’s Wisdom

                Ezra 7:25 And you, Ezra, in accordance with the wisdom of your God, which you possess, appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people


                3. Go Back to Lamenting Wickedness

                Ezra 9:6 “I am too ashamed and disgraced, my God, to lift up my face to you, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens.”


                 4. Go Back to Living in God’s Ways

                Ezra 10:10-12 Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to Israel’s guilt. 11 Now honor the Lord, the God of your ancestors, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives.” 12 The whole assembly responded with a loud voice: “You are right! We must do as you say.”

                3-July-2022: Rebuilding of the Sanctuary: Under Construction - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                Rebuilding of the Sanctuary: Under Construction

                (Ezra 1:1-4)

                We will be going on a mini 2-Part Series on Restoration Through Intercession based on the book of Ezra. We will learn the importance of prayer as we go through the journey of the Israelites back to their homeland. Wherever we are, we must have a constant communication with God as He guides our paths. Today, may we build our sanctuary with Him by realizing He’s our Great Architect.


                1. We are Under His Grand Plan (Ezra Chapters 1-2)

                The first step towards rebuilding our faith in Him is to know that we are under God’s plan. He meticulously leads people to where He wants them to be to fulfill His for mankind. Let’s surrender everything to Him and allow Him to reign over our lives.


                2. We are to Understand the Grueling Process (Ezra Chapters 3-4)

                Just like any construction, it will not be a quick and easy process. We need to be all-in on the process of changing our hearts for His glory. As we go through the process, let’s enjoy His presence in our lives.


                3. We are to Underline God’s Promises (Ezra Chapters 5-6)

                As we live our lives towards His purpose, we need to hold on to His promises. The enemy will do everything in it’s power to discourage us from rebuilding our sanctuary with God. Let’s focus on His loving mercy and His promises to us.

                26-Jun-2022: Following the Spirit's Leading - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                Title: Following the Spirit’s Leading

                (Acts 13:1-3)

                Today, we continue with the 5th of our 6-part sermon series entitled “Partnership with the Holy Spirit” (Studies from the Book of Acts). Our 1st message talked about experiencing the Spirit’s empowerment (Acts 6:1-7); our 2nd sermon discussed discerning the Spirit’s direction (Acts 10:9-23); the 3rd explored seeing the Spirit extend our ministry (Acts 11:19-30); the 4th taught us about submitting to the Spirit’s intervention. Today, we will learn the value of following the Spirit’s leading. According to Acts 13:1-3, in what contexts does the Spirit speak & show God’s leading, so we can quickly follow & obey?


                Antioch (11:19-26), which became Saul’s ministry base of operation, had diverse leaders: (1) Barnabas (Jew from Cyprus; 4:36-37); (2) Simeon called Niger (Jew whose Latin nickname Niger [black] shows that he had dark skin or was African who moved in Roman circles); (3) Lucius of Cyrene (man from North Africa, 11:20); (4) Manaen (like a “foster-brother” with Herod the tetrarch [Antipas]); & (5) Saul (Jew from Tarsus). God’s heart is for all the nations.


                The Holy Spirit’s leading became clear when the leaders of Antioch were engaged in 2 spiritual disciplines of dependence on God: (1) worshiping Lord (describing priestly service); & (2) fasting (with passionate prayer). God reveals Himself more when we depend on Him more.


                The Spirit unfolded His method of ministry when He told the leaders to set apart Barnabas & Saul as a team. This reinforces the functional approach of paired partnership (like Peter & John [3:1; 4:1]; Barnabas & Mark [15:39]; Paul & Silas [15:40]). God affirms ministering in pairs or teams.


                The Spirit confirmed that the setting apart of Barnabas & Saul was His own doing: (1) “set apart for me”; & (2) “for the work to which I have called them.” As a result, the leaders “placed their hands on them” & “sent them off.” The Spirit also sent of the 2 on their way (13:4). When the Spirit confirms His leading, God’s people follow & obey right away.

                19-Jun-2022: God's Providence... Our Hope - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Title: God’s Providence… Our Hope

                (Ruth 1:1-13 ESV)


                God works in our time of darkness

                Naomi and Ruth



                – Sovereignty

                – Providence

                – Purpose

                – Freedom

                Prov 3:5-6


                For fathers:

                1. Learn how to need

                – salvation, strength, supply, wisdom (James 1:5)

                2. Learn to lead

                3. Let Holy Spirit work through you

                4. Learn to love – God, family, church

                12-Jun-2022: Doors of Decisions - by Pastor James DIolanda

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                Title: Doors of Decisions

                (Acts 16:6-10 ESV)

                As we continue with our Sermon series, “Partnership with the Holy Spirit, we will learn how important He is in our Christian walk. Paul and Silas followed the prompting of the Spirit in their missionary journey to share the Gospel. They knew the crucial role He plays in leading them to God’s plans. May we also realize the power and purpose of the Holy Spirit as we become fruitful followers of God.

                1. The Holy Spirit Closes Doors That Are Not Within God’s Divine Plan

                Paul and Silas were spreading the Good News from town to town. Yet, the Holy Spirit did not let them go on some areas and led them to a different region. This allowed them to learn valuable lessons in their journey. Despite of various roadblocks, they never stopped moving for God. With all the detours, they needed to exercise humility in accepting God’s instructions. As they continue with their mission, they persevered during the challenges before them. The Holy Spirit was guiding them throughout their journey, and they learned to trust in Him


                2. The Holy Spirit Opens Doors of Opportunities to Obey God’s Directions

                The Holy Spirit’s role is to lead us to God’s glory. He directs us to see God’s will, to stir up the passion to serve Him and to have the confidence to share His Word. We have countless opportunities to obey God, some are hard to follow, and some are easy. We must always have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit to have an open communication with Him. Let’s be more mindful of His presence in our lives.

                05-Jun-2022: Claiming Opportunities That Await - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                (John 12:1-9)

                Sermon Summary:

                Missed opportunities happen to all of us and often times for valid reasons. But those opportunities that will develop and strengthen our relationship with God, should take precedence and become our priority.

                The Bible text in John 12 records a special gathering that was hosted for the Lord Jesus Christ. The three siblings were there (Mary, Martha, and Lazarus), and so with Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed the Master with a kiss and 30 pieces of silver (cf. Matthew 26:15, 48-49).

                The opportunity to honor Jesus at the moment was claimed by Mary as she expressed her love for the Lord when she gifted Him with precious perfume. Martha and Lazarus also had unique opportunities to serve the Lord at that time.

                Today’s message hopes to reveal our stewardship attitude toward God’s purpose and suggest ways to claim the spiritual opportunities that await:

                1. BEWARE of being an Opportunity BREAKER (Judas, vv.4-6).

                a. Don’t Be Selfish (vv.4-5)
                b. Don’t Be Sinful (v.6)

                2. PREPARE to be an Opportunity TAKER (Lazarus & Martha, vv.1-2, 9).

                a. Be a Good Steward of Life (Lazarus: vv.1-2b,9)
                b. Be a Good Steward of Abilities (Martha: v.2a)

                3. DECLARE to become an Opportunity MAKER (Mary, vv. 3,7-8).

                a. Give Your Best (v.3)
                b. Give To Bless (vv.7-8)

                29-May-2022: Seeing the Spirit Extend our Ministry - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (Acts 11:9-30)

                Sermon Summary:

                We are halfway in our 7-part sermon series entitled “Partnership with the Holy Spirit” (Studies from the Book of Acts). Today, we will learn that the Spirit extends our ministry. We see this extension in the way God uses (& wants to use) all God’s people. In Acts 11:19-30, we will discover how the Spirit works in accomplishing different tasks through different people.

                I. THE SPIRIT USES LAY PEOPLE TO EVANGELIZE (11:19-21)

                The Spirit uses lay people (even unknown & unnamed followers of Jesus) in the context of suffering (11:19a), who traveled far & wide to “spread the word” to Jews (11:19b) & to tell the good news of Jesus to the Greeks (or Gentiles) (11:20). The presence of God was evident with them & the problem led to progress in people turning to God (11:21).

                II. THE SPIRIT USES LEADERS TO ENCOURAGE (11:22-24)

                The Spirit uses church leaders to send Barnabas (“Son of Encouragement”), who was “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit & faith” (11:24a), to see if God’s work is evident in Antioch (11:22). Barnabas saw the grace of God there & encouraged the people to keep remaining true to God (11:23). The result is the Spirit brought a great number of people to the Lord (11:24b).

                III. THE SPIRIT USES MINISTERS TO EQUIP (11:25-26)

                The Spirit uses ministers (like Barnabas) to get more help (from Saul of Tarsus) (11:25), who both became partners in equipping & educating the church in Antioch for a year (11:26a). As a result, they “taught great numbers of people” (11:26b), especially the disciples (or Christians) in Antioch (11:26c).

                IV. THE SPIRIT USES CHURCHES TO EDIFY (11:27-30)

                The Spirit uses the church in Antioch in a time of severe famine (11:27-28) to edify (or build up) the church in Jerusalem through the former’s provision of help & sending of gifts with Barnabas & Saul as emissaries (11:29-30) to benefit the followers of Jesus in Judea.

                22-May-2022: See the Spirit Work - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                (Acts 10:9-23)

                Sermon Summary:

                Introduction and Summary


                Humility in your Identity

                Don’t Forget to Pray

                You Know Enough to Care

                Let the Spirit Work

                Close and Challenge

                Go a Little Further!

                15-May-2022: Experience the Spirit's Empowerment - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                (Acts 6:1-7)

                Sermon Summary:

                Today, we continue our 7-part sermon series on the Book of Acts entitled “Partnership with the Holy Spirit.” We want to understand how the Spirit is involved in our daily roles, relationships, and responsibilities. To resume this series, we will look at how we can experience the reality of the Spirit’s power, as we learn from the experience of the Jerusalem church (1:8; 2:4, 38; see 2:41, 47b; 4:4; 5:14) In Acts 6:1-7, when & how can we experience the Spirit’s empowerment?

                I. IN DIFFICULT DAYS, GROW IN PRAYER & GOD’S WORD (6:1-2, 4, 6)

                The Spirit works powerfully in the context of growth (6:1a) & challenging conflict (6:1b). In response to both, the apostles knew what to do: grow in the ministry of God’s Word (6:2, 4b; see 1:20; 2:16-21, 25, 34-35, 42) & prayer (6:4a; see 1:14, 24; 2:42; 4:24, 31). We create an environment for the Spirit to work powerfully when we are in God’s Word & prayer. In difficult times, let’s grow more in both prayer & the Word.


                The Spirit works powerfully in the context of raising more leaders (6:3, 5) & causing more growth in God’s ministry (6:7). Difficult days are an opportune time to add more leaders in God’s work. What kind of leaders? Godly ones (“full of the Spirit & wisdom” [6:3]; “full of faith & of the Holy Spirit [6:5a]; see “full of God’s grace & power” [6:8], 6:10). They also chose leaders who can relate with the people who are going through the challenging time (6:5b). We create an environment for the Spirit to work powerfully when we grow in godliness & develop godly leaders. In developing leaders, let’s go for godliness & grow godly ones.

                8-May-2022: From Mother’s Faith to Father’s Miracles - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                (1 Kings 17:7-24)

                Sermon Summary:

                As we celebrate Mother’s Day, we will look at how a Mom’s faith unlocked our Heavenly Father’s Miracles in their lives. God used a widow to feed Elijah and in the process she got to experience God’s blessings in full. Today, we will see God’s characteristics as we unfold the 2 miracles He brought to the widow’s life.

                1. God’s Provision is Overflowing

                The widow was doing her every day task when Elijah approached her and asked for something to eat. This ordinary encounter made way to an extra ordinary experience for her. Her faith enabled her to see God’s provision in full.

                2. God’s Power is Overwhelming

                From one adversity to another, the widow just couldn’t catch a break. After getting ample supply of flour and oil from the Lord, sometime later she lost her son. She expressed her rage and resentment but God was still in control of her situation.

                3. God’s Plan is Outstanding

                Everything that happened in the story was perfectly designed by God. He orchestrated the meet up of Elijah and the widow so He could reveal His glory to them. Let’s keep on trusting Him as He is always faithful and loving.

                1-May-2022: The Call To Be Witnesses In The Spirit - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

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                (Acts 1:1-8)

                Sermon Summary:

                Today, we will be starting a new series on “Partnership with the Holy Spirit” based on selected passages of the Book of Acts. The Spirit’s role in our lives cannot be underestimated. It is important for us to recognize that with the help of the third Person of the Holy Trinity we can grow spiritually healthy and help in the fulfillment of God’s mission in our generation.

                After His blessed resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus showed Himself to His apostles and was with them for 40 days. He spoke about the kingdom of God and taught them many things about Himself and the coming Holy Spirit. In the text that we are going to study, we will learn about three important things that pertain to the Spirit of God that will help us to seriously consider God’s call for us to be “Witnesses in the Spirit.”

                1) The PROMISE about the Holy Spirit (1-5). “Wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about”

                Acts 1:4-5

                Luke 24:48-53

                APPLY: Let us gladly receive the promise Jesus gives to those who receive Him personally.

                2) The POWER of the Holy Spirit (vv.6-8a). “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”

                Zechariah 4:6

                APPLY: Let us fully depend on the Spirit’s power in our walk with God.

                3) The PLAN with the Holy Spirit (v.8b). “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

                Romans 10:9-15

                APPLY: Let us expectantly join God in His plan to save the world.

                24-Apr-2022: The Value of Spiritual Parent - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                (I Corinthians 4:14-17)

                As we walk through our Christian faith, it is crucial to have someone who will give us a helping hand. Apostle Paul was the Spiritual Father of many churches and followers. Today, we will take a look at the importance of having a spiritual parent.

                1. Caring for Christ’s Followers

                In order for us to be an effective spiritual parent to others, we first need to show genuine care and concern for them. This is not a chore that we MUST do, it’s a great privilege to lead someone to Christ. Let’s stir it up in our hearts the passion to serve God by showing compassion to others.

                2. Choosing to Copy Christ

                When Paul said, “imitate me”, he wasn’t leading them to life of idolatry. Instead, he wants them to see the value of inspirational living. It is helpful to have someone to look up to but it’s dangerous to be too invested in their lives. Let’s always point to God’s glory to avoid directing all their attention to us.

                3. Continuing the Christian Faith with Conviction

                It’s a great responsibility to be a spiritual parent to someone. This is why, it’s important to keep on growing in Christ. We shouldn’t be stagnant with our faith as we lead others to a fruitful Christian living.

                17-Apr-2022: What a Fresh Start with Jesus Brings - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (Ephesians 2:11-22)

                Happy Resurrection Sunday! Easter is like a fresh start. The darkness of Good Friday & the death of Jesus on that day & the gloominess of Black Saturday give way with the brightness & gladness of the resurrected life of Jesus. GCF York also has the fresh start of beginning our in-person worship celebration today. We also have the fresh start of meeting for the first time at our new venue & time slot at Langstaff Gospel Assembly. Our desire for all of us today is that we experience our own fresh start that only Jesus brings. But we ask: “What can we experience, if we have a fresh start with Jesus?” Eph. 2:11-22 gives us three answers to this question.


                Through the blood of Jesus (or His sacrificial death [2:13b; see 1:7]), Gentiles (or non-Jews), who were faraway, are brought near to God & the Jews. Before, the Gentiles were distant from God (“separate from Christ”; “without hope”; “without God in the world”) & from the Jews (“uncircumcised”; “excluded from the citizenship in Israel”; “foreigners to the covenants of the promise). In Christ, we now are not second-rate, alienated, or estranged people!


                Through the cross of Christ (or His physical death on the cross; 2:16b), the Gentiles & Jews are reconciled. Jesus destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility (i.e., enmity between Gentiles & Jews; 2:14b), brought peace (2:14a, 15b, 17 [2x]), & created one new humanity called the church out of the two. The Gentiles are not to become Jews nor the Jews Gentiles. But both are now to be called Christians. In Christ, we now have access to the Father by the Spirit (2:18)!


                Through Christ as our Chief Cornerstone (i.e., stone upon which the entire building is lined up with; 2:20b), we are now members of God’s family (“no longer foreigners & strangers”; “fellow citizens with God’s people”; “members of his household”; 2:19). We’re compared to a new building with solid foundation (2:20), sure formation (2:21), & spiritual function (2:22). In Christ, we’re designed to be part of His new family!

                10-Apr-2022: How to Leave a Lasting Legacy - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                2 Timothy 2:1-3

                Today, we continue with our 6th message in the sermon series on “Passing the Baton Well & Wisely to the Next Generations.” In passing the baton of faith well, we need to leave a legacy that lasts long. 2 Tim. 2:1-3 shows us how to leave such legacy.

                I. MINISTER WITH GRACE (2:1)

                The ministry of Paul to Timothy is based on a close relationship as “father & son” (2:1a; see 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:18a, 2a). This relationship is anchored on grace found in Christ (2:1b; see 1:2b, 4:22b; 1 Tim. 1:2b; 6:21b; 1:14). Paul treated Timothy graciously by speaking highly of him to the Philippians (Phil. 2:19-22), as they both served God together. Let’s ministry with grace to the next generation!

                II. MENTOR WITH DEPTH (2:2)

                The mentoring in 2 Tim. 2:2 is to occur in 4 generations (Paul, Timothy, “reliable people,” & “others”). Note the faithful pattern of entrusting to Timothy (1 Tim. 6:20a; 2 Tim. 1:14a) what has been previously entrusted to Paul (1 Tim. 1:10b-11; see 2 Tim. 1:12), so that Timothy can guard these things (1 Tim. 6:20a; 2 Tim. 1:14b) & entrust these same things to others (2:2; see 1:13). The guarding of these things involves the practice of what is entrusted (Phil. 4:9). This mentoring by Paul to Timothy is similar to the family mentoring by Lois & Eunice to Timothy (1:5). Let’s mentor with depth the next generations!


                III. MODEL THROUGH HARDSHIP (2:3)

                The modeling involves enduring hardship together (2:3). Paul reveals his hardships in the ministry (2:9a) when people deserted him (4:16). Despite hardship, he experienced God’s faithfulness (4:17a, c, 18) & modeled faithfulness in proclaiming the gospel (4:17b; 2:9b). Even though some whom he mentored deserted him (1:15; 4:10a, 14; see 1 Tim. 1:19b-20) & though he was about to be martyred (2 Tim. 4:6), Paul still fought the good fight & kept the faith (4:7; see 2:10). He instructs Timothy to also fight the good fight (1 Tim. 1:18b; 6:12a). Let’s model through hardship with the next generation!

                3-Apr-2022: Faith That Fluently Influences Others - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                Faith That Fluently Influences Others

                2 Timothy 3:10-17

                1. Look for God’s works in people’s lives

                2. Live out God’s word daily 

                27-Mar-2022: Forming Faith from Generation to Generation

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                (Psalm 78:1-8)

                Today, we continue with our 4th message in the sermon series on “Passing the Baton Well & Wisely to the Next Generations.” God has made it clear that He wants us to transfer our faith to the succeeding generations and why He wants us to do so. Psalm 78:1-8 reveals to us the “what” & “why” of faith formation & transmission.


                I. TALK ABOUT GOD’S WORKS & TEACH HIS WORD (78:1-6)

                The “what” of faith formation & transmission is found in Psalm 78:1-6, which reveals God’s intent for His people to transfer their faith in God to the next generations (78:3, 4a, 5b, 6). God wanted 2 important things to be passed on about God:

                (1) “praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, & the wonders he has done” (78:4b) – reflecting God’s grace (see vv. 12-16, 23-29, 35, 38-39. 44-51, 52-55, 65-66);

                (2) statutes & the law in Israel (78: 5a) — A heritage of God’s grace & obedience to Him is what we are called to tell & teach the next generations.


                II. TRUST GOD, THINK OF HIS WORKS, & OBEY HIS WORD (78:7-8)

                The “why” of faith formation & transmission is found in Psalm 78:7-9, which reveals the 3 reasons for passing the baton of faith to the next generations. These 3 reasons are:

                (1) putting their faith in God (78:7a);

                (2) not forgetting God’s deeds (78:7b; Deut. 6:12); &

                (3) keeping God’s commands (78:7c; Deut. 5:29).

                The psalmist Asaph warned the people to take these 3 acts seriously so that they would not repeat the mistakes of the past generations (78:8; see vv. 10-11, 17-22, 32, 36-37, 40-42, 56-58), realizing that God unleashed His righteous anger to those who dishonored Him, forgot His deeds, & disobeyed His word (78:31, 33, 59-64).

                20-Mar-2022: Pass the Baton of Faith - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Pass the Baton of Faith

                2 Timothy 1:3-7

                Practical and daily ways to pass the faith

                Consistently Live Your Faith
                Daily Opportunities
                Grow Godly Character
                Make God Normal
                Make Them Depend on God – The Transfer

                What to ask to teach them on Faith
                PSALM 78:5-8





                13-Mar-2022: Beware of Not Passing the Baton Well - by Ptr Narry Santos

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                (Joshua 24:14-18, 31; Judg. 2:7, 10-13)

                Today, we our new 6-part message series this March until the middle of April on “Passing the Baton Well & Wisely to the Next Generations (Studies on Faith Formation & Transmission). Aside from planting 7 churches in 7 years, part of GCF Canada’s Vision 2024 is conducting millennial summits that seek to pass the baton from the “Moses” generation to the “Joshua” generation of ministry. Parents & grandparents will not be around forever, so we need to be involved in intentional intergenerational faith formation & transmission. To understand the need for it, we need to beware of not passing the baton well. What do we need to watch out for?



                (Josh. 24:14-18, 31; Jdg. 2:7)

                Joshua & Caleb represented the generation that left Egypt & entered the Promised Land (Num. 14:30; Deut. 1:36, 38). All the rest of the generation died in the wilderness for 40 years. The second generation who left Egypt was 19 years old & younger & entered the Promised Land (Num. 1:3; 14:31-33; Deut. 1:39). Joshua & Caleb were committed (Josh. 24:15b; cf. 14:9, 10b-11). The next generation wanted to serve the Lord (24:16-18) & actually did (24:31; Judg. 2:7a). But note the shift of this generation from “experiencing” (Josh. 24:31b) God to simply “seeing” God work (Judg. 2:7b; see Josh. 24:7b). They remained complacent & stuck with where they were.



                When the complacent generation passed (2:10a), the following generation got worse, got corrupted, & became cold toward God (2:10b-13). There was massive failure in the formation of the next generation. As a result, the faith of the second generation decreased to a level of no faith in the third generation, & God turned against this generation (2:14-15). Let’s be watch out for the slippery slope of loss of faith. Let’s be attentive to intergenerational faith formation & transmission.

                06-Mar-2022: Pass the Faith - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                PASS THE FAITH

                (Deuteronomy 6:5-9)

                As we start our New Message Series on ‘Passing the Baton Well & Wisely to the Next Generations’, may we become aware of how we should live our lives. Let us love God passionately and wholeheartedly. Let us integrate our faith in our daily activities as we show others His faithfulness to us. We have a responsibility to pass on our faith to the next generation. What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

                1. Instill it with Passion not through Perfect Living

                We grew up in a culture where negative reinforcements were used to instill discipline. Instead of living in fear, we must be submerged in love and kindness.

                2. Include it as Part of Daily Living

                In everything we do, let’s give glory to God. In this way, others will see His power and love in us. In our Personal and Public life, even during peaceful and productive moments, we must always carry our faith with us.

                27-Feb-2022: The Miracle of Acceptance and Sharing of Burdens - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                February Theme: Mutual Care: Health & Healing for Hurting Hearts


                (Romans 15:7 & Galatians 6:1-2)

                Happy Family Day! Today, we conclude our 4-part message series this February on “Mutual Care: Health & Healing for Hurting Hearts (Selected ‘One Another’ Commands in the New Testament”). As a family & church family, we are called to accept one another & carry one another’s burden. The miracle of changed lives & healed relationships happens through acceptance & burden-bearing. How can we be all part of this miracle of change & healing?

                I. ACCEPT ONE ANOTHER (Rom. 15:7)

                We create an environment of change when we accept one another (Rom. 15:7a), which gives glory or brings praise to God (15:7c). The way toward mutual acceptance is to follow Christ’s acceptance of us (15:7b). Similarly, the “strong” & “weak” in faith are to accept one another (14:1a), without passing judgment (14:1b, 4, 13; see Matt. 7:1-2), because God has accepted us (4:3b). The miracle of changed lives happen when we accept one another.

                II. CARRY ONE ANOTHER’S BURDEN (Gal. 6:1-2)

                We create an environment of healing when we carry one another’s burden (Gal. 6:2a), which fulfills the law of Christ (“love your neighbor as yourself” [5:14]). The term “burden” refers to a heavy, crushing load—more than what one can carry without help. The context of this burden is sin & failure (1:1a). The way out of being overwhelmed by burden is through burden-bearing, referring to the willingness to carry one another’s burden & the commitment to accept involvement in each other’s difficulties. The miracle of healed relationships happens when we carry one another’s burdens.

                20-Feb-2022: The Ministry of Mutual Forbearance & Forgiveness - by Ptr Marvin Catanus

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                February Theme: Mutual Care: Health & Healing for Hurting Hearts

                The Ministry of Mutual Forbearance & Forgiveness

                (Colossians 3:12-17)

                Sermon Summary:

                Having the old and the new

                You have been chosen (v12)
                Rom 3:24
                Rom 5:8
                Eph 1:4,6

                Wearing the Holy Virtues (v12-14)
                Kindness and Humility
                Forbearance and Forgiveness

                What then has changed from your old person towards your new person “in Christ”

                13-Feb-2022: The Medicine for Mutual Love - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                February Theme: Mutual Care: Health & Healing for Hurting Hearts

                The Medicine for Mutual Love

                (1 John 4:7-21)

                Sermon Summary:

                Today, we continue a new 4-part message series this February on “Mutual Care: Health & Healing for Hurting Hearts (Selected ‘One Another’ Commands in the New Testament”). In this “love” & “family” month, it’s good to be reminded that we show love as a family through mutual care, especially when our hearts hurt & need healing. The “one another” command we will look at today is to love one another, which is the medicine for mutual care. But before we can love another, we need to understand God’s love for us first. What do we need to know about God’s love?

                I. GOD’S LOVE IS COMPLETE (4:7-10)

                God, who is love (4:8, 16), makes us recipients of His unconditional & complete love. He loved us first (4:19) to the point of sending His Son to die for us (4:9-10). Since God loved us, we are called to love one another (4:11).

                II. GOD’S LOVE MAKES US COMPLETE (3:11-12)

                When we love others, God’s love is made complete in us (meaning, love reaches its full potential & fulfills its purpose in us). God’s love reaches its fulness (4:12, 17; see 2:5) when we love His people in the way He loves them. Let’s complete God’s love with mutual love.

                III. GOD’S LOVE REMOVES FEAR COMPLETELY (4:13-21)

                “There is no hear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (4:18a). This means that God’s love removes in me the dread of God & the fear of punishment & judgment reserved for those who do not belong to Him. Let’s exchange fear with love.

                6-Feb-2022: Make Encouragement Our Business - by Ptr James Diolanda

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                February Theme: Mutual Care: Health & Healing for Hurting Hearts

                (Hebrews 3:12-13; 10:24-25)

                Sermon Summary:

                Are you tired with all the changing restrictions and proposed lockdowns? Are you reaching a boiling point in regards to this Pandemic? Today we will unlock the power of encouragement just as God has designed it. May we become aware of our fellow believers’ struggles and offer sincere concern and support to one another. Contrary to the world’s MYOB or Mind Your Own Business, let’s MEOB and Make Encouragement Our Business. Are you ready to be an agent of encouragement this 2022?


                1. We Don’t Fall for Sin’s Deceitfulness

                Satan’s character is to deceive God’s creation. God has called us to watch each other’s back and offer encouragement so we don’t fall for enemies’ lies.

                2. We Don’t Feel Disheartened

                With piling problems left and right, we need to offer support and motivate one another the best we can. God has given us ideas on how we can encourage others through love and good deeds.

                3. We Don’t Falter in our Devotion to God

                As we continue to live a Christian life, let’s be aware of each other’s struggles and let’s uplift one another for God’s glory.


                30-Jan-2022: Partnership in Unity Needs the Spirit and Wisdom - by Ptr Ferdie Umali

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                (I Corinthians 3:16-23)

                Sermon Summary:

                To thrive in this life, we need to recognize how important partnership is in our daily activities. The Bible declares that “two are better than one” (Eccl. 4:9) and the Word of God has overwhelming stories to prove this truth. But for us to maintain a healthy relationship with God and others, which is essential to succeed, we need a special type of wisdom and a unique power from above.

                In the previous Sunday messages, we learned that the goal of partnership among God’s fellow workers is to do God’s mission successfully and in unity. And to overcome the challenges that may arise, our partnership should be built and focused on Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the church (Col. 1:18).

                This Sunday we will learn the role and rule of the Spirit and godly wisdom in our partnership with others. As we recognize that there are three different types of people that could influence our relationships (1Cor 2:14-3:3), we will be learning three practical ways to maintain our unity in partnership.


                1) SUBMIT to the Spirit in our PURSUIT of unity (vv. 16-17).

                2) SEEK the wisdom of God in the PRESERVATION of our unity (vv.18-20).

                3) SHOW consistency in our PRACTICE of unity (vv. 21-23).

                23-Jan-2022: Partnership with God's Fellow Servants - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                (I Corinthians 3:5-9)

                Sermon Summary:

                We are doing the January series on “Partnering with God’s Fellow Workers in Unity” (Studies in 1 Corinthians 1 & 3). As we saw last week, disunity was one problem of the Corinthian Christians (1 Cor. 1:10-17). To continue addressing this problem, Paul presents a God-focused & godly perspective about partnership in the ministry among God’s people. Using 1 Corinthians 3:5-9, what must be our mindset in partnering as God’s fellow workers?


                The context shows more evidence of division (3:3-4). To unify the people’s divided & worldly thinking, Paul de-emphasizes what he & Apollos do (“What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul?” 3:5a) & emphasizes that they are mere servants (3:5b) engaged in ministry (see 2:4-5). They needed to focus on God, who assigns specific ministries to each person (3:5c). What is important is not the one who ministers but the giver of the minister & ministry.

                II.GOD CAUSES THE GROWTH (3:6-7)

                Paul uses agricultural language to specify the ministry he & Apollos are assigned by God to do: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it” (3:6a). Paul started new churches as a missionary in places where the gospel was not present; Apollos did the teaching of new believers in the churches that Paul planted. The planter or waterer is not the important person (3:7a). The important one is God, who makes things grow (3:6b, 7b).

                III. GOD OWNS ALL THE WORK (3:8-9)

                In fairness, God’s workers are a team (“they work as a team” [3:8a, NEB]) & work for one purpose (“on the same level”; see Eph. 4:12-13 for purpose of maturity toward Christlikeness) & will be rewarded for their labour (3:8b; see 4:5; 9:24-25). But they are not the important ones but the one who owns them as “God’s fellow workers” (they belong to God; 3:9a), along with all the church as “God’s field, God’s building” (3:9b).

                16-Jan-2022: Contending with Divisions in the Church - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                (I Corinthians 1:10-17)

                Sermon Summary:


                Being United v10

                Reasons why we unite

                Characteristics of unity
                Philippians 2:5, 6-8

                Forms of Divisions v12
                4 groups presented

                Exclusive thinking v13

                Incomplete picture of the Word

                Putting men too high

                Focus on symbols v14 -16

                Cure to Divisions v17
                The Gospel alone

                9-Jan-2022: Partnering with God and Others - Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                (Ecclesiastes 4:8-12)

                Sermon Summary:

                One of the major lessons we learned in the last 2 years of the pandemic is that we cannot make it on our own—that we need God & others. As the old pandemic continues in this new year, let’s resolve to not go through 2022 by ourselves. That’s why the theme for this month & for the rest of the year is “Partnering with God & Others for God’s Mission.” Using Ecclesiastes 4:8-12, what are benefits of partnership with others?


                From a context of futile selfish greed (4:8), we see the content of fruitful selfless grace: “Two are better than one” (4:9a). The illustrative worth of working together is seen in its rewarding results. When we share our lives as we serve together, we become more productive: “they have a good return for their work” (4:9b). Remember: serving together is not just fulfilling, it’s fruitful!


                The picture of companionship is traveling together. Going together is beneficial, because of the help we get in difficult days: “If either of them falls down, one can help the other up” (4:10a). Protection does not mean the absence of problems but the presence of God & others in the midst of our problems. Remember: walking together does not only develop faith but faithfulness, too!


                The portrait of comfort is meeting a person’s need. When “freezing” endangers one’s health, another person can come along to provide heat: “if two lie down together, they will keep warm” (4:11a). The problem of aloneness (“man all alone” in 4:8a) can bring loneliness & pitiful isolation (4:10b, 11b). Remember: we get joy not in being comfortable but in giving comfort!


                2-Jan-2022: Who Will You Serve? - by Ptr James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                (Luke 2:8-20)

                Sermon Summary:

                As we kiss 2021 goodbye, let’s welcome 2022 with rejoicing and thanksgiving! As we go into a new year, may we find contentment and excitement in our hearts. It is important for us to set our hearts straight and determine who we will serve this year. Today, we will look at the New Life that the Israelites were facing as they settle down into the Promised Land. Their leader, Joshua, urged them to make a decision on who they will serve in this new land. What about us? Who will we serve this 2022?


                1. God Watches Over Us

                When God made a covenant with Abraham, He made sure that his people will be well taken care of. Even during hardships, God was there. This new year, as we face another certainty in the midst of this pandemic, may we find peace in God who oversees us.


                2. God Washes Away our Mess

                The Israelites were a hard group to please. They would constantly argue and grumble with Moses as they journey to the Promised Land. Despite of their unfaithfulness and disobedience, God still forgave them. In the same way, He knows our sinful nature and yet His love for us is constant and consistent.


                3. God Won the War for Us


                The Israelites won many battles but not because of their swords and bows. It was through God’s power that they were able to move forward in their expedition. God defeated their enemies along the way giving them victories after victories. This 2022, let’s live a victorious life knowing that God is by our side.


                2021 Sermons

                26-Dec-2021: Celebrating Christ this Christmas Using the Angel's Eyes - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                (Luke 2:8-20)

                Sermon Summary:

                Merry Christmas! In our December series on “Celebrating Christ This Christmas with Different Eyes” (Studies in Luke 1-2), we seek to view the praise songs of joy Mary, Zechariah, & the angels who appeared to the shepherds. The good news of Jesus’ birth brings great blessings. Using the angel’s good news & the angels’ praise song, what does this good news bring out?


                I. GOOD NEWS GENERATES GLADNESS (2:8-10)

                An angel of the Lord proclaimed the good news of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds (2:8-10). As a social class, these shepherds were despised, considered unreliable, & had a bad reputation. Though they were viewed as outcasts, God still chose them to be the privileged recipients of His good news. Imagine how joyful they must have been to be treated as a special class of people.

                II. GOOD NEWS GIVES GOD GLORY (2:13-14, 20)

                A heavenly host appeared before the shepherds, praising (2:13, 20), & glorifying (2:14, 20; see v. 9) God: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, & on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” (2:14). As a result, the shepherds praised & glorified God, after they saw the baby (2:20).


                III. GOOD NEWS GRANTS GRACE (2:11-12, 15-18)

                The shepherd’s joy multiplied when they heard the content of the good news (2:11). They would have realized the importance of the One who was born: (1) “Savior” (who would be their special deliverer; (2) “Christ” (who would be their expected Messiah); & (3) “Lord” (who would be their Master or Yahweh [the One Who Is]). These terms of honour described the child who would give so much joy to them & all people who would welcome Him.

                19-Dec-2021: Look for Christmas - Ptr Marvin Catanus

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Look for Christmas

                (Matthew 2:1-23)

                Sermon Summary:


                Stories of the Grinch

                Parallel with Herod

                How we lost Christmas

                How to Find it again:

                1. Intentional Time
                2. Stillness
                3. Practice Faith

                12-Dec-2021: Celebrating Christ This Christmas Using Mary's Eyes - Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Theme: “Celebrating Christ This Christmas with Different Eyes” studies in Luke 1 & 2.

                P. Narry Santos delivers the 2nd message in the series entitled Celebrating Christ This Christmas Using Mary’s Eyes.

                Question: What are you celebrating on Christmas?


                (Luke 1:46-55)

                Today, we continue our December series on “Celebrating Christ This Christmas with Different Eyes” (Studies in Luke 1-2). Christ’s first coming (or incarnation) yields praise from those who knew about Jesus’ birth. We will look at praise songs from 3 biblical characters in the Gospel of Luke: (1) Mary; (2) Zechariah; & (3) the angels who showed up before the shepherds. In the birth narrative in Luke’s Gospel, these characters end up bursting in worship & extolling God’s character. Using Mary’s eyes and her praise song, what can we learn about God’s character in Jesus’ birth story, so we may also burst in praise to God?


                I. GOD’S MERCY LIFTS UP THE HUMBLE (1:46-50, 51b)

                When Mary discovered the meaning of angel Gabriel’s announcement of virgin birth, she realized how “blessed” (i.e., a recipient of favour & grace) she was (1:48b; cf. vv. 42, 45). As a result, she worshipped God personally (1:46; cf. v. 64) through the Magnificat (i.e., “My soul magnifies the Lord” in Latin). In worship, Mary highlights God’s mercy (1:50, 54; cf. v. 58, 72, 78) – “loyal or steadfast love” expressed in faithful actions. God is merciful to those who are humble (vv. 48a, 52b) to fear Him (1:50a), reverentially respecting His person. Mary humbled herself before God (1:52b), as His servant (1:48a, 54; cf. v. 38), who recognized her lowly & humble state in the eyes of her “Lord,” “God,” and “Savior” (1:46a). She also recognized that God would lift her & her people from their humble state. For this Christmas, let’s remember God’s mercy & worship Him!


                II. GOD’S MIGHT BRINGS DOWN THE PROUD (1:51-55)

                Mary also saw the blessing of God to the nation of Israel (1:54a), recalling God’s covenant promises for His people (1:54b). God’s blessing came with His “mighty deeds” (or acts of power; 1:51) over rulers (1:52a), who imagined themselves as mighty (1:51b). God scattered them, brought these rulers from their thrones, & sent away the proud rich empty (v. 53b). As a result, God’s power moved down those who are up. For this Christmas, let’s bow down before God in worship for His mighty works, who reminds us not to walk proudly in our own eyes!

                5-Dec-2021: Sing Your Song - by Ptr James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Celebrating Christ this Christmas with Different Eyes”  – studies in Luke 1 and 2

                Celebrating Christ this Christmas using Zechariah’s Eyes – Sing Your Song

                (Luke 1:67-79)

                Sermon Summary:

                What is your favourite tradition during Christmas? Is it the get-together? The feast? The fun and games? Personally, I like the gift-giving aspect of Christmas. We get to express our appreciation through gifts. This Christmas may we realized that we already got the best gift ever! God gave His son for us so we may have eternal life. Today, we will look at Zechariah’s song and how he prophesied the coming King! This Christmas, what is the song God wants you to sing?

                1. Salvation is a Gift from our Sovereign God

                God gave us Salvation through His son Jesus Christ. Nothing can compare to the grandeur of this gift. On verse 68, He has raised up a Horn of Salvation to redeem us. Christmas fulfilled God’s promise of deliverance to humankind.

                2. Salvation is gained through our Saviour Jesus Christ

                Jesus is the essence of Christmas. On verse 74 it says that He was born to rescue us from the hand of our enemies. Without Christmas, there will be no hope for us. Christmas gave us a way to the Father in Jesus.

                3. Salvation generates a Servant’s heart

                The birth of Jesus Christ opened an opportunity for us to show a servant’s heart. We must continue to serve Him with all our hearts all the days of our lives. Let’s be constant in showing love as He is constant in loving us.

                4. Salvation gets rid of our Sins

                The birth of Christ puts an end to the sting of sin. Christmas is a reminder that God did everything for us. Let’s celebrate with thanksgiving and praises in our hearts!

                28-Nov-2021: Jesus' Model of Submission - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Jesus’ Model of Submission

                (Mark 14:32-41)

                Sermon Summary:

                We can summarize the Gospel of Mark according to who Jesus is (the Christ & the Son of God in 1:1) and according to what He did in the narrative: (1) His service (2) His suffering; & (3) His sacrifice. As the Christ & Son of God & in all His services, sufferings, & sacrifice on the cross, Jesus exercised humility. His attitude showed submission to His Father; His action showed obedience to His Father’s will. Based on Mark 14:32-41, what can we learn from Jesus’ model of submission & obedience?

                I. BE AUTHENTIC & SUBMISSIVE TO GOD (14:32-36)

                At His time of great difficulty & distress during the Passion Week, He was authentic in His prayer at the garden of Gethsemane (14:32). He was intense in His desire to come to the Father that Mark cites the prayer of Jesus thrice (14:32, 35, 39). As Jesus prayed, He was authentic—both to His core disciples (14:33-34) & transparent to His heavenly Father (14:35-36a). Yet, He did not only express intensely His feelings & desire, but He also submitted fully to the Father in His prayer: “Yet not what I will, but what you will” (14:36b). Note how submissive Jesus was from start (1:9-13) to the end of His ministry (15:33-37). Let’s always be submissive to God.

                II. BE WATCHFUL & PRAYERFUL TO GOD (14:37-41)

                As Jesus prayed thrice, the disciples slept thrice (14:37a, 40, 41). Jesus used that incident as a teachable moment. He taught them to “watch” (to be alert to spiritual dangers) & to “pray” (to acknowledge dependence on God), so that they would not yield to sin. Both are needed because “the spirit is willing” (one’s inner desire or best intent is eager to do what is right), but “the flesh is weak” (one’s humanness or inadequacy is easily overwhelmed in action) (14:38b). Unlike the disciples, Jesus was watchful & prayerful. Let’s always follow the example of Jesus.

                21-Nov-2021: What's The Point - by Ptr Marvin Catanus

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                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                What’s The Point

                (Mark 16:1-8)

                 Sermon Summary:

                What’s the Point?
                Scripture: Mark 16:1-8

                Facts of Mark 16:1-8

                “And when the Sabbath was past…”
                Darkness and hopelessness

                The stone was rolled away

                The body of Jesus was gone
                Message for Peter

                Believing without seeing

                Is your hope in Jesus?

                14-Nov-2021: How to Grow in Prayer for Jesus - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                How to Grow in Prayer for Jesus

                (Mark 11:15-17)


                Sermon Summary:

                We are now in the second half of our Fall sermon series called “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us,” based on the Gospel of Mark. In the Gospel, Jesus arrives in Jerusalem for His triumphal entry (Mk. 11:1-12). Our passage today emphasizes the enacted and passionate teaching of Jesus on prayer, just as He exemplified the value of passionate prayer in His own life. Based on Mark 11:15-17, what can we learn about prayer?


                I. GOD’S PASSION PURIFIES OUR ACTION (11:15-16)

                The zeal of Jesus moves Him to do what is radical in the temple court for the Gentiles (11:15-16). The high priest Caiaphas authorizes a market there for the sale of ritually pure items (like wine, oil, approved animals, & birds), currency-exchange booths (for the people’s Roman & Greek money in exchange for the annual half-shekel temple tax [Exo. 30:13-15]) with a service charge of 10-12%, & convenient thoroughfare (11:16). Such outer appearance of piety is a façade for the inner reality of pretense & fruitlessness (11:12-14, 20-26). Passion for God prompts us toward purity.

                II. GOD’S PURPOSE PROMPTS US TO PRAY (11:17)

                The zest of Jesus to act radically is prodded by God’s Word (11:17). This verse is actually a mix of 2 verses (taken from Isa. 56:7 & Jer. 7:11). The purpose of God for the temple area where the Gentiles for stay (court of the Gentiles) is for worship & prayer. Since the Jewish religious leaders were sponsoring such greedy business transactions (as “dens of robbers”), Jesus reinforced the original intent to make that place a “house of prayer” (1 Kgs. 8:28-30) for the nations. God’s purpose prods us to pray.


                7-Nov-2021: Not a Game - by Pastor James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Not a Game

                (Mark 13:1-11)


                Sermon Summary:

                Fear of the Future is also called Anticipatory Anxiety. It’s an excessive worry about potential future events. The world is full of question marks and challenges as we do not fully know what tomorrow brings. As we continue our Fall series on “How Jesus Changes Us”, we will look into what Jesus said about the future. Jesus talked about difficult times as we approach the End Times. There will be chaos and crisis all around so being spiritually secure is a must. Life is not a game, the future is uncertain, so let’s take God seriously.


                1. Watch Out for Short-Term Satisfaction

                Jesus is advising His disciples that none of the worldly things will last. There is nothing our God can’t provide so we should start focusing on eternal things rather than earthly things.


                2. Warning on how our Surroundings will be in Shambles

                Jesus warned the disciples about the chaos that will be in the world. It will be filled with deceptions, disharmony and disasters. As Christians, we need to stand firm in our faith in God.


                3. Wicked Season of Sufferings

                Jesus foretold the upcoming trials and tribulations we will face in the future. Our faith will be tested and our devotion in Him will be challenged. It is up to us to remain true and steadfast with our love for Him.

                31-Oct-2021: True Greatness is Serving Others - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                True Greatness is Serving Others

                (Mark 10:35-45)

                Theme: Jesus Christ exemplified true greatness in serving and sacrificing for others.

                Sermon Summary:

                To the world, greatness is being in a position with prestige and power. But Jesus’ concept of greatness is totally different – it is more of serving. Jesus’ disciples admired the authority and fame of the Roman rulers at that time, and they overlooked the future glory attached to following their Lord and Teacher at any cost. What does “becoming a servant (doulos) of all” entail? What type of greatness did Jesus teach His disciples that we can emulate today? If we are committed to obey Jesus, we need to follow His steps. But how?

                In this Sunday’s message we will look at the CONTEXT of the Bible passage in study; the CONVERSATION between Jesus and the two brothers, James & John; the resulting CONFLICT after the request was known by the other 10 disciples. and the CONCEPT of discipleship and leadership that Jesus shared with them:

                (1) A Christian leader should not primarily seek a position of power and prestige but wait for God to promote him. (vv. 35-40)

                (2) A person who wants to be great has to be the servant of all. (vv.41-44)

                (3) Future glory in Christ involves identifying with Him in His suffering. (v.45)

                24-Oct-2021: Jesus Wants Us to Grow in Faith - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Jesus Wants Us to Grow in Faith

                (Mark 4:35-41)

                Today, we continue our Fall sermon series called “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us,” based on the Gospel of Mark. We are transformed by Jesus when we grow in our faith in Him. This happens when we understand the authority & power of Jesus over us & over all creation. Based on Mark 4:35-41, what do we grow in Jesus?

                1. LEARN THE POWER OF JESUS(3:35-39)

                After Jesus taught in parables (i.e., through His words; 4:1-34), He wanted to test the disciples if they learned what He taught them. Through a string of 4 miracles (i.e., through His works; 4:35-5:43), He was teaching more of His authority & power. His power of stilling the storm was displayed (4:39) in the context of the disciples’ powerlessness in the middle of a furious squall (4:37), despite their experience as fishermen, & in the midst of their panic & lack of understanding (4:38b), despite Jesus’ peaceful sleep (4:38a). Let’s learn & claim the power of Jesus!

                2. LIVE BY FAITH IN JESUS (4:40-41)

                Jesus did not only rebuke the wind (4:39a), He also rebuked the disciples: “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (4:40). Jesus did not only expose their unfounded fear & absence of faith but also revealed their incomprehension of who He is (the powerful God & authoritative Messiah). Their reaction of terror confirmed this: “Who is this? Even the wind & the waves obey him” (4:41b).  Let’s live by faith, not by fear!

                17-Oct-2021: Jesus Desires to Use Us - by Ptr Marvin Catanus

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Are We Really Following Jesus?

                (Mark 8:34-38)

                This is our Lord’s outline of the process of discipleship.
                First, “If any man [anyone] would come after me, let him deny himself…”

                Second, “Let him deny himself, and take up his cross…”

                Third, “Follow me.”

                Real Christianity – examples:
                “Love your enemy,” (Matthew 5:44)
                “Pray for those who hurt you,” (Matthew 5:44)
                “Forgive those who offend you,” (Matthew 6:14-15)
                “Be kind to the ungrateful and the selfish,” (Luke 6:35)
                “Bear one another’s burdens,” (Galatians 6:2)
                “Freely you have received, freely give,” (Matthew 10:8)

                “For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” (Mark 8:35 RSV)

                “For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life [“soul” is the Greek word]? For what can a man give in return for his life [soul]?” (Mark 8:36-37 RSV)

                “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:38 RSV)

                10-Oct-2021: Thanksgiving Sunday Service

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                Rejoicing for the Right Reason

                 Psalm 100:1-5

                By Pastors Jon Bernardo, Ferdie Umali & Narry Santos

                Just a reminder that the GCF-Peel Weekly Talk blog from Pastor Jon has now resumed! You may visit GCF-Peel’s YouTube channel below so you’ll be able to enjoy these blogs and even the weekly sermons. Please feel free to subscribe.

                Message Outline:

                I. Because God is Generous (Psalm 100:1-3) by P. Jon Bernardo

                – Response Song: Forever c/o GCF-York

                II. Because God is Gracious (Psalm 100:4) by P. Ferdie Umali

                – Testimony by Sis. Leah Mati

                III. Because God is Good (Psalm 100:5) by P. Narry Santos

                – Response Song: Thank You Lord c/o GCF-Peel

                3-Oct-2021: Jesus Desires to Use Us - by Ptr James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Jesus Desires to Use Us

                (Mark 3:13-19)

                As Jesus called His disciples, He waited for the perfect time to use them for His glory. He encouraged them and enabled them to be great things in His name. We must keep in mind that His desire is to collaborate with us as He restores His creation to its pristine glory. May we be willing to follow Him and obey His instructions as we take part of this once in a lifetime opportunity!

                1. When Jesus Uses Us, He Elects Us

                Do you remember the feeling of being chosen? Out of the many possibly candidates, you were selected! We need to understand that Jesus picked us to do mighty things for Him. We shouldn’t take this lightly as we go forth proclaiming His love and salvation to others.


                1. When Jesus Uses Us, He Equips Us

                Rest assured that when He gives us a task to fulfill, He will surely supply everything we need. He knows exactly what we need so we can complete the work He has for us. We need to have faith in Him and allow Him to use us for His glory


                1. When Jesus Uses us, He Empowers Us

                When we feel unqualified, inadequate and lacking, we need to look to Jesus as the source of our strength. He will cover us with His righteousness so we may finish the work He started in us. All we need to do is be willing to obey Him

                26-Sept-2021: Who Jesus is to Us - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Who Jesus is to Us

                (Mark 1:1, 9-11)

                Today, we continue our 2 ½ month Fall sermon series called “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us,” based on the Gospel of Mark. We will learn in the story of Jesus how He transformed people in the Bible and how we can also be changed by Jesus. This transformation begins when we know who Jesus is. Based on Mark 1:1-13, what do we need to know about Jesus?



                Mark 1:1 serves as the title & theme of the whole book, which is about the gospel (or good news that shows significant & life-changing impact). The gospel is not the name of the book of Mark but the proclamation of God’s power through Jesus to save all who believe. Mark 1:1 tells us about the beginning of the gospel because the book of Mark covers the story of Jesus’ life, death, & resurrection, while the apostles continued with the proclamation of this good news of Jesus to all who would hear. The verse also informs us that the gospel is about Jesus, revealing how we need to view Jesus (“Saviour”) as the Christ (“Anointed One” or promised Messiah to fulfill God’s promises; 8:29; 14:61-62) & the Son of God (who has a unique, intimate, loving relationship with the Father; 1:11; 9:7; 15:39). Jesus is God’s fulfiller of all His promises & perfect model of flourishing relationships. Let’s know & share who Jesus is!


                2. JESUS GIVES PLEASURE TO THE FATHER (1:9-11)

                The first significant event about Jesus in the book is His baptism (1:9-11). The Christ & Son of God (as affirmed in 1:1), who was also sent by God (just as John the Baptizer was sent by God as validated by an O.T. promise, 1:2-3) & who is more powerful than John (as attested by John, 1:4-8), was baptized by John. At this baptism, the heavenly Father testifying about who Jesus is: “You are my Son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased” (1:11). This means that Jesus is the Messiah King from the line of David (Psa. 2:7) is God’s unique Son. The pleasure Jesus gives shows His commitment as an obedient Suffering Servant (Isa. 42:1), in whom the Father delights in & who ministers in His name. Let’s follow the lead & service of Jesus!

                19-Sept-2021: Jesus Calls Us to Himself - by Ptr Marvin Catanus

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                Message Series: “Transformation: How Jesus Changes Us” – studies from the Gospel of Mark

                Jesus Calls Us to Himself

                (Mark 1:14-20)

                12-Sept-2021: Encouraging Faith, Joyful Hope, & Excelling Love - by Pastor Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Developing Faith, Hope & Love.” Studies from 1 Thessalonians

                Encouraging Faith, Joyful Hope and Excelling Love

                (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, 3:6-12)

                5-Sept-2021: Armed and Ready - by Pastor James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Message Series: “Developing Faith, Hope & Love.” Studies from 1 Thessalonians

                Armed and Ready

                (1 Thessalonians 5:8)

                The Day of the Lord is coming and we need to be well-armed and ready for it. We need to be vigilant as believers since no one knows when it will happen, what exactly will take place and how it will come about. Apostle Paul used metaphors to deliver his message loud and clear. As followers, let’s look at 3 ways on how we can be well armed and ready for the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus.

                1. Let’s be Clear Headed and Spiritually Sharp

                Since the Day of the Lord is Unexpected, we need to be sober and awake at all times. Let’s make sound decisions and perform actions that will glorify Him.


                1. Let’s be Covered with our Saviour’s Love

                Since the Day of the Lord is Unescapable, we need to put on the Breastplate of faith and love. We need to submerge ourselves into our Saviour’s love for us.

                1. Let’s be Confident in our Salvation

                Since the Day of the Lord is Unexplainable, we need to wear the helmet which gives us hope in our salvation. Let’s focus on worshipping God at all times and to serve Him until Jesus comes.

                28-August-2021: The Reality of Death - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                The Reality of Death

                (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

                Death is unavoidable (Heb 9:27) and unpredictable (Gen 27:1-2). It is an unwanted visitor in a person’s life but every family is not spared from its visit. No one makes an appointment with death, but every person cannot escape it. It will surely happen.  

                How do we react when people talk about death? How are we affected by the thought of it? This Sunday’s message gives us biblical truths about death and how we, as God’s children, ought to respond to this reality.

                1. DEATH is bittersweet when we are sure that we are with the Lord (Matt 10:28; 2Cor 5:8).

                RESPONSE: Let us receive the gift of life that Christ offers (John 14:6; 11:25).

                2. DEATH is the beginning (not the end, Eccl 7:2) of a better life in Christ (Phil 1:21).

                RESPONSE: Let us persevere in this troubled world (Heb 12:1-2).

                3. DEATH separates families (1Thes 4:13-18).

                RESPONSE: Let us look forward to the grand reunion in heaven (Isa 25:8; Rev 21:4).

                22-August-2021: Faith That Works, Hope That Endures, Love That Labours - by Pastor Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Faith That Works, Hope That Endures, Love That Labours

                (1 Thessalonians 3:2-3)

                We start a new short summer sermon series called “Developing Faith, Hope, & Love,” based on studies from 1 Thessalonians. The Apostle Paul frequently puts these 3 virtues together (1 Cor. 3:13; Rom. 5:2-5; Gal. 5:5-6; Eph. 4:2-5; Col. 1:4-5; see also Heb. 6:10-12; 10:22-24; 1 Pet. 1:21-22). In 1 Thessalonians, we will look at 3 instances, where the 3 virtues are put, occur together (1:2-3; 2:19-20 with 3:6-12; 5:8). Based on 1 Thes. 1:1-3, how do we develop faith, hope, & love?


                1. GIVE THANKS & PRAY ALWAYS (1:2)


                Paul was always thankful, “We always thank God for all of you” (1:2a; see 2:13; 3:9; 5:18) & prayerful, “continually mentioning you in our prayers” (1:2b; see also 3:10, 11-13; 5:23-24; 25). There are 2 contexts for sustainable thanks & prayer: (1) when we involve the 3 persons of the Trinity (Father [1:1a, 3a], Son [1:1b, 2c, 6a, 10), & Spirit [1:5b, 6]); & (2) when we suffer (1:6b; 2:14; 3:3-4). Let’s grow in gratitude & prayer in the fullness of the Godhead & despite suffering.


                DEVELOP FAITH, LOVE, & HOPE TOGETHER (1:3)


                Paul remembered the 3 virtues of faith, love, & hope in the Thessalonian Christians (1:3). Each of these virtues has a tangible expression among them: (1) “your work produced by faith” (the tangible expression of faith [2 Thes. 1:11] is repentance & turning from idols to God [1:8-9a; see 3:2, 4-5, 7); (2) “your labor prompted by love” (the tangible expression of love is service (or toilsome effort) despite persecution (1:9b; see 2:8-9, 10-11; 4:9-10; 5:11]); & (3) “your endurance inspired by hope” (the tangible expression of hope is endurance, which refers to bearing up patiently under a heavy load) (2 Thes. 1:4; see 1 Thes. 1:10). The Thessalonian Christians showed saving faith in Christ in the past; they showed love to Christ in the present; they showed hope in Christ for His future return. Let’s show & develop faith, hope, & love together.


                15-August-2021: Today's Good News Heals the Soul - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Today’s Good News Heals the Soul

                (John 3:14-18)


                8-August-2021: Today's Good News Bring Fresh Grace - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Today’s Good News Bring Fresh Grace

                (John 1:14-18)


                1. God is the source of all grace

                2. We receive grace that never runs dry

                GRACE – God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense

                3. Jesus reveals the best of God’s grace

                Memory Verse

                John 1:16

                Out of his fullness we have received grace in place of grace already given.


                8-August-2021: Today's Good News Bring Fresh Grace - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Today’s Good News Bring Fresh Grace

                (John 1:14-18)


                1. God is the source of all grace

                2. We receive grace that never runs dry

                GRACE – God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense

                3. Jesus reveals the best of God’s grace

                Memory Verse

                John 1:16

                Out of his fullness we have received grace in place of grace already given.


                1-August-2021: His Grace Changes Everything - by Bro. James Diolanda

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                His Grace Changes Everything

                (John 3:1-8)

                Let’s look into this story between Jesus and Nicodemus as we start our new series. We will see how Jesus’s Good News brings forth New Life. Today we will look at some obstacles that may stop us from fully believing in Him. Let’s focus on Jesus’ love and His sacrifice as we try to change for the better.


                1. We are Confined with Limited Understanding

                Our limited understanding is preventing us from seeing God’s great plan in our lives. Let’s surrender everything to Him and obey His commands with the best of our abilities


                2. We are too Caught up with our Past

                The pull of our past prevents us from pushing forward to what God wants us for us. We must shake off the shackles of sins and shame so we may fully embrace the saving power of Jesus Christ


                3. We Care too much about our Reputation

                We may be putting too much importance to our reputation and that’s preventing us from going all-in in our faith in God. Let’s listen to God’s voice and invest eternally.


                25-July-2021: God Wants Us to Call on Him - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                God Wants Us to Call on Him

                (Jer. 33:1-3)

                 Today, we conclude our short series on “God’s Control of What’s Ahead,” based on selected passages from Jeremiah. Since God’s sovereignty is surely evident today, we can call on Him (see Gen. 4:26b). God’s heart for us is to call on His name in prayer. Based on Jer. 33:1-3, we will learn what happens when God’s people pray, given their confusing and critical time in the history of the nation. How can we experience God’s heart for us?




                Jeremiah was in a critical circumstance in his life & ministry: he was in prison accompanied by guards (33:1; see 32:2) & threatened with death (26:8-9), because he spoke God’s word (25:11; 32:3-5). He was in a confusing context as well: God asked him to buy a field (32:6-14) at a time when Babylon was about to conquer Judah (32:2a, 24). What helps Jeremiah navigate this confusion & critical circumstance? It’s remembering his Creator Lord (33:2; see 32:17a, 18b-19, 21), to whom nothing is impossible (32:17b, 27). Let’s remember God in our confusing & critical circumstances.




                Jeremiah is invited by God in his confusing & critical circumstance to call on Him in prayer (33:3a; see 29:12a). God assures him that He will answer him (33:3b; see 29:12b-14a), & will even do so much more: “& will tell you great & unsearchable things you do not know” (33:3c). The word “unsearchable” means something that is made inaccessible by fortifying or enclosing it. In the context of prayer, God unlocks the secret of Jeremiah’s future along with God’s people (see 29:10-11, 14; 32:37-44). So, God can ask him to buy a field (in view of restoration) despite conquest (in view of discipline). Let’s entrust ourselves in prayer to the God who knows all things.


                18-July-2021: The Sovereignty of God - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                The Sovereignty of God

                Simple meaning of sovereign
                What the Bible says
                Revelation 21:6
                Colossians 1:16
                Romans 11:33

                God’s Sovereignty in my life
                I need to Submit
                I have Comfort
                I will Worship

                Sovereignty of God—Jeremiah 1:4–10
                Over all nations
                Over time and lives

                Response to His Sovereignty
                The 4/2 example

                God Focus is the God expectation

                11-July-2021: God Knows What's Best for Us - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                God Knows What’s Best for Us

                (Jeremiah 29:10-14)

                Today, we start a short series on “God’s Control of What’s Ahead,” based on selected passages from Jeremiah. God’s sovereignty is surely evident today, as it was in the past. His control will continue over our life, family, church and the world, no matter what happens. This is what Judah (Israel’s southern kingdom) experienced during its exile in Babylon for 70 years. Based on Jer. 29:10-14, what 2 realities help us understand God’s full control, even during this continuing pandemic?


                1. THE BEST IS YET TO COME(29:10-11)

                Despite Judah’s 70-year exile in Babylon (29:10a; see 25:11), God is committed to fulfill His gracious will & plan for the people (29:10b, 14b). He acts with love & commitment to His people. He knows & does what’s best for them (29:11a). In fac, even in exile, they can prosper by building (settling down [29:5a]), blooming (being fruitful & productive through starting families [29:6] & providing sustenance [29:5b]), & blessing (seeking peace & prosperity in exile [29:7a] & pray for the city [29:7b]). Even in trying times, God wants us to thrive & flourish. Then in the future, God will bring about better times (29:11b). He will initiate things to happen for our best (see Deut. 30:3-5). Claim that the best is yet to come.


                2. IT’S BEST TO KNOW GOD BEST (29:12-14)


                God told the Jews in exile to come to Him, pray to Him (29:12a) & seek Him (29:13a), assuring them that He would listen (29:12a) & be found by them (29:13b, 14a) when they seek Him fully (29:13c). God allows us to be in exile-like circumstances, so that we would seek Him (see Acts 17:26-27). To know God best, we need to seek Him first (see Matt. 6:33).

                04-July-2021: Like, Follow, Share - by Bro James Diolanda

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                Like, Follow, Share

                (Romans 15:14-22)

                As we close out our message series on, Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves, may we develop a Habit of Sharing. Apostle Paul was excited to preach the Gospel of God anywhere to anyone. He understood the source, scope and supremacy of God. He was simply an instrument in partnership with the Lord to share the Good News to others. May we realize the importance of taking part in this mission to reach those who have not heard His love yet.


                1. The Courage to Share is through the Grace of God

                 We must understand that we are able to share because of His grace to us. As a recipient of such grace it should motivate us to live for Him and to tell others about Him.


                1. The Catalyst to Share is because of Christ’s Glory in Us

                We must understand that we are able to share because of the transformative power of Jesus Christ. We are able to move for Him because we’ve been moved by Him.


                1. The Competency to Share is from the Greatness of Holy Spirit

                 We must understand that we are able to share because of the potency and efficacy of the Holy Spirit. We can’t change people’s minds but He can change people’s hearts. 

                27-June-2021: Habit of Strength: Becoming Imitators of Christ - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Habit of Strength: Becoming Imitators of Christ

                (Romans 15:1-13)

                 Today, we continue our series on “Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves” (based on Romans 13-15). Aside from the habits of sacrifice, service, selflessness, and submission, we also need to develop the habit of strength. Romans 15:1-13 shows us that the way to develop this habit is by becoming imitators of Christ (15:2, 5, 7). This passage also concludes the way we are called to treat other believers (the first way is in 14:1-2 [without judging them] & the second way is in 14: 13-23 [without hindering their spiritual growth]). How do we become imitators of Christ?

                1. Build Up Other Believers (15:1-6)

                Paul picks up the language of “strong” (in conviction, conscience, & concession, so that they are free to eat anything [14:2], treat each day alike [14:5], or drink wine [14:21]) and “weak” (who eat vegetables only, consider some days sacred, & not drink wine). We are to not despise the weak but bear with them & not please ourselves (or be self-focused like a self-contained unit) (15:1b). Going beyond ourselves is to think of the welfare & lasting benefit of other believers & to build them up (15:2b, or “edify” them [14:19]) or to love them [13:9]. Jesus is the best example of doing this (15:3; see Jn. 4:34; 5:30; 8:29), as He claims in 15:3b (quoted from Psalm 69:9, referring to Jesus’ suffering at the cross as a result of doing His Father’s will). Jesus’ example (along with other examples in Scriptures) moves us to endure & be encouraged with hope (15:4). This moves Paul to give a benediction (15:5-6) that focuses on God, unity (to think the same, to live in harmony), following Christ, & glorifying God.

                2. Accept One Another (15:7-13)

                Paul then gives a reflexive command: “accept (or receive) one another” (15:7a; 14:1). The motivation for mutual acceptance is the acceptance of us by Jesus (15:7b), just as God accepts the strong & weak (14:3b, 6-8). Jesus showed this acceptance to all believers, even though we were “powerless” (5:6a) & “ungodly” (5:6b) “sinners” (5:8) before we became believers. Habitual acceptance brings praise or glory to God (15:7c). But the challenge in applying this command at that time was the acceptance of Gentiles by Jews & the acceptance of Jews by Gentiles. They were enemies before they were in Christ. But Paul reminds them again of the example of Christ, who served the Jews (15:8) & benefitted the Gentiles (15:9-12), even though they did not have a covenant from God, they received mercy (15:9) & as a result could rejoice in Him (15:9-11). This moved Paul to again give a benediction (15:13) that focuses on God, hope, joy, peace, trust, and the Holy Spirit.

                20-June-2021: Father's Day - Oh Yeah... About Those 7 Things - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Father’s Day Message – Oh Yeah… About Those 7 Things

                Philippians 4:8-9


                We are asked to be better

                Things to Think about (v8)
                Seven things

                Things to Do (v9)
                Seven things

                Can we say to people we are of Christ?

                13-June-2021: Habit of Submission: Give to Caesar What is Caesar's - by Pastor James Diolanda

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                Giving to Caesar What is Caesar’s


                As we continue our Message Series on “Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves” we will learn how to develop a Habit of Submission. To be more specific, we will learn how to obey the laws of the land. We may have certain disagreements on how the government runs things but we must submit to the authorities as obedience to God’s word. Submission to the earthly authorities is submission to the sovereignty of God. Today, we will look at what it means to surrender to higher authorities.

                1. Submission Frees us From Fear

                3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.

                1. Submission Fulfills our Obligations

                6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they do. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them

                1. Submission requires Full Respect

                7b and give respect and honor to those who are in authority.

                06-June-2021: 10th Year Anniversary Joint Service - Remembering to Give Thanks to God - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Remembering to Give Thanks to God

                Psalm 136:1-26

                As we celebrate today with GCF Peel and GCF Halton the 10th anniversary of GCF York, we remember to give thanks to God. To recall who God is and what He has done is enough reason for us to rejoice. A major church milestone is a call not just to celebrate but also to praise and thank God for the great works He has done for us. Psalm 136, which is often referred to as the “Great Hallel,” reminds us to rehearse God’s character and acts of wonder. Using antiphony (or responsive alternation between 2 groups), this psalm’s theme is to praise the Lord who did great works, and its refrain is because of His enduring loyal love (seen 26x in 26 verses). How do we celebrate together?

                1. GIVE THANKS TO GOD (136:1-3, 26)

                The psalmist calls us to praise and thank the Lord (136:1a, 2a, 3a, 26a). The basis for this call is the nature and character of God: (1) His goodness (136:1a); (2) His love (136:1b, 2b, 3b, 26b); and (3) His name (Lord [136:1a], God of gods [136:2a], Lord of lords [136:3a], and God of heaven [136:26b]). The Lord’s loyal love refers to His covenant faithfulness to His chosen people whom He loves. Let’s always praise and thank God!

                2. REMEMBER GOD’S GREAT WORKS (136:2-25)

                The psalmist proceeds from the call to praise and thank God to the cause for the praise and thanks. The introductory summary of this cause is contained in the words “who alone does great wonders” (136:4a). God’s marvelous acts are evident in creation (136:4-9), in history (136:10-24), and in providing food for all (136:25). All of these great wonders are given by God as tangible expressions of His redeeming and sustaining love.

                Let’s always remember God and His great works!

                31-May-2021: Habit of Selflessness: Love People Sincerely - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves  – Habit of Selflessness

                Love People Sincerely

                (Romans 12:9-18, Romans 12, 13)

                Today, we continue our 6-part series entitled “Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves,” based on Romans 12-15. To cultivate this culture, we need to develop 6 habits (of service, sacrifice, selflessness, submission, strength, & sharing). This message in the series focuses on the habit of selflessness (which focuses on loving people sincerely).


                Romans 13 Overview
                vs. 8-10
                vs. 13 and 14

                Two Directives from Romans 12
                Giving to others in need

                Including kindness to your enemies

                The Foundation of Sincerity
                Hypocrisy and Genuinity

                Simple Truths

                23-May-2021: Habit of Sacrifice: Give Everything To God - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves  – Habit of Service

                Give Everything to God

                (Romans 12:1-2)

                Today, we continue our 6-part series entitled “Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves,” based on Romans 12-15. To cultivate this culture, we need to develop 6 habits (of service, sacrifice, selflessness, submission, strength, & sharing). This message in the series focuses on the habit of sacrifice (which refers to giving everything to God). Based on Rom. 12:1-2, how do we give our everything to God?


                I. OFFER OURSELVES TO GOD (12:1)

                Paul begins his practical pleadings based on God’s mercy (i.e., His compassion to deliver us out of sin & misery). Then Paul exhorts us to offer (or yield) our bodies (or total being) as living, holy & God-pleasing sacrifice (cf. 6:13, 19). We then are able to do what worships or serves God. What’s the point here? A life totally lived for God greatly pleases Him. Let us then use every part of us to please Him!


                II. OVERHAUL OUR MINDS (12:2)

                A dedicated life leads to a transformed life that discerns God’s will & delights in Him. Two commands need to be obeyed: (1) do not be conformed to society’s standards; & (2) be transformed (coming from the word translated “metamorphosis,” meaning total change from the inside out). Transformation (cf. 2 Cor. 3:18) happens with the renewal of the mind (cf. 2 Cor. 11:3; 4:4; Phil. 4:8). The battle is won in the mind. Let’s rethink how we think. When we do that, we prove by testing (or ascertaining) God’s good, pleasing & perfect will. Let’s commit to always mind our mind!

                16-May-2021: Give your Gifts - by Bro James Diolanda

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                Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves  – Habit of Service

                Give Your Gifts

                (Romans 12:3-8)

                 As we start a new message series on Cultivating a Culture Beyond Ourselves, we will learn how to develop a habit of service. God has given us gifts to use for others. We need to be actively share it for the benefit of those around us. With Romans 12:3-8 as our guide, we will look at why we were given different gifts to use for others.

                1. Gifts were given so we can serve with humility

                Serving others is one of the most radical habit we could learn today. Putting others’ needs before our wants demonstrate a humble service. Let’s always look to God as we use our gifts to serve others.

                1. Gifts were given so we can satisfy the needs in harmony

                We were given different gifts so we can cater to the different needs of those around us. We must also keep in mind that as a body of Christ, we need to serve in unity. Embracing everyone’s uniqueness and understanding our strengths and weaknesses.

                1. Gifts were given so we can share them to others happily

                Serving could get tiring if we lose sight of the real reason behind our actions. Let’s always have a cheerful heart as we give our gifts for the benefit of others.

                1. Gifts were given so we can show God’s holiness through us

                We must realize that our gifts came from God. They are a reflection of our Creator’s character so it’s our duty to let others see God’s beauty and love in us.

                9-May-2021: Mother's Day - Women Who Surpass Them All- by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Women Who Surpass Them All

                (Proverbs 31:10-31)


                In our continuing pandemic, we continue to honour & celebrate mothers, wives, and women on this special Mother’s Day weekend. We will take a sneak peek at how godly women grow & help others grow, as found in Proverbs 31:10-31. It’s interesting that Jewish husbands & children traditionally recited this poem at the Sabbath Table on Friday nights. Today, this poem serves as a picture for godly women. On this Mother’s Day, we’ll discover how women (and mothers) surpass all others.


                 I. EXCELLENT WOMEN ARE PRECIOUS(31:10)


                The strength of a woman who excels is her precious character, which refers to strength, ability, efficiency, & wealth of valuable virtues. Such excellence of character is “worth far more than rubies” (31:10b). Thus, her beauty is not skin-deep, but is found in her deep love for God (31:30).


                II. DILIGENT WOMEN ARE ATTRACTIVE(31:17)

                Her strength is evident in her diligence. Whether she work in the corporate world or at home, she does no mediocre jobs & leaves no unfinished tasks. What makes her attractive is that she sets her heart to do a great job (cf. 31: 11-16, 18-24). Thus, her beauty of character extends to making bountiful contributions of value.

                III.       NURTURING WOMEN ARE HONOURED (31:25)

                Her strength of value enables her to nurture or take good care of her family. She is responsible at home (31:24, 26-27). She is honoured by her husband (31:28), & her husband receives honour because of her (31:23). Thus, her beauty expands its attraction through the home that she nourishes.


                2-May-21: Rooted and Built-Up in Christ- by Pastor Ferdie Umali

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                Rooted and Built-Up in Christ

                Colossians 2:6-7

                By Ferdie Umali


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                25-Apr-21: Seeing Beyond Our Struggles- by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Soul Care: Cure for the Weary Life – Seeing Beyond Our Struggles

                Habakkuk 3:17-19

                I. EMBRACE GOD’S REFINING (3:17)

                We find hope when we do not only endure refining times, but we are to also embrace them. In Judah’s case, pain came with the total failure of crops (i.e., fig; grape; olive); thus, yielding no fruit & food. Pain also came with their loss of livelihood (i.e., no sheep & cattle). Let’s learn God’s lessons for these times of refining!

                II. EXALT GOD WITH REJOICING (3:18)

                We find hope, when we are moved to praise God not just because He blesses, but because of God Himself. In Habakkuk’s case, his rejoicing is “in the Lord” & his joy is “in God, my Savior.” That’s why he was able to use the “though…yet” construction (i.e., though there’s no fruit produced, he would still be fruitful in praise). Let’s rejoice in God for the good & bad times!

                III. EXPRESS RELIANCE TO GOD (3:19)

                We find hope despite our weakness, when we claim that our strength is in God. In Habakkuk’s case, he was weakened by what was to come (cf. 3:16), yet he found his strength in the sovereign Lord (3:19a), who enabled him not just to survive but to also be swift (3:19b). Such enablement is received by faith (cf. 2:4b). Let’s put our faith firmly on God!


                18-Apr-21: God Will Change Your Heart If You Let Him - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                God Will Change Your Heart If You Let Him

                Haggai 2:1-9

                The Israelites

                “’But now be strong, O Zerubbabel,’ declares the Lord. ‘Be strong, O Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

                Discouraged (1-3)

                Lord Encourages
                – God’s presence (vv. 4–5)
                – God’s covenant(v. 5)
                – God’s promise (vv. 6–7, 9)
                – God’s provision(v. 8)

                “’But now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ declares the Lord. ‘Be strong, Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

                11-Apr-21: Soul Care: Cure for the Weary Life - Bro. James Diolanda

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                Soul Care: Cure for the Weary Life

                (Job 1:1-5; 17-22)

                 – God accepts our exaltation as an expression of gratitude.

                – God allows us to experience different seasons not to make us suffer but to strengthen us.

                – God allows us to express our despair but not to doubt Him.

                – God arranges for us to excel according to His will.

                28-Mar-21: Finding Rest When We're Restless - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times Series 

                Finding Rest When We’re Restless

                (Matthew 11:28-30)

                 Do you feel restless now? Do you badly need to restore rest that has somehow escaped you? If you do, let’s learn together. We will talk about “Finding Rest When We’re Restless,” based on Matthew 11:28-30. We need to find rest. The assuring thing is that Jesus says, “I will give you rest” (v. 28) and “you will find rest for your soul” (v. 29). How can we find this rest in the midst of restlessness? Jesus answers this question in two ways.

                I.              COME TO JESUS (11:28)

                Jesus issues an invitation: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” The weary are those who are tired from hard toil and heavy struggling. They experience fatigue. The burdened are the ones loaded down. They are overloaded, bearing a load full of obligations. What is fascinating about Jesus’ call to bring our burden or weariness to him is that he does not invite us to a self-help program or to a how-to seminar, but to his very Person.  Let’s respond to the invitation of Jesus, “Come to me.”

                II.            SUBMIT TO JESUS & LEARN FROM HIM (11:29-30)

                Jesus also summons us to reply to His words: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Two commands summarize his words: (1) “take my yoke upon you”; and “learn from me.” They picture the discipline of discipleship. Specifically, the command “take my yoke upon you” pertains to our need for submission & discipline, while the command “learn from me” refers to our need for following Him & discipleship. We can do this because Jesus “gentle’ (not rude or overbearing) & “humble in heart” (lowly in heart & mind). We can be assured rest for our souls, because Jesus’ yoke is easy (His yoke is good for us) and His burden is light (His burden is not overwelming for us to carry. Let’s take Jesus’ yoke & learn from Him.


                21-Mar-21: Understanding and Dealing with Worry - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

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                Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times Series 

                Understanding and Dealing with Worry

                (Matthew 6:19-34)


                Introduction: Matthew 6:19-34
                Jesus is speaking about materialism

                1. Passage Worry Definition
                Illustrations (6:26, 28-30, 32)
                The birds
                The flowers

                2. What Worry Can’t Do (6:27)
                Destructive anxiety
                “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (6:27)

                3. Worry Is Sin (6:30-32)

                Worry is a sign of little faith

                “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about these things.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

                4. Seeking God (6:32-33)

                So what is it you seek?

                “The worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke [the Word], making it unfruitful.”
                (Matthew 13:22)

                Seek God First and Foremost (6:33)
                “… that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18b).

                Seeking God’s Kingdom and Righteousness (6:33)
                “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (6:10).

                All these things will be given to you as well (6:33b)
                “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

                5. Tomorrow Will Worry about Itself (6:34)
                “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (6:34)

                14-Mar-21: Taming our Thoughts - by Pastor Narry Santos

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                Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times Series 

                TAMING OUR THOUGHTS

                (Philippians 4:8-9)

                We learn to develop a deeper inner life when we learn to tame our thoughts. What agitates the mind and makes the heart restless is worry. What guards our heart and mind is the peace of God, which we experience when we pray (Phil. 4:6-7). In Phil. 4:8-9, we learn the two more ways to not worry (so we can tame our thoughts).

                1. PONDER ON WHOLESOME THOUGHTS (4:8)

                Paul commands the Philippians to think wholesome thoughts. These thoughts must be: (1) “true”—valid, reliable, & honest; (2) “noble”—dignified & worthy of respect; (3) “right”—just, confirming to God’s standards; (4) “pure”—morally clean; (5) “lovely”—promoting peace, not conflict, agreeable; & (6) “admirable”—positive & constructive, attractive, true to highest standards. Paul describes these 6 wholesome thoughts as excellent & praiseworthy. This kind of thinking also wards off worry. Let’s think wholesome thoughts about people & situations in our lives.

                2. PRACTICE WORTHY WAYS (4:8)

                Paul commands them to put to practice what they learned, received, heard, and seen in him. We get deeper in our inner life, when we keep doing God’s will. This practice of what they learn results in experiencing not just the peace of God but also the God of peace Himself. This also results in our transformation of worry into a worthy walk. Let’s practice worthy ways.

                7-Mar-21: Finding Contentment in Life's Contents - Bro James Diolanda

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                Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times Series 


                (Philippians 4:10-13)

                As we continue our series on Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times, we will learn the secret to contentment. Paul is encouraging the Church to be content in Christ. In need or in plenty, whether well fed or hungry, in abundance or in want we need to find contentment with life’s contents. Let’s find it, learn it and practice the satisfaction only Christ can provide.


                1. In Contentment, We Become More Appreciative

                Once we find contentment in Christ, we can become more appreciative of what we have. We need to know the full worth of God’s blessings to us and to focus on what will give glory to Him.

                1. In Contentment, We Become More Aware

                We become more sensitive to our surroundings when we learn the secret of contentment. We will be more sympathetic to others, turn into purposeful servants and be more aware of our Saviour’s provisions.

                1. In Contentment, We Become More Acknowledging

                In all circumstances, we must rely on His power to sustain us. Keep in mind that we can handle all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let’s practice contentment everyday by trusting God with our daily needs.

                28-Feb-21: Turning Away from Temptation- Ptr Narry Santos

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                Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times Series 


                (Matthew 4:1-11)

                 Today, we continue a new 6-part series on “Developing a Deeper Inner Life in Shallow Times,” based on selected biblical passages. Our inner life deepens when we turn from temptation, deal with deception, tame our thoughts, learn contentment, find rest & solitude, & overcome worry. In Matt. 4:1-11, we learn the three ways on how Jesus handled temptations.


                1. BE GOD-SUFFICIENT, NOT SELF-SUFFICIENT (4:1-4)

                Satan’s 1st temptation to Jesus is “tell these stones to become bread” (4:3b), which tempts Jesus to be self-sufficient. But Jesus replies with God’s Word: “Man shall not love on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (4:4), which affirms submission to God & His will (Jn. 4:34). We get deep in our inner life, when we submit & obey God.


                2. BE STEADY, NOT SPECTACULAR (4:5-7)

                 Satan’s 2nd temptation to Jesus is “throw yourself down” (4:6a), which tempts Jesus to be spectacular (doing what people expect from Him outside of God’s will). But Jesus replies with God’s Word once more: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (4:7), which means not to expect God to do something out of His will but to steadily do God’s will. We get deeper in our inner life, when we keep doing God’s will.

                3. BE A SERVANT, NOT SHORT-CUT SPECIALIST (4:8-11)

                  Satan’s 3rd temptation to Jesus is “bow down & worship me” (4:9b), which tempts Jesus to shortcut the way of the crown without the cross. But Jesus replies with God’s Word again: “worship the Lord your God, & serve him only” (4:10b), which decries compromise and shortcut by continuing to worship & serve God. We get deepest in our inner life, when we continue worshiping & serving God only.

                21-Feb-21: Deception to Salvation - Ptr Marvin Catanus

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                The Genesis 3 Lesson – Deception to Salvation

                Life is not fair.

                Deception starts with Distortion (vv. 1–3)
                She added a prohibition
                She deducted from the consequences

                Deception from our own Denial (vv. 4–5)
                Calling to question God
                True for me!

                Deception results in Defiance (vv. 6–7)
                “good for food”, “delight to the eyes”, and “make one wise”
                The result of defiance

                God’s Truth vs Man’s Truth (vv. 8–19)
                Invitation to confess (vv. 8–13)- “Where are you?”
                Shame, Fear, Guilt

                Judgment upon the serpent (vv. 14–15)
                First Gospel – “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” —Genesis 3:15

                Judgment upon the woman (v. 16)

                Judgment upon the man (vv. 17–19)

                Four Lessons From the Fall:

                – Standard Is God’s Word

                – Sin Is Our Problem

                – Suffering Is Because of Our Sin

                – Our Solution Is Christ

                14-Feb-21: Showing God's Love in an Unloving World - Ptr Narry Santos

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                (Ephesians 5:1-6)

                 As we celebrate this Heart’s Day and Family Day long weekend, let’s focus on God’s love in an unloving world. This world seems more divided or polarized than ever, not just about people’s firmness in talking about their convictions but also about their harshness in trashing the convictions of others. In Ephesians 5:1-6, Paul emphasizes how different we must be from the world. He teaches us two lessons on love that we need to apply to distinguish us from the world.


                1. IMITATE GOD’S SACRIFICIAL LOVE FOR US (5:1-2)

                Since the Father is the One who dearly loves us as His children (5:1b), we are to be imitators of Him (5:1a; cf. Matt. 5:48; Lk. 6:36; 1 Pet. 1:16). How do we imitate Him? By living a life of love (5:2a; “love” occurs 19x in the letter). How can we live a life of love? By distinctively following Christ and His model of love (5:2b), which is sacrificial and selfless.

                2. AVOID UNLOVING WAYS TOWARD OTHERS (5:3-6)

                On the other hand, to distinguish our love from the world, we are to avoid selfish acts (i.e., sexual immorality [porneia], impurity, & greed [5:3]) and dirty talk (i.e., obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse joking [5:4]) – all expressions of selfish disobedience (5:6). That’s the way to live in love.


                7-Feb-21: Strength in Weakness - by Bro. James Diolanda

                Strength in Weakness

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                2 Corinthians 12:7-10

                As we conclude our 6-part Message series on “God’s Care in Continuing Crises” we will focus our attention on God’s grace. Paul shared a bold statement about his weakness in 2 Cor. 12:7-10. During his vulnerable moment, he relied on God’s grace and power. How about us? What do we do in times of weakness? I pray that we will put to heart these 3 reminders on what God’s grace is all about when we are vulnerable.

                1. God’s Grace ________ Sufferings

                Within the scope of God’s grace, He allows certain sufferings to enter our lives so we could full rely on Him. He wants us to look to Him in times of trouble. He wants us to trust in Him for He will not give us something we cannot handle. God wants us to focus on Him and to have faith in Him.


                1. God’s Grace is _________ and Sufficient

                God wants His children to experience His love and provisions firsthand. When we feel weak, we can turn to Him for He can save us. Let us continue to pursue a personal relationship with Him and let Him lead our lives.


                1. God’s Grace ________ our Shortcomings

                God doesn’t favour the strong and sinless but He has compassion to the weak and sinners. God’s invitation of salvation is for everyone so we can come as we are. We can come to Him without pretention for He accepts our shortcomings. Now, we can come as we are but we can’t stay as we are. We need to turn from our wicked ways and look to the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

                31-Jan-21: Living a Life Worth Dying For - by Pastor Jonathan Bernardo


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                2 Corinthians 11:22-33

                By: Pastor Jonathan Bernardo

                What would make you live a life only to know that you’ll have a lot more pain than pleasure?  More persecution than approval? More adversity than glory? What would make you endure the torture?  Maybe we’re being short-sighted by thinking that we ought to avoid and prevent going through struggles at all cost.  But perhaps the cost to undergo such burdens pales in comparison to the ultimate prize that awaits.  So, if you trust God’s ultimate plan of glory, why would you not accept the process that comes with it so you can live a life worth dying for?
                1.  Be freed from a false sense of ____________ (vv. 22-23)
                2.  Be firm with the true sense of ____________ (vv. 23-29)
                3.  Be found with a real sense of _____________ (vv. 30-33)
                4.  Inspiration / Application / Celebration
                Praying for another inspiring and transforming time in the word and in worship of the One who makes all things possible!

                24-Jan-21: God's Perseverance Despite Pain by Pastor Narry Santos


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                2 Corinthians 4:16-17

                By: Pastor Narry Santos

                We continue with our 4 th message in the 6-part series on “God’s Care in Continuing Crises,” based on some passages in 2 Corinthians. This series is anchored on the main theme of “Deep Change: Christlikeness in Continuing Crises.” How do we gain God’s perspective despite our pain? 2 Cor. 4:16-18 tells us how.


                I. DO NOT BE FAINT-HEARTED (4:16-17)

                Paul concludes the chapter in the same way he started it: “we do not lose heart” (4:1, 16). Despite all his difficulties and suffering in ministry, Paul affirms that he does not give up (because the ministry is from God [4:1], he has the hope of the resurrection 4:14] and his wants to serve the Corinthians for God’s glory [4:14]). He gives two more reasons for not being faint-hearted (spiritual renewal [4:16b] and increasing glory [4:17]). In our suffering, instead of being faint-hearted, be faith-


                II. FOCUS ON THE ETERNAL (4:18)

                Paul gives “not this but this” proposal: fix our eyes “not on what is seen, but on what is unseen” (4:18a), because “what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (4:18b). This is not a negation of the value of the physical and material world, but an affirmation of the greater value of setting our affections on the realm above and on lasting realities. In our weakness, fix our hope on heavenly values and sights.

                17-Jan-21: God's Perseverance Despite Problems by Pastor Marvin Catanus


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                2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (Focus on 3-10)

                By: Pastor Marvin Catanus

                The Context

                Grace is not to be taken lightly
                2 Cor. 6:1-2

                Marks of Service to God
                2 Cor. 6:3-10
                There will be loss in the calling – Apostles example
                In the turmoil, God will be manifested

                Christian Defense in Battle
                2 Cor. 6:8-10
                Looking at these Antitheses

                How do we persevere?
                2 Corinthians 6:7
                “by the Word of Truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness…”

                10-Jan-21: God's Protection Despite Perplexity by Pastor Narry Santos


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                (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)

                By: Dr. Narry F. Santos

                This week, Pastor Narry Santos delivers the 2nd in the 6-part series of messages on the theme: “God’s Protection Despite Pressue.”

                The series is anchored on the main theme of “Deep Change: Christ-Likeness in Continuing Crises.”

                We know that in the midst of continuing crises, deep change is possible, even if we are perplexed and don’t understand many things and why certain things happen. In the context of suffering and weakness, we can experience God’s power.


                Message Outline:

                Today, we continue our second message in the series on “God’s Care in Continuing Crises,” based on some passages in 2 Corinthians. We know that in the midst of continuing crises, deep change is possible, even if we are perplexed and don’t understand many things and why certain things happen. In the context of suffering and weakness, we can experience God’s power. Based on 2 Cor. 4:7-12, how does God show His power?

                • GOD SHOWS HIS POWER IN OUR WEAKNESS (4:7-9)

                 Paul reveals the contrast between divine power and human weakness through these words: “treasure in jars of clay” (4:17a). This treasure refers to the message of salvation in Christ and the deep change it brings through the Spirit. The jars of clay pictures our ordinariness (in contrast to the special treasure) and unworthiness (1 Tim. 1:13; 1 Cor. 15:9; Eph. 3:8; 1 Tim. 1:16), anchored on God’s mercy & grace.  Why does God do all this? To show that all this all-surpassing power is from God, and not from us (v. 7b) That’s why Paul could withstand the weakness in vv. 8-9. For any perplexity or weakness, claim God’s all-surpassing power.

                • GOD SHOWS HIS POWER IN OUR SUFFERING (4:10-12)

                  Paul reveals the contrast between power and suffering through the example of Jesus (13:4). Jesus was humiliated and was crucified; He suffered and died; yet He lives through the power of the resurrection. So, Paul patterns his sufferings after the model of Christ for the sake of Christ, expressed in the words “We always carry around our body the death of Jesus” (v. 10a)–referring to how he suffered intensely for Jesus (4:11b) and bore physical scars from wounds inflicted by beating and stoning (6:5, 9; 11:23-25). Why did Paul endure his sufferings? So that “the life of Christ may also be revealed in our body,” (4:10a, 11a) referring to the evidence of his deep change in spiritual life; 3:18). His suffering for Christ benefitted him through the experience of God’s power for him (12:9-10) and transformation for others (Col. 1:24). When we suffer for Christ, let’s claim God’s power as well.

                3-Jan-21: God's Protection Despite Pressure by Pastor Narry Santos


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                (2 Corinthians 1:8-11)

                 By: Dr. Narry F. Santos

                On this first weekend of 2021, we open with a 6-part series on “God’s Care in Continuing Crises,” based on some passages in 2 Corinthians. This series is anchored on the main theme of “Deep Change: Christlikeness in Continuing Crises.” As we entered the new year, we already felt the pressure of the continuing pandemic. How can we experience God’s protection despite pressure? 2 Cor. 1:8-11 tells us how.


                I. DECLARE OUR DESPERATION FOR GOD (1:8-9)

                The Corinthian believers were aware of Paul’s troubles but had no idea of the intensity of his great pressure (1:8). It could have been an extreme illness (12:7-8), outbreak of persecution or mob violence (like riot in Ephesus [Acts 19]), or flogging (see 11:23). He felt that he was about to die, knowing that God is the God “who raises the dead” (2 Cor. 1:9b). The lesson Paul learned in this extreme experience is “that we might not rely on ourselves but on God” (1:9a). In 2021, God brings us to a place of powerlessness and desperation to see our need for Him.


                II. DEPEND ON THE DELIVERANCE OF GOD (1:10-11)

                 The Corinthian believers were informed of God’s previous deliverance and the assurance of His future deliverance to Paul (1:10a). Paul’s hope is placed on God’s power to protect. A means that God chooses to deliver His people is through their prayers (1:11a). When God answers these prayers, we see thanksgiving come from many people. In 2021, God will bring us to His place of power and deliverance in answer to many prayers before Him.

                2020 Sermons

                27-Dec 20: Celebrate Jesus in Your Life Race - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

                Celebrate Jesus in Your Life Race

                Heb 12:1-3

                By Pastor Marvin Catanus

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                – Christianity is about being conformed to the image of Jesus by occupying our lives with the constant devotion, love and submission to Him
                – Christ lives in me, in us. (Gal 2:20)
                – Enduring Faith – as we are surrounded by great clouds of witnesses, we lay aside every obstacle, the sin that so easily entangles us and run with endurance
                – Jesus is the originator of the faith, being the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb 6:19-20)
                – Things seen are temporal, things not seen are eternal (2 Cor 4:16-18)
                – I have fought the good fight – Apostle Paul (2 Tim 4:6-8)
                Hebrews 12:1-3 Celebrate Jesus in your Life Race

                Christianity is being conformed in the image Jesus Christ.
                “For me to live is Christ.” (Phil 1:21)
                “Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20).

                Enduring Faith
                Great cloud of witnesses
                Lay aside every Obstacle
                The sin which so easily entangles us
                Run with Endurance

                “But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:11-12).

                “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:8-11).

                The Goal set before us
                Christ-likeness, “that we may share His holiness” (Hebrews 12: 10).

                Fixing our eyes only on Jesus
                “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (ESV).
                “Fixing our eyes on Jesus”
                “Author and Perfecter of our faith”
                “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

                Perfect example of faith
                “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel” (John 5:19-20).
                “I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 5:30).
                “Joy set before Him”
                “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full” (John 15:11).
                “endured the cross”
                “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit” (1 Peter 3:18).
                “Consider Him”
                “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

                How are you running?
                “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:6-8).

                20-Dec 20: Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration (Part 2) - by Pastor Narry Santos

                Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration

                Heb 1:1-3

                By Pastor Narry Santos

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                13-Dec 20: Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration - by Pastor Narry Santos

                Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration

                Matthew 1:1-17

                By Pastor Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                6-Dec 20: Passing the Test of Tomorrow - by Bro James Diolanda

                Passing the Test of Tomorrow

                James 5:7-11

                By Bro James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                1. As we wait, prepare for His provision.
                2. As we wait, put away our protesting.
                3. As we wait, practice perseverance.
                29-Nov 20: Passing the Test of Trust - by Pastor Ferdie Umali

                Passing the Test of Trust

                James 4:13-17

                By Ptr Ferdie Umali

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Today, we will continue to discover practical ways to put legs on our faith – that is to behave according to what we believe. We have heard about the tests of treasures, trials, tongue, temptations, truth and temper for the past six weeks. And to continue our study on the book of James, we will be dealing about PASSING THE TEST OF TRUST.

                In chapter four of his letter, James has put us on trial with regards to covetousness and conflict (vv.1-10) and speaking evil against someone (vv.11-12). In the Bible text that we are going to look at, we will learn about the danger of planning without consulting God. We will discover that in order for us to pass this TEST OF TRUST, we need to:

                1. AVOID boasting about self and our plans (vv. 13-14,16).
                2. ALIGN our life and actions with the will of God (v.15).
                3. ACKNOWLEDGE that sins of omission lead to sins of commission (v.17).
                22-Nov 20: Passing the Test of Temper - by Pastor Narry Santos

                Passing the Test of Temper

                James 1:19-20

                Ephesians 4:31-32

                By Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                15-Nov 20: Passing the Test of Truth - by Pastor Marvin Catanus

                Passing the Test of Truth

                James 2:14-26

                By Ptr Marvin Catanus

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                8-Nov 20: Passing the Test of Temptations - by Ptr Narry Santos

                Passing the Test of Temptations

                James 1:13 to 18

                By Ptr Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                1. We are the Source of our Temptation (1:13-14a)


                2. Fight Temptation by Fleeing (2 Tim 2:22a)

                Four Applications

                – Name the temptations that entrap us

                – Stay out or get out of temptations

                – Keep saying “No” to temptations

                – Be vigilant to pray and be watchful of our spiritual well-being





                1-Nov 20: The Importance of Taming the Tongue by Bro. James Diolanda

                The Importance of Taming the Tongue – “Tongue in Check”

                James 3: 1-12

                By Bro James Diolanda

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                As we continue our sermon series on Life’s a Test. Let’s Pass it, we will be focusing on passing the test of the tongue. God gave us a gift of speech and a powerful tongue to use it for His glory. Instead, we find ways to use it to discourage, curse and hurt others. As Christians, we must be a beacon of hope and spread love to others. Let’s build up relationships and be encouragers as we promote peace during this pandemic. Today, we will learn 3 reasons why taming the tongue is beneficial for us and to hopefully we can pass the test of tongue.


                1. Taming the Tongue is a Staple for Social Manners

                Jesus was able to connect with His audience by speaking with love and compassion. He understands the importance of having Social Manners in building relationships. Similarly, we must think before we talk and translate our words thoughtfully so we can reach out more effectively. Will we take our time to say nice things to others?


                 2. Taming the Tongue is a Sign of Spiritual Maturity

                If we are able to hold our tongues and be mindful of our speeches we will then display spiritual maturity. We will be harvesting the fruits of the spirit and honoring God and His creation. Controlling this small part of our body can be a good gauge of our spiritual level in relating to others. How mature are we in taming our tongue?


                1. Taming the Tongue requires a Steady Strong Mind

                Taming the tongue is easier said that done especially if you’re not in the heat of the moment. Once we find ourselves in a heightened moment, will we be able to keep our tongue in check? Hopefully we can constantly be watchful with our words and be strong with our conviction to only use it for His glory. Will we remember to be kind in the middle of a heated conversation?





                25-Oct 20: Passing the Test of Trials by Ptr. Narry Santos

                Passing the Test of Trials

                James 1: 1-8

                By Pastor Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Today, we continue our 2-month series on “Life Is a Test: Let’s Pass It!” based on the Book of James. If we view life as a test, then we see what happens to us as opportunities to learn, grow, and develop. God usually tests us to grow in character, faith, obedience, love, loyalty, and integrity. That’s what discipleship is—learning to be Christ-like in all these areas. In the James, we will go through 8 tests in discipleship. For today, we will take the test of trials, based on James 1:1-8?

                1. PERSEVERE IN GOD (1:1-4)

                 We always face trials of many kinds (external trials in the form of tests & internal trials in the form of temptations). These tests put our faith to the test. Will our faith persevere (vv. 3, 12)? Remember that the message of the mess is maturity (v. 4). Though we may never be perfect on earth (or sinless) in our faith, we are still to grow in maturity & be “complete” (growing in many aspects of the Christian life).

                2. ASK HELP FROM GOD (1:5)

                People who face trials usually lack wisdom (or God-given understanding that makes us avoid sin & live righteously). We are to always ask God for wisdom, because He is generous (v. 5), not a faultfinder. Though He knows our deficiencies, he withdraws nothing good from us. Just ask Him in prayer.

                3. BELIEVE IN GOD (1:6-8)

                The lack or absence of faith leads to instability (v. 6) & never pleases God (v. 7). Remember the description of a person who doubts: “unstable” (or divided in mind & wavering between 2 options). As a result, that person is indecisive what one does (v. 8). So, whatever our trial is, let us believe God, no matter what happens or does not happen.


                11-Oct 20: Thanking God When We Would Rather Not by Ptr. Narry Santos


                (Psalm 46:1-11)

                By Pastor Narry Santos

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                On this unusual Thanksgiving weekend, we affirm our commitment to thank God, when it is easier not to. Thanking God during this continuing pandemic is a healthy way to celebrate this holiday that is like no other. According to Psalm 46, what can we be thankful for, whatever our crisis or challenge may be?

                I. THANK GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION (46:1-3)

                We can be thankful for God’s ever-present help in a protective capacity (i.e., “refuge” [or “safe height, strong rock”]; “abundantly available” to aid). It is our confident basis for saying, “We will not fear” (v. 2). This confidence, amid troubling catastrophes, is spelled out by the psalmist in the 1st stanza (vv. 1-3). Let’s thank God for protecting us.


                II. THANK GOD FOR HIS PRESENCE (46:4-7)

                We can also be thankful for God’s assuring presence, in contrast to the chaos around us (v. 6). The “river” (v. 4a) is figurative of God’s favour & grace to His city (Jerusalem) – symbolic of His living presence. Thus, the comforting refrain is: “The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is a fortress to us” (v. 7). Let’s thank God for being present with us.


                III. THANK GOD FOR HIS POWER (46:8-11)

                We can even be thankful for God’s power, as reflected in the vision of the Lord’s final work of destroying all His enemies (vv. 8-9). Thus, the command is to “be still & know that I am God” (v. 10a). We are to recognize His Lordship & authority over nature & history. We are to also cease our efforts to usurp His sovereignty. Let’s thank God for His power in and through us.

                4-Oct 20: - Don't Mind the Age Gap by Bro James Diolanda

                Don’t Mind the Age Gap – by Bro James Diolanda

                I Thess 4:9-12

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                27 Sept 20: - Staying Truthful & Trustworthy Where We Work, Learn & Live by Ptr Narry Santos
                Staying Truthful & Trustworthy Where We Work, Learn & Live – by Ptr Narry Santos

                Joshua 2:1-24

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Watch the Sermon: Watch Now

                As we continue our Fall series called “Serving Where We Work, Learn, & Live,” we need to learn how to stay truthful and trustworthy in the workplace, school, and home front—especially if we are exposed to practices that bend, change, or manipulate truth at will. How do we develop into becoming people who tell the truth and not live a lie? In Joshua 2:1-24, we will see how truth plays an important part in trust and trustworthiness.


                • TRUTH LEADS US TO TRUST GOD (2:1-11)

                Rahab, the prostitute (2:1), was commended for her faith (Heb. 11:31; Jam. 2:25; cf. Matt. 1:5). Despite her questionable background she knew what God did in the past for His people (Josh. 2:10); she was convinced of what God will do in the future for them (2:9); she responded with trust to God in the present (2:11, 24). Though we may question her lying to protect the two Israelite spies (2:1-7), we cannot question her faith, which shone despite the risk to life and charge of treason. Let’s grow in both truth and trust in God!


                • TRUTH LEADS US TO BE TRUSTWORTHY (2:12-24)

                Rahab demanded trustworthiness from the spies; she wanted “kindness” (or reciprocal relationship of caring; 2:12). In response, the spies pledged trustworthiness (2:14a), as they also demanded the same trustworthiness (2:14b, 17-20), which Rahab also agreed to give (2:21). Note how trustworthiness breeds more trust not just in God but also in one another. Let’s grow in both truth and trustworthiness with each other!


                20 Sept 20: - An Achan Example- by Ptr Marvin Catanus
                An Achan Example – by Ptr Marvin Catanus

                Joshua 7:10-21

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                Introduction and Context

                Prosperity to Vulnerability

                Fear and Self Confidence

                Pray before anything else

                Part of the Body/Community

                Stages of Sin


                Maintaining Integrity and Character

                Rom 12:2


                13 Sept 20: - Handling the Stresses of Work and School- by Ptr Narry Santos
                Handling the Stresses of Work and School – by Ptr Narry Santos

                Numbers 20:1-13

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                Watch the Recorded Sermon here: Watch Now

                Today, we continue our new series called “Serving Where We Work, Learn, & Live.” When we think of serving God, we usually think of serving Him in church. Serving God this way is part of it, but we can also serve God where we work, learn, and live. Nowadays, it may all be in one place. How can we handle the stresses in this place or spaces and still be able to serve God there? Using the episode in Moses’ ministry in light of Israel’s negative attitudes in the desert, we will learn tough lessons in tough situations.



                • DON’T GRUMBLE BUT GET GOD’S GUIDANCE (20:1-8)



                At Kadesh, the first-generation Israelites were whining (13:26) and after 38 years the second-generation Israelites came back to it also whining (20:1). The people had gone full circle in their grumbling and quarreling (Exod. 15:22-27; Num. 11:1; 12:1; 14:2; 16:3). Every time they grumbled God dealt with them head-on. But they still did not learn their lesson well. Let’s not grumble from our heart, when we are at work, school, or home.



                • DON’T HARBOR ANGER, BUT HOLD ON TO GOD (20:9-13)



                At Kadesh, Moses was very stressed, because of the death of his sister, Miriam (20:1b). For 38 years, he led the people faithfully and when they grumbled, he humbled himself, came to the Lord and prayed for them (Exod. 15:25a; 17:4; Num. 11:2; 12:13; 14:5; 16:4:20:6). After this episode, Moses received the added stress of Edom’s harshness (20:14-21) and Aaron’s death (20:22-29). At least twice, Moses was showing some cracks in his stress management (Num. 11:10b-15; 16:15). As a result, Moses disobeyed God (20:9-11). Moses became resentful (20:10), rebellious (20:24; 27: 14), & rash (Psa. 106:32-33). But in God’s eyes, the main issue in Moses’s sin is that he “did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites” (20:12a). Let’s not harbor anger from our heart, when we work or study from home.


                6-Sept 20: - How to Keep Greed Away in a Selfie World - Less is More - by Bro James DIolanda
                Less is More – by Bro James Diolanda

                (I Timothy 6:17-19)

                Let us start our New Series with this question: How well do we serve God? As we welcome the month of September, we will also be diving into our new Sermon series entitled “Serving Where We Work, Learn and Live”. Today, we will focus on the temptation of having more than we need. What do we do when God blesses us so much? How do we distribute the blessings He has given us? We will learn how having Less is actually gaining More than what we could ask for.

                1. The Less I Crave, the more _Content_ I am

                The world promotes having excess is a good thing. We crave for what’s out there and we think it gives us the satisfaction we are looking for. God is reminding us that He provides everything we need and we can only find true contentment in Him.



                1. The Less I Get Worked Up, the more I _Give_ Out

                If we get so preoccupied with having too much, we will carry an unnecessary stress in our lives. God doesn’t want us to get too caught up with being anxious, but instead He wants us to experience freedom. Let’s be mindful on how we distribute the resources God has given us.



                1. The Less I Stash on Earth, the more I _Store__Up in Heaven.

                Apostle Paul reminds Timothy that Earth is our temporary home so we must start to invest eternally in Heaven. Hoarding material things can only give us temporary happiness. God is encouraging us to save up on Heavenly things.


                30 August 20: - Recycling Our Pain - by Ptr Ferdie Umali
                Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups – Recycling Our Pain – by Ptr Ferdie Umali

                (1 Corinthians 1:3-7) 

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now 


                Sermon Summary: As Christians, when trials and tribulations come, we normally pray and ask others to intercede for us. But there is greater benefit when we praise God amidst difficulties because when we act this way, we “recycle” our pain so others could benefit from us as well. So when we experience troubles, we should:
                (1) REMEMBER who God is to us – “the God of all comfort”(v.3);
                (2) REFLECT on what God does for us – “comforts us in all our troubles” (v.4a); and
                (3) REDISCOVER what God can do through us – ”so that we can comfort those in any trouble” (v.4b).

                When we overcome pressures in life and trust God completely, (1) we share the sufferings of Christ and others (v.7); (2) our comfort overflows (v.5); and (3) we ultimately benefit from it (v.6). The positive effects of all of these are experienced for the glory of the triune God.
                23-August 20: - Maintain the Momentum - by Ptr Narry Santos
                Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups – Maintain the Momentum – by Ptr Narry Santos

                (Mark 14:32-42) 

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                16-August 20: - Joy From Being Forgiven - by Ptr Marvin Catanus
                Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups – Joy from being Forgiven – by Ptr Marvin Catanus

                (Psalm 32:1-11) 

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                Joy because my sins are forgiven
                (Psalm 32:1–2)

                Guilt gets in the way of the Joy
                There is a connection between guilt and depression
                Psalm 32:3–4 – David expresses the emotional pain associated with guilt

                Emotional experiences that come with guilt
                Being Silent (32:3)

                (Psalm 32:3)
                (Psalm 66:18)
                David cut off communication with God.

                Despair and Sorrow (32:4)
                (Psalm 32:4)

                Running and Hiding
                (Psalm 32:5)
                David hid his sin from God
                For over a year David tried to live with his secret guilt

                If you are weighed down by guilt because of your sin, there is hope
                Forgiveness for their sins
                Joy because God does not charge him with sin
                (Psalm 32:1–2)

                Confession leads to Forgiveness and Forgiveness leads to Joy
                (Psalm 32:5–6)
                Confession is to agree with God about them
                (1 John 1:9)

                Joy Experiences
                (Psalm 32:8-11)


                9-August 20: - Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups - First Step to Recovery - Ptr Narry Santos
                Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups – First Step to Recovery – Ptr Narry Santos

                (Romans 7:14-25)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                2-August 20: - Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups - Let Go and Let God - Bro James Diolanda
                Recovering from Hurtful Habits and Hang Ups – Let Go and Let God – Bro James Diolanda

                (Matthew 11:28-30)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                26-July20: - Renewing Evangelism - God's Way to Him by Ptr Narry Santos
                Renewing Evangelism – God’s Way to Him 

                (Acts 21:40 – Acts 22:11)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                19-July20: - Renewing Evangelism - God Calls Us for a Mission by Ptr Marvin Catanus
                Renewing Evangelism – God Calls Us for a Mission  (Acts 26:12-18)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                12-July20: -Deliverance in the Midst of Defiance - by Ptr Jonathan Bernardo
                Deliverance in the Midst of Defiance (Acts 9:1-9)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                Grace is the deep truth and reality of God’s love because it reaches out even in the midst of our own rebellion.  What we can take away from the story of Saul’s conversion is that even in our defiance, God sends us His deliverance through Christ. We are never too far away from Him not to hear His call and never too far away from Him that we are beyond the reach of His grace and forgiveness.  We see that in the life of Saul who went against God; took the opposite direction; yet God in His infinite mercy pursued him even when he stood as the Lord’s enemy.


                1. Committed to a wrong ___conviction____ (vv. 1-2; 13-14)


                2. ___Called_________ by the will of Christ (vv. 3-14)


                3. Commissioned to a worthy ____cause________ (vv. 15-22)


                4. Inspiration / Application / Celebration
                5-July20: -Seek Good, Hate Evil by Bro James Diolanda
                Seek Good, Hate Evil (Amos 5:14-15)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                28-June20: Conducting Character Check-Ups for Leaders - by Ptr Narry Santos

                (Titus 1:7-8)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now

                21-June20: Radical Dads - by Bro. James Diolanda
                RADICAL DADS

                (1 Peter 1:3-11)

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!

                It not an easy task to be a dad so we must find the best guideline on how to raise children and build a family. We are blessed to have our Heavenly Father as our example and He has given us His instructions in His Word. Fathers are being portrayed as lazy and unemotional by the media and we must go against this negative perception about that.

                Let’s be Radical Dads and learn how to be Christian Fathers just as how God called us to be.

                Provide Faith

                1. Radical Dads Need to ______ after a Holy Life

                Verse: 3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.


                Protect Fully

                2. Radical Dads Need to ______ with Godly Values

                Verse: 5 for this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love


                Lead by Example

                3. Radical Dads need to ________ in Character

                Verse: 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure; they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.


                Love Earnestly

                4. Radical Dads need to be _______ Every Moment

                Verse: 10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

                Going Back to the Basics on Fellowship Series (BALANCE)
                Making our Character Count When We Can’t Count on our Future

                Click on the Plus sign next to the sermon title to read the sermon notes.

                14-June20: Harvesting the Spirit's Fruit in a Fear-Filled Season by Ptr. Narry Santos

                (Galatians 5:22-23)

                Online Message: Watch Now

                Watch the Recorded Worship Service: Watch Now


                Today, we begin a new series called “Making Character Count in Challenging Days.” In a time of crisis, it’s important to grow in character. And character development happens when spiritual formation occurs. In other words, we are most Christ-like when we are Spirit-led. The leading of the Spirit is evident through the fruit of the Spirit (note: the fruit is singular & character-based, involving our aptitudes, attitudes, & actions). Using Gal. 5:22-23, what do the different aspects of the Spirit’s fruit do to our character?




                The 1st set of 3 “fruit” expressions involves the mind that nurtures the heart: (1) “love” – selfless self-sacrificing concern for the well-being of another; (2) “joy” – great delight & gladness of heart resulting in knowing & serving God; & (3) “peace” – tranquility of soul & sense of fulfillment that comes from God’s presence. Let’s grow in love, joy, & peace in this pandemic season.





                The 2nd set of 3 “fruit” expressions initiates relationships that aspire for harmony: (1) “patience” – steadfast endurance amidst adversity; long-suffering under provocation with no thought of retaliation; (2) “kindness” – generous aid in times of need; readiness to help with benevolent sentiments; & (3) “goodness” – uprightness of spirit leading to a gracious desire to benefit others. Let’s grow in patience, kindness, & goodness in this pandemic season.





                The 3rd set of 3 “fruit” expressions includes actions that result in life-giving habits: (1) “faithfulness” – loyalty; dependability; fidelity to keep promises; dedication; (2) “gentleness” – power & strength under control; tender disposition; & (3) “self-control” – restraint & discipline over one’s behavior; temperate, sober, & clam approach to life. Let’s grow in faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control in this pandemic season.

                7-June-20: Developing the Habits of the Heart by Ptr. Marvin Catanus

                Developing the Habits of the Heart (Colossians 3:10-14)

                Online Message: Watch Now

                How to Grow in Emotional Health Despite Uncertain Times (Studies from Selected Psalms)
                Click on the Plus sign next to the sermon title to read the sermon notes.
                31-May-20: King of Impossible by Bro. James Diolanda

                King of Impossible (Exodus 17:8-16)

                Online Message: Watch Now


                As the government eases up on the restrictions, it feels like things are slowly going back to normal. However there is still the threat of a second wave and a possible bigger outbreak if we are not careful. In this scary and stressful situation God is reminding us of who He is. He is All-Powerful and our Great Provider and when our backs are against the wall, He will give us victory. Let’s look at how He delivered the Israelites against a skilled enemy to show them that He is the King of Impossible.


                1. In Chaos, Listen to His Instructions

                The Israelites were caught off guard by the Amalekites’ attack. So Moses gave people instructions to overcome the enemy. God will surely guide us to victory and all we need to do is to listen attentively.


                1. In Confusion, Let Him Work

                Our minds work in the realm of logic while God works in the realm of impossibility. His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways. Let’s not limit God’s capability by putting it in a box called common sense and instead let’s be faithful and watch Him work.


                1. In the Cusp of Victory, Lift Him Up

                Moses built an altar and called it “the Lord is my Banner” to remind them of God’s power and provision when they were in a stressful situation. Let us not forget Him in every season of our lives.

                24-May-20: How to Start Over Again When Things Fall Apart by Ptr. Narry Santos


                (Psalm 130:1-8)

                Online Message: Watch Now


                Today, we conclude our sermon series called “How to Grow in Emotional Health Despite Uncertain Times,” from selected psalms. Today, we look at Psalm 130 (a psalm of penitence or confession of sins before God). Using this psalm, how do we start over when we fall or when things fall apart (like in a pandemic)?



                1. CALL ON GOD’S MERCY & FORGIVENESS (130:1-4)

                Sin is described as being in “the depths” (or being alienated from God). From that weight of sin & heaviness of trouble (v. 1), we’re called to cry out for mercy (v. 2). Why? Because God keeps no record of sins (v. 3) & forgives (v. 4). As a result, we can “stand” (or enjoy God’s presence again) & “fear” (or reverently respect) Him. Let’s commit to receive God’s cleansing!


                2. CLAIM GOD’S HOPE & LOVE (130:5-8)

                Hope (vv. 5b, 7a) waits (vv. 5a, 6)! It anticipates God’s new act of salvation. It deeply longs for God to free the people from the heaviness that sin brings. When we fail, hold on to His unfailing love (v. 7b) and full deliverance (v. 7c, 8) from the sins that plague us. Let’s commit to claim His love & put our hope in Him always!

                17-May-20: Praising God - How to Grow in Joy by Ptr. Marvin Catanus

                PRAISING GOD – HOW TO GROW IN JOY (Psalm 150)

                Online Message: Watch Now


                Praising God – Growth in Joy
                Scripture: Psalm 150


                I. PRAISE WHERE?

                A. Sanctuary
                Verse 1: “Praise ye the Lord; Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.”

                B. Firmament


                II. PRAISE WHY?
                Verse 2 says , “Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him for the excellence of his greatness.”

                A. His Gifts to us – Action
                Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

                B.  His Character


                III. PRAISE HOW?

                Verses 3-5: “Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.”

                A.  With Instruments

                B.  With Dance

                1 Corinthians 14:40 “Let all things be done decently and in order.”


                IV. PRAISE WHO SHOULD?

                A. Heavenly Hosts

                B. People



                In Philppians 4:6-7

                “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”


                In John 16:33

                “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

                10-May-20: Celebrating Moms and Their Ministry in Unusual Times by Ptr. Narry Santos


                (1 Thessalonians 2:6b-9)

                Online Sermon: Watch Now


                As we celebrate Mothers’ Day in these unusual times, it’s important to remember mothers (along with other special women) & their ministry to us. Celebrating moms, special women, & their ministry is a “double” blessing & doubly meaningful, because both mothers & ministry have similar characteristics, & have twin lessons to teach us in our personal life, family life, & church life. In fact, motherhood is a ministry, & ministry must be like motherhood. Using 1 Thessalonians 2:6b-9, what 2 lessons can we learn from both mothers & ministry?


                1. MINISTRY & MOTHERS SHARE LOVE & GENTLENESS (2:6-8)

                 Paul sees his ministry (with Silas & Timothy) of being a blessing (not being a burden [2:6]) to people as similar to the ministry of a “mother caring for her little children” (2:7b). This care of a nursing mother (cf. Num. 11:12) involves showing gentleness (2:7a) and unselfish love (2:8a). Such love does not only relate to the opening of the gospel (2:8a), but also to the opening of their lives (2:8b) to them. The motivation of love is this: “you have become so dear to us” (2:8c). Since mothers (as special women) & ministry share love & gentleness, let’s commit to show love in gentle ways to one another & to those around us (whether in-person or online)!



                Paul also shows his ministry (with Silas & Timothy) of being a blessing (not being a burden [2:9]) to people (whom he addresses as “brothers and sisters” 12x [2:9a; cf. 1:4; 2:1, 14, 17; 3:7; 4:1, 13; 5:1, 4, 12, 25]) through their “toil and hardship” (2:9a). Their willingness to sacrifice & suffer leads them to work day and night (2:9b; cf. 2 Thes. 3:8; Acts 18:3), as they also preach the “gospel of God” (2:9c). Ministry & mothers both seek to meet the holistic (both physical & spiritual) needs of those under their care. Since ministry & mothers serve amid labour & hardship, let’s commit to serve one another & those around us (even when we’re apart) to the point of suffering & sacrifice!

                3-May-20: How to Grow in Faith When It's Hard to Trust by Ptr. Narry Santos


                (Psalm 46:1-11)

                Online Sermon: Watch Now

                Today, we continue the new series called “How to Grow in Emotional Health Despite Uncertain Times,” based on our study from selected psalms. So far, we have learned how to grow in wisdom and grief. Through Psalm 46 (psalm of trust), we will now learn to grow in faith, even when it’s difficult to trust that things will be better.


                1. ACKNOWLEDGE THAT GOD IS GOD TO YOU (46:10b)

                God says, “Know that I am God” (46:10a). The encouragement is that God can be known and wants us to know Him. Note: how can we trust a God whom we cannot and do not know? The context of knowing God is the future vision of wars that God will overcome (46:9) and that will set the stage for God being exalted among all the peoples on earth (46:10b). Since God will finally overcome later, we can fully rust Him now.


                2. APPRECIATE WHAT GOD IS LIKE FOR YOU (46:1, 7, 11)

                God is our “refuge” (shelter from danger), or fortress (high safe place), showing His protection of us. God is our “strength” & “Lord Almighty” (Lord of armies or hosts), showing His power. God is our “ever-present help” & “God-with-us” God, showing His presence. Since God protects us, is powerful in us, & present with us (46:2, 7, 11), then we can trust Him more.


                3. ACCEPT WHAT GOD CAN DO IN YOU (46:2-3, 10a)

                God’s revelation of His trustworthiness requires a response from us in two ways: (1) do not fear (46:2) – have resolute faith & confidence in God, despite disturbing catastrophes (46:3); & (2) “be still” (46:10a) – do not panic; do not usurp for ourselves what belongs to God; submit. Since God is trustworthy, we can trust Him always.

                26-Apr-20: How to Grow in Wisdom When We're Confused by Ptr. Narry Santos


                (Psalm 1:1-6)

                Online Sermon: Watch Now


                Today, we start the new series called “How to Grow in Emotional Health Despite Uncertain Times,” based on a study from selected psalms. Mental health refers to the ability to process & understand info & experiences, while emotional health refers to the ability to manage & express feelings based on the info & experiences that are processed. The series seeks to explore how we can develop mental & emotional health, despite uncertain times. Using Psalm 1:1-6, how can we grow in wisdom when we’re confused?


                1. NURTURE OUR RELATIONAL LIFE (1:1, 4-6)

                We grow in our relational life when we follow the way of the wise. This way has two results: (1) God makes us “blessed” (which means, God brings us to right relationships with God & others), when we nurture healthy relations. Healthy relations are developed when we “walk,” stand,” & “sit” with wise people (1:1); & (2) God watches over us (literally, “knows” us), when we follow the way of the way and not the way of the wicked (1:6). The “way” refers to the whole manner of living. In the midst of the uncertainty & confusion COVID-19 brings, let’s improve our emotional health by nurturing our relationships.


                2, NOURSIH OUR INNER LIFE (1:2-3)

                We grow in our inner life, when we do 2 things: (1) we “meditate” on God’s Word (1:2b) – to “meditate” means to reflect on God and what He says in the course of our daily lives. This involves study & retention of God’s instruction in our mind; & (2) we “delight” in God’s Word (1:2a) – to “delight” means to desire the study, retention, & meditation of God’s Word. This involves an earnest yearning, not dutiful drudgery. The result of meditating & delighting in God’s Word is an ever-growing life of freshness & fruitfulness (1:3; see Psa. 92:12-15). When we go AWOL (A-Worn-Out Life), let’s replenish our soul by nourishing our inner life.

                19-Apr-20: How to Grow in Grief (Lament Psalm) by Ptr. Marvin Catanus
                Discovering Christ Series
                Just click on the plus more sign next to the sermon title. It will expand to show the sermon notes.
                12-Apr-20: Easter Sunday - Experiencing Jesus in the Middle of a Crisis by Dr.. Narry Santos
                Pastoral Prayer by Pastor Ferdie Umali : Watch Now

                Online Message Link: Watch Now

                CommunionWatch Now

                Closing PrayerWatch Now

                Word of encouragement: Watch Now


                (John 6:35; 8:12; 10:7, 11)

                As we reflect on the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, it’s important to explore how we can experience Him in the middle of an ever-expanding crisis. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s reassuring to come to someone we can trust. We can trust Jesus, who despite His passion and death, overcame the world and gave us life. Based on the 1st 4 “I Am” statements of Jesus in John’s Gospel, what do we claim about Jesus?

                1. AS BREAD OF LIFE, JESUS SATISFIES US (6:35)

                Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (6:35). It’s a picture of Jesus as the source of satisfaction. As the bread that gives life, Jesus is whom we need, just as bread in His time was “staple” food for survival & strength. In response, let’s find our satisfaction in Jesus by doing His will (6:38) in this time of crisi

                2. AS LIGHT OF THE WORLD, JESUS CLEANSES US (8:12)

                Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (8:12; see 1:9). It’s a picture of Jesus as the source of knowledge & holiness. It reminds the people of God’s presence through the pillar of cloud & fire in their desert experience. In response, let’s walk in the light (12:46) & do God’s work while we still can (9:4-5) in this time of crisis

                3. AS GATE FOR THE SHEEP, JESUS SHELTERS US (10:7)

                Jesus said, “I am the gate of the sheep (10:7). It’s a picture of Jesus’ protection and shelter. The image is that of a shepherd pasturing sheep. At an enclosure, the shepherd takes his place at the doorway & entrance, giving safety in the pasture & security in the enclosure. In response, let’s listen to God’s voice (10:2-4) in prayer in this time of crisis.

                4. AS GOOD SHEPHERD, JESUS CARES FOR US (10:11, 14)

                Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd” (10:11, 14). It’s a picture of Jesus’ constant care. As the “great shepherd” (Heb. 13:20-21) & “chief shepherd” (1 Pet. 5:4), Jesus gave His life for His sheep (Jn. 10:15, 17-18). In response, let’s care for others, by watching out for their good in this time of crisis.

                05-Apr-20: Palm Sunday by James Diolanda
                Pastoral Prayer by Pastor Marvin Catanus : Watch Now

                Online Message Link: Watch Now

                I am Jesus

                (John 11:25-26; 14:6; 15:1)

                Welcome to Palm Sunday! I hope everyone will remember how important this week is to Christians. We will start the Holy Week by knowing who our Messiah is. We will dig deeper into his 7 “I am Statements” in the book of John. I pray that He will continue to reveal Himself to us in this challenging time. Let’s ready our hearts as we discover the Christ in Holy Week.

                I. Jesus is the Bringer of Hope

                Verse: John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

                 II. Jesus is the Bridge to the Father

                Verse: John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

                III. Jesus is the Bearer of Life

                Verse: John 15:1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.

                29-Mar-20: Ministry of the Spirit who Convicts by Dr. Narry Santos
                Pastoral Prayer by Pastor Ferdie Umali: : Watch Now

                Online Message Link: Watch Now



                (John 16:8-11)


                In this time of pandemic concerns, we need the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He conveys to us Jesus’ truth (as Spirit of truth), comforts us (as our Counselor), & convicts us (as the Spirit who convicts). For this concluding message, we will look at the convicting (or convincing/persuading) ministry of our Spirit. Based on John 16:8-11, what do we do when the Spirit convicts us?


                1. WHEN THE SPIRIT CONVICTS OF SIN, LET’S REPENT (16:8-9)

                The Spirit convicts us & the world concerning sin (16:9a). The reason for this conviction is because people do not believe in Jesus (16:9b). Of all the sins people can ever commit, the most basic form of sin (rebellion against God) is unbelief (3:18). It’s unbelief not only about Jesus but unbelief in Him (14:6). Crisis has a way of making people open up to God. Let’s share Jesus to others, as the Spirit persuades. When the Spirit also convicts us, let’s repent (Acts 17:30) & change in this time of crisis.



                The Spirit convicts us & the world concerning righteousness (16:10a). The reason for this conviction is because Jesus was going back to the Father (16:10b), as a reference to His ascension (after His death & resurrection). Since He was going back to the Father, He needed to send the Spirit to persuade people of Christ’s righteousness fulfilled at the cross (people thought Jesus was wicked, since only bad people hang on the cross) & of the availability & vindication of this righteousness now (16:27; 1 Tim. 3:16). Let’s motivate people to live rightly in this time of crisis.




                The Spirit convicts us & the world concerning judgment (16:11a). The reason for this conviction is because “the prince of this world now stands condemned” (16:11b). At the cross, Satan is judged & defeated (Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14). Though he is still active (1 Pet. 5:8), his execution is coming (Rev. 20:10). Let’s show & share hope to people in this time of crisis.

                22-Mar-20: Ministry of the Spirit, our Counselor by Dr. Narry Santos (Online Message)
                Praise and Worship Link: Watch Now

                Online Message Link: Watch Now


                (John 14:25-31)

                Today, we continue with the 2nd part of our “Back to Basics” series on the Holy Spirit: “Made New in the Spirit” based on John 14-16. The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to comfort us as our Counselor (Advocate/Helper/Comforter) in times of trouble. Based on John 14:25-31, how do we respond to the Spirit’s comforting ministry?

                1. RECALL THE SPIRIT’S COMFORT FROM JESUS (14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7)

                As our Comforter, the Spirit serves as our Counselor, Advocate, and Helper (14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7). As Counselor, He comes alongside us (Paraclete); as Advocate, He represents us before the Father; as Helper, He meets all our need. Note: the Spirit’s mission of involves the fulness of God (the Father & the Son “sent” the Spirit for a purpose). Let’s recall who the Spirit is & what He does in times of trouble.

                1. REMEMBER THE SPIRIT’S TEACHING ON JESUS (14:25-26)

                As our Comforter, the Spirit teaches & reminds us of what we need to be comforted: all that Jesus has “spoken” while He was still with His disciples (14:25) & “everything I have said to you” (14:26). One key teaching of Jesus is obedience to Him (14:21, 23-24a, 31). We obey even when we don’t fully understand (13:33; 14:28; see 13:22, 25, 28, 36; 14:5, 8) & when we’re tempted to be troubled (14:26b; see 13:18 & 21 betrayal], 38 [denial]; 16:32 [desertion]). Let’s obey the Spirit, even it’s hard to obey.


                As our Comforter, the Spirit brings the peace that Jesus gives and that the world cannot give (14:27). Jesus told His disciples “these things, so that in me you have peace” (16:33), and assured them He has overcome the world, even though in this world they would have trouble (see 20:19-20). Let’s take heart, because the Spirit brings us the peace of Jesus.

                15-Mar-20: Ministry of the Spirit of Truth by Dr. Narry Santos (Online Message)
                08-Mar-20: Discipleship Is Wherever, Whenever, Whatever Jesus Wants by Dr. Narry Santos

                (Luke 9:57-62)

                Today, we continue with our 4-part “Back to Backs” series on discipleship: “Made New in Discipleship.” Based on Luke 9:57-62, how do we keep following Jesus?

                I. FOLLOW JESUS WHEREVER HE WANTS (9:57-58)

                The 1st would-be disciples knew the need to follow Jesus (9:57). He wanted to follow wherever Jesus wanted. But Jesus gave a reality check: He had no home (9:58(. In fact, Jesus was headed to Jerusalem (9:51, 53), where He would suffer & die. The basic test is this: Is the disciple willing to give up what are considered necessities in life?

                II. FOLLOW JESUS WHENEVER HE WANTS (9:59-60)

                The 2nd would-be disciple was called by Jesus to follow Him (9:59). The former wanted to follow Jesus but gave his excuse to first “bury his father” (this implies that he wanted to wait for his father to die & to receive his inheritance from his father). But Jesus told the man to “let the dead bury their own dead (meaning, let the spiritually dead bury the physically dead). In other words, God’s kingdom work is so important that it cannot wait. The basic test is this: Is the disciple willing to give up what he will have to follow Jesus right away?

                III. FOLLOW JESUS WHATEVER HE WANTS (9:61-62)

                The 3rd would-be disciple also wanted to follow Jesus (9:61a) but gave his own excuse: “let me go back & say good-by to my family” (9:61b). But Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand on the plow & looks back is fit for the service in the kingdom of God” (9:62). In other words, Jesus wanted no undivided allegiance. His message is more important than anything else. The basic test is this: Is the disciple willing to give up what he considers as important in life?

                01-Mar-20: Discipleship Is Surrender to Jesus by Bro. James Diolanda
                Power of Surrender

                (Luke 14:25-35)

                As we continue our sermon series on Discipleship, let’s look at the extreme demands of Jesus on Luke 14:25-35. Jesus laid out His standards on what it takes to be a Disciple. In order to be one, He requires full surrender and devotion. It’s in our human nature to be in control of everything so the idea of “surrender” scares us. We also view surrender with negative connotation. We think that it’s a sign of weakness, defeat, and loss of control.

                Today, we will change our mindset and let’s discover that there is Power in Surrendering to Jesus.

                I. We Become more Focused

                Jesus insisted for everyone to turn from their old ways in order to follow Him. This involves “hating” their parents, relatives and even themselves. Keep in mind that Jesus was simply making a point on what it takes to be a true follower. Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.

                II. We Gain Foresight

                Jesus insisted for everyone to look ahead on what’s about to come. Being a disciple is no walk in the park. It’s more than just a feeling, it’s a lifestyle. We need to go all-in as we pursue a life with Him. Let’s make every effort to persevere in obeying Him even when it feels impossible.

                III. We Become more Faithful

                Understanding what it takes to be a disciple should motivate us to live a Christ-like life. This involves letting go of everything that is holding us back in following Him.  Let’s make a stand to surrender everything to Jesus.

                23-Feb-20: Discipleship Is Devotion to Jesus by Dr. Narry Santos


                (John 12:1-8)

                Today, we continue with our new 4-part “Back to Backs” series on discipleship: “Made New in Discipleship.” The 4 sermons emphasize these lessons on discipleship: (1) it is devotion to Jesus; (2) it is following Jesus; (3) it is wherever, whenever, whatever Jesus wants; & (4) it is surrender to Jesus. Today, we discuss discipleship as devotion to Jesus. Based on John 12:1-8, what does devotion to Jesus demand from us?

                I. RELINGUISH OUR ALL TO JESUS (12:1-3)

                Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (12:1-2), recklessly gave up her expensive nard (or imported oil prepared from roots & stems of an aromatic herb from northern India) for Jesus (12:3). She wholeheartedly offered to Him her lavish gift, as an expression of her love, devotion, & gratitude. Let’s do the same!

                II. RISK OUR ALL FOR JESUS (12:4-6)

                Judas Iscariot, the betrayer (12:4) & thief (12:6), charged Mary of lavish waste (12:5). The charge hid his intent to benefit himself. He did not really want to help the poor. In fact, he showed a high regard for financial values, not human or divine values. Let’s not do the same!

                III. RECEIVE RESPECT FROM JESUS (12:7-8)

                Jesus, the deserving recipient of all that we have, defended Mary for her sensitivity to His impending death (12:7). He gave honour for her high esteem of Him. His statement about the poor (12:8) is not divine endorsement of poverty nor an encouragement to do nothing about poverty. It implies that poverty has many causes & that people will always have occasions to help the poor (see Mk. 14:7). Let’s prefer God’s honour!

                2019 Sermons

                Sermon Series

                Renewing Evangelism

                Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. 

                Romans 10:17